The "Gospels". Non-substantiate-able Rumors and Disingenuous Apologetics ; Used As Props And Camouflage For Blind Faith In Irrational Religious Narratives.
I have said that "We can't un-do all the corruptions that *absolutely must have happened* during 20 years of the Telephone Game, before some rare, random literate religious people started "faithfully" writing down what they themselves heard." In reply, a Christian, somewhere on the hazy spectrum between fundamentalist and moderate Christian-religiosity, responded with this: “absolutely must have happened” That’s quite an assumption. We also have differing Christian writers from different regions quoting much of the Gospels. The Gospels are not essentially important; it’s the essential traditions, liturgy, and teachings that were received through authorized apostolic lineage. The Gospels arose out of this tradition. ( From)this authorize(d) apostolic lineage, the Bible was canonized. --------------- This is where I reply to each of those assertions: [Note: Later edits will make this blog shorter. I'll have to decide which parts to remove, to...