The type of Govt The Left Wants.

  @iansantiago6526  I agree that humans naturally organize into hierarchies.

At the same time, I think we could turn that into a collective cooperative advantage. That does seem to be what American's founders were aiming for. I think they just failed to account (sufficiently) for relevant variables. Many variables they failed to account for ... had a cumulative effect; destabilizing and gradually warping it into something else. I agree, also, that there's no way to really escape it. Any attempts to do so would be ultimately self-defeating. In a truly anarchist society, violent opportunists would exploit the absence of structured authority. Although, to be fair, Gene Roddenberry did attempt to account for this, in his social thought experiment he called "Star Trek". Both the Federation and Star Fleet were very well structured; as governing hierarchies. They structured their societies with as many obligations and consequences as there were supporting safety-nets and personal opportunities. They also did wield enough power to "insist" if anyone tried to subvert or monkey-wrench the system. Granted, Roddenberry's universe isn't something we can currently transition into; not even as a single planet lacking those technologies. But he has been so influential for the left that (from what I can tell) most left-siders are envisioning a society that does have hierarchies. It seems like most of them just want a system where the government is: * Fully equitable, in how they legislate, and in how they allocate funds to national and local interests. * Includes equitably empowered representatives from every general demographic within that society, * Is accountable to the people, * Is transparent; such that all classified activities are transparent to ethically responsible and judicially-empowered oversight. [Thus, when the Pentagon fails 7 audits in a row, we're able to quickly do something about it, rather than just keep complaining] * Scientifically literate. *Fiscally responsible. For example, stop building and repairing roads with materials which are literally designed to fail within a few years. Start making roads that will last 50 years or more. Before those industries begin running low on projects to work on, ... help them transition their services to working on our crumbling bridges, dams, etc.. - And also creating new railways, subways, bike paths, etc.. * A govt staffed only by citizens who have undergone compressive psychological testing. They should screen for Major Personality Disorders, and other destabilizing disorders such as bipolar disorder. * There should also be a minimum functional I.Q., as a prerequisite for anyone wishing to run for an elected office. * Legally forbidden to own financial interests in the military industrial complex, fossil fuel companies, and other blatant economic conflicts of interests. * Stops allowing legalized bribes from lobbyists. * Stop sabotaging public education. Currently, it is being sabotaged. That's been going for generations. And it's getting worse.
It's an ongoing effort to collapse that system. Why? So that privatizing religious ideologues can "rescue" an entire generation of other-people's-children from their autonomous, rational, and ethical capacity. Religious mafias are hoping to create a permanent theo-fascist Hunger Games type dystopia; with themselves occupying the elite districts. We need a govt which formally recognizes that problem and then works effectively to prevent it. * Prevent forbid tax-payer funding for any agency which systematically indoctrinates children (trying to get vulnerable and malleable minds to accept ideas uncritically) under the guise of "education". * Bans all efforts to block, limit, or dissolve the civil liberties of citizens (individually, and targeted vulnerable demographics); not even allowed to put such a thing "up for a vote"; - except to prevent infringement of some-over-others. Although, this means we'd need to formally recognize Christian fundamentalism as a racketeering scheme, and also as a sub-culture which is willfully psychologically violent against children and other vulnerable people. *Looks for rational and prompt solutions to controversial issues. Example: Change national building codes to ensure all govt and public buildings have adequate unisex, single-occupant bathrooms; so that we can migrate away from having sex-specific bathrooms. *Obligates every politician to honestly and promptly answer every question put to them by media; relevant to their political activities; as a condition of their continued employment in their elected offices. *Actually and consistently punishes politicians who state false-facts relevant to their political activities. -Always requiring that every politician must make on-camera corrections for everything they've been fact-checked about (with qualified, independent and redundant fact-checkers)(but only when those independent agencies agree on the facts), within 24 hours of being fact-checked, to the satisfaction of those fact-checking agencies; or else they become banned from re-election. *Grant national audience to those fact-checking agencies, as a regular function of formal political press conferences, by requiring all press agents who attend those conferences to air those corrections in real-time as a condition to being allowed into those press conferences. etc.. The "left" is just another way of saying "people who aren't satisfied with the status quo, and who are tired of being exploited by sociopaths". In other words, it's everyone who strongly believes humanity CAN and SHOULD do better; rather than romanticizing America's 1950s. They do NOT want to get rid of government. They just want a sane and healthy government; a government that behaves responsibly.


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