Bible Books Which Criticize Their Own People Are Not Evidence For Divine Authorship.
Responding to: "In that book they described themselves as the idolaters, murderers of prophets who God send, crucify Gods only begotten son, and magnify their evil deeds... Why did they wrote like this??? Because that book is inspired by God, not Peoples." - Alwin A ------------------------- Alwin A I understand your reasoning. I invite you to consider a different understanding. First, "The Bible" never says that "The Bible" is inspired. Here is a very recent (short) video from a popular Bible Scholar explaining this. Also, nothing in the Hebrew religious texts say anything about Jesus. Moving forward from there, ... In the Hebrew religious texts, men who made strong accusations against their own followers were trying to blame those followers for why their tribe's lives were bad. Those leaders didn't believe in accepting responsibility for being really bad leaders. So they were always looking for someone-or-something else to blame. Somet...