Why Anti-Theism Is More Rational Than Theism
Responding to:
"While I agree with everything else on this post, I disagree on what’s said about atheism. Atheism is the belief that there is no God. Just as there’s no proof for a God, there’s likewise no proof that there isn’t. Therefore atheism, like religion, must likewise operate on faith.
Atheism and religion are two sides of the same coin, one believing there is a God, and the other believing there isn’t, with neither position proven."
- Volkmar Gates
To be fair, my default position about the eternal king of the Leprechauns isn't "maybe".
My default position about literally all superstitious "WHAT IFs" is:
outright rejecting those claims.
This is what mature adults really need to do,
in order to safeguard their mental health;
and also prevent an opportunity for religious fundamentalists to hijack their mind, their family, and their life.
Religions aren't new as a human psychosocial phenomenon.
None of them can logically and/or scientifically validate the claimed-reality of any specific magical forces which (per the rumors) make threatening demands that we ought spend the rest of our lives cowering under the shadow of those threats [and paying someone "special" to tell us what such mystical entities demand from us].
Granted, Deism doesn't go that far.
But the great thing about deism is ... deism literally doesn't matter.
Anyone saying "I'll bet Deism isn't true either" is placing a risk-free bet. And they're betting w/ the odds; rather than against the odds.
It's also important to note that something like "a universe-creator" is not the definition of a "deity".
"Deity" is related to the term "divine"; in that both words are a way of saying the perceiver is so deeply emotionally and personally "rendered small" about a concept ... that they're feeling an urge to lick its metaphorical (or literal) boots.
Deists are left to silently lament access to those boots.
They'll have to find something else to lick.
Personal-God-theists want it so badly ... they can taste it.
And they want to force you to "taste" it too.

However, "fortunately" for us, none of us are worthy.
And so (according to popular religious mafias) "he" assigned random dudes to stand in his place; so that ... when we lick those humans' boots, it counts as licking "the Ultimate Boot"; vicariously.
Random god exists;
only because ancient cults said so.
So now there's an ongoing fight over who is really wearing the invisible boots of the one true master;
boots which, of course, still need to be licked (and funded).
Humanity has existed for hundreds of thousands of years; in roughly our current form.
It took most of that time for concepts to gradually develop into theism.
The earliest forms of theism were polytheisms.
It took a LOT longer (thousands of years) for someone to strip down polytheism into a more useful social-control weapon called "monotheism".
If such-minded persons are growing towards a collectively intuited truth, ... we'll know when they arrive at it.
We'll know because then they'll shared that epiphany together;
rather than still dividing between various religions, sects, and politics.
- IF they really are all intuiting and migrating towards something real.
But right now, every religion is comprised of mutually warring sects;
each disavowing each other as "deceived" and "liars".
That means that no matter which religion or sect we look at ... the vast majority of other theists will say "those people do not speak the truth".
We should certainly let them hash it out.
If they can get their house in order, than they'll merit our further consideration.
In the meantime, history teaches that popularity, confidence, threats, and bribes ... have done nothing at all to validate any religion; nor even help them avoid eventually either a.) dying out abruptly or else b.) gradually morphing into something else completely.
Certainly, modern Christianities *(plural), for example, have barely any resemblance to the mystery-cult/doomsday-cult (with an exclusive Judaic theme) of the earliest rumored "Jesus".
Whatever there is to know,
today's religions don't know it either.
So there's really nothing there to take seriously; except for how it effects the world we all must share.
Humanity has existed for hundreds of thousands of years; in roughly our current form.
It took most of that time for concepts to gradually develop into theism.
The earliest forms of theism were polytheisms.
It took a LOT longer (thousands of years) for someone to strip down polytheism into a more useful social-control weapon called "monotheism".
If such-minded persons are growing towards a collectively intuited truth, ... we'll know when they arrive at it.
We'll know because then they'll shared that epiphany together;
rather than still dividing between various religions, sects, and politics.
- IF they really are all intuiting and migrating towards something real.
But right now, every religion is comprised of mutually warring sects;
each disavowing each other as "deceived" and "liars".
That means that no matter which religion or sect we look at ... the vast majority of other theists will say "those people do not speak the truth".
We should certainly let them hash it out.
If they can get their house in order, than they'll merit our further consideration.
In the meantime, history teaches that popularity, confidence, threats, and bribes ... have done nothing at all to validate any religion; nor even help them avoid eventually either a.) dying out abruptly or else b.) gradually morphing into something else completely.
Certainly, modern Christianities *(plural), for example, have barely any resemblance to the mystery-cult/doomsday-cult (with an exclusive Judaic theme) of the earliest rumored "Jesus".
Whatever there is to know,
today's religions don't know it either.
So there's really nothing there to take seriously; except for how it effects the world we all must share.
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