Finding Our True Power, By Finding Our True Creator
As a critic of Abrahamic religions (or "faiths"),
my heart is not hateful in the least.
My heart and my mind work as one;
with a purpose born of deeply felt compassion and hard-earned understanding.
For billions of people, "God" is a portable disabler;
- A psychologically ever-present, super-insecure, fragile, "lovingly violent" narcissist.
Each and every victim of that religious paradigm
has been emotionally manipulated into willingness.
As they surrender to it,
HE demands of them
that they shrink and stay shrunken at all times, before him.
That way, HE can always feel properly big.
Also, so that HE take credit for their brilliance within.
All the while, HE ironically does more to limit than to inspire.
And yet,
HE keeps them from realizing their true and autonomous beauty;
also their potential to grow beyond the limits HE sets.
He is, of course, a mental construct; seeded and cultivated by other fallible humans.
As HE grows and takes on "a life of his own", ...
All of that happens within a hijacked part of the experiencer's own mind.
That creates a partition within their own psyche, so that the experiencer does not realize that voice is booming from within.
It's not coming from some external ethereal plane. It just sometimes feels like it is, because of the drugged 'high' users experience;
- from religious gimmicks that trigger feel-good chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain.
This is also why HE is so "real" and relatable.
HE is constructed from parts of the real person's own mind; wherein, he draws every bit of his life from those roots.
And what does HE demand of them?
That they remain psychologically owned, and eternally co-dependent on an abusive Father.
It's a Father they do not recognize as abusive, because "we accept the love we think we deserve".
Those cultures abuse people into thinking they deserve ~even less~ love than the scraps they're taught to beg and be thankful for.
Worse yet, until the person that HE lives within takes ownership of that voice,
HE will continue to do what he was designed to do;
to function as a puppet King for predatorial "shepherds" to speak through; in order to control and exploit the people
who have been tricked into identifying as sheep.
All the while, the mentally enslaved deeply indulge in the delusion of being loved, respected, and free.
Adult-level responsibility is scary.
The idea of being powerful beyond measure ... frightens so many people,
because of the responsibility that comes with such power.
They've been told they aren't qualified to wield it.
Thus, they are kept from realizing their true power,
as the true author/creator of the self.
There's a common sense of need to be parented.
That is born from a common lack of courageous readiness to do so many things for our self;
-which is born from a common lack of confidence in our ability and our worthiness ...
as owners, captains, and creators of our own journey.
Christianity and Islam are institutionalized structures of "learned helplessness";
- installing a fictional Father into vulnerable minds, so that HE can keep telling his children "this is the way, the truth, and the life" that we're all meant to SURRENDER to.
This is why they so easily mistake obedience as a virtue.
It's an insidious lie; which keeps so many from meeting themselves.
And since no one can meet anyone more deeply than they've met their own self,
it handicaps the potential of every human relationship they'll ever be part of;
- which will help keep them repeatedly cycling back to a sense of emptiness;
-which will keep feeling deeply needy and internally inadequate;
-which will keep them looking OUTSIDE of themselves for everything that they're kept from REALIZING ... they could learn to provide, in ever greater abundance, for themselves.
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