
Showing posts from December, 2024

Bible Books Which Criticize Their Own People Are Not Evidence For Divine Authorship.

Responding to:  "In that book they described themselves as the idolaters, murderers of prophets who God send, crucify Gods only begotten son, and magnify their evil deeds... Why did they wrote like this??? Because that book is inspired by God, not Peoples." -  Alwin A ------------------------- Alwin A I understand your reasoning.   I invite you to consider a different understanding. First, "The Bible" never says that "The Bible" is inspired. Here is a very recent (short) video  from a popular Bible Scholar  explaining this.  Also, nothing in the Hebrew religious texts  say anything about Jesus.  Moving forward from there, ... In the Hebrew religious texts, men who made strong accusations against their own followers were trying to blame those followers for why their tribe's lives were bad. Those leaders didn't believe in accepting responsibility for being really bad leaders. So they were always looking for someone-or-something else to blame. Somet...

There's No Such Thing As An Original System Of Religious Faith

In response to this: One random person replied with this: "Most orthodox Jews are God fearing and follow the original gods commandments. It is the unfortunate amalgamation of Zionism latching on and intertwining its identity to the same identity which sees those who genuinely follow Judaism in it's purest form. They were those who had the covenant with God and their descendants of them from that place and time onwards. This is nothing to do with most Israeli's that originated from Europe and follow a convoluted version of the original faith, or are agnostic and/ or secular" - Hugo Pasha --------------------------- In reply, I offer this: Taking these in order: 1. "Most orthodox Jews are God fearing" -- I think that's very unfortunate. But, of course, I'm pretty sure you are correct; most of them feel that way about their deity. -------------------------------- 3. "(they) follow the original gods commandments. " -- Just so we're clear...

My "Jerry Springer" Outro; To The Atheist Community

[Note: I cannot get Google's "blogspot" to correctly space any paragraphs, after changing to a larger default font and darker letters. I give up trying to make blogspot work correctly. I apologize in advance for how this blog's spacing looks weird.] Please also note that I purposefully avoided being very specific in the charges I levy against the atheist community. This is so I can avoid making any specific offenders feeling called out. That's partly so that my intentions are not misunderstood. I don't want anyone to think I'm ax-grinding targeted foes on my way out. Nor do I want to provoke community Narcissists into doing "damage control" by attempting to burn my rep down. For the most part, the observations of this blog are about what I've seen happening to other people. Very little of it was ever directed at me personally; so far as I know. I do have a few haters. And they do wield some localized cult-personality influence. Bu...

Why Anti-Theism Is More Rational Than Theism

  Responding to: "While I agree with everything else on this post, I disagree on what’s said about atheism. Atheism is the belief that there is no God. Just as there’s no proof for a God, there’s likewise no proof that there isn’t. Therefore atheism, like religion, must likewise operate on faith. Atheism and religion are two sides of the same coin, one believing there is a God, and the other believing there isn’t, with neither position proven." - Volkmar Gates ------------------------- To be fair, my default position about the eternal king of the Leprechauns isn't "maybe". My default position about literally all superstitious "WHAT IFs" is: outright rejecting those claims. This is what mature adults really need to do, in order to safeguard their mental health; and also prevent an opportunity for religious fundamentalists to hijack their mind, their family, and their life. Religions aren't new as a human psychosocial phenomenon. None of them can lo...

When An /r Christian Pretends To Be Confused

Responding to: [ Link ]  "What is happening to me..? Is God real? Hello, Im super confused. I’ve been an atheist my entire life, a staunch one at that, even passionately arguing for it and debating all the reasons god can’t possibly be real. I’ve led a difficult life, an awful childhood, been the victim of some awful people. Then I started my family, got married, and am now pregnant with my second child. Happier and safer than I’ve ever felt, filled with love, all the time. For the past month or so, I’ve felt pulled towards Jesus, the bible, god. I’ve never even read the bible. The only way I can explain it is, I feel like something deep inside me is guiding me towards all of this. And I never wanted that, the opposite. But now I feel like I’m being called home. I find myself deeply moved by ut. List in thoughts of introspect and of the world and everything around me. Feeling kind of one with it all. Is this what being called by god is like? Is this what I’m experiencing?" --...

Why Are So Many Atheists So Publicly Critical Of Christianity?

Today's question comes from:     Aj Winter   ·  [Posted to MythVision Podcast Group ]  He writes: "I’ve noticed athiests are just as devoted to Jesus as Christians. Their devotion is just a negative one. Derek for example loves talking about Jesus..can’t get enough of it. If I don’t believe in something, I usually ignore it. What motivates an athiest to actively and passionately hate the idea of Jesus as Saviour? And there’s atheists out there who actively hate - believers just for believing. Why!!?? " --------------- My reply:  First, you're only assuming that all of those critics are "atheists". Atheists aren't alone in their condemnations of Christianities (plural). Many deists feel the same way; as do many pantheists, pandeists, agnostic-theists, wiccans, Native American/Indigenous spiritual peoples, etc.. Next, Moving forward, AJ, please consider joining a couple of these Facebook groups: [ Link ]  Read what Christianity put these poor p...

Responding To Conservatives Who Are Disloyal Fans Of Darkmatter2525's Work.

DarkMatter2525 1 day ago My next video is probably my most important ever (tentatively titled "Why Some Deaths are Celebrated"). Should be up Friday (trying for 3pm EST). I actually have a twinge of nervousness about posting it. Any potential enemies it produces will be powerful ones. Let it be known here and now that I have no desire to take my own life. ---------------------------- @iama2427   You know I've been subscribing to this channel ever since 2016 can I say I don't really like the direction it's going. I think you're losing yourself in Hobris?   --------------------------- @ApPersonaNonGrata Hubris? Examples? ------------------------- @iama2427   well I don't agree with some of these newer videos about being woke. You could be on the left or the right and be an atheist and still make a statement that's incorrect. His earlier video seemed to focus more on power corrupts and the dangers of religion but now it seems to be more focusing on politi...

The type of Govt The Left Wants.

  ​  @iansantiago6526  I agree that humans naturally organize into hierarchies. At the same time, I think we could turn that into a collective cooperative advantage. That does seem to be what American's founders were aiming for. I think they just failed to account (sufficiently) for relevant variables. Many variables they failed to account for ... had a cumulative effect; destabilizing and gradually warping it into something else. I agree, also, that there's no way to really escape it. Any attempts to do so would be ultimately self-defeating. In a truly anarchist society, violent opportunists would exploit the absence of structured authority. Although, to be fair, Gene Roddenberry did attempt to account for this, in his social thought experiment he called "Star Trek". Both the Federation and Star Fleet were very well structured; as governing hierarchies. They structured their societies with as many obligations and consequences as there were suppor...