
Showing posts from September, 2024

Why is there SOMETHING rather than nothing? Why "God" is a bad answer.

[First draft] "Omni"-Being really just means "Magic man". Magic is an easy answer. We can just use that to explain everything. But it's not a great answer. It's a shortcut. It's a cheat. And it doesn't really solve the problem we set out to solve. Imagine writing that in as your answers for everything on a school science test. "Magic man did a big magic". The truth is: NONE of us have enough knowledge, nor even intellect, to be able to justify saying "we know why there is something rather than nothing". We are like tiny little schools of fish, swimming in a river, looking up at the waterfall that provides everything we need. We're asking "where does it come from?". Religious people-fish are saying "It comes from the Omni-fish in the sky. He lives in the omni-House. We live in a very big aquarium. It's perfectly designed for us. Just ignore how horrible that design is. Because that's probably so

When The SUN Is GOD

Monkey Fun Dude, the sun is not god .    James Apperson The Sun IS "God" for anyone who has that relationship to the Sun. Monkey Fun  Cancer is real, why don’t you worship it?   James Apperson Because the concept of "cancer" does not elicit or 'provoke' (within me) ... reverent regard ; let alone to the extent of such AWE that I'd use "cancer" as a conceptual beacon from-which to locate my place and value in the world. Whereas,  some people have felt that way about the Sun.  

When someone says "I'll pray for you"

  I get the reasoning and the mindset. But at the same time, I don't think it's great. If a believer within whichever-religion says "I'll pray for you" to a fellow believer (within whichever religion), that's fine. But when they say it to a nonbeliever, in regards to: trying to cure a person's non-belief (or allegedly wrong beliefs), then it's like a Jehovah's Witness saying that to a Catholic, or a Catholic saying that to a Baptist, or a Wiccan saying that to any "Christian", etc.. It's only going to come across as passive aggressive, self-righteous posturing from "a praying person" who (as far as the other person is concerned) is in a creepy cult. They are also going to immediately realize (unless they're slow) that the compliment of "I care" is mixed with an equal amount of insulting "you need to be more like me". There are plenty of people in this world who I am really really sure would be a bet

What Is Religion? And is it a good thing?

To quote the late Christopher Hitchens, ... "Religion is not the belief that there is a god. Religion is the belief that a god (or "God") tells you what to do". I would have worded that a bit differently. I would have said something like "Religion is the belief that: an independent sentience or mystical force  which both greatly precedes and exceeds humanity ... is both entitled to parent us ... and insists that we must submit to living under their rule via submitting to some HUMAN(s) who would rule over us as authorized agents or vessels.".  However, for the point,  Hitchens' words were adequately phrased. In reply, someone offered: "Religion is sectarian and therefore divisive" -  Freddy Eduardo In further agreement, I offer this: Of course. Although, there are additional ways that both fundamentalist and moderate Christian sects are divisive. To be fair, I am setting progressive, metaphorical, and "casual" versions of Christian

Sexism Against Men. It's A Thing

A couple of weeks ago, this meme appeared in a random FB group.  At the time, I wrote this: "Sexism against men. Great. Now let's see what it would look like if it wasn't that: "We are not rehabilitation centers for badly raised adults. It's not your job to fix, change, parent, or raise them. Choose a partner; not a lifelong project." Weeks later, someone posts that same meme again, in the very same group. This time, I just gave the short version of the same objection. James Apperson Sexism against men -----------------------------------------   In reply,  a 3rd-Wave Feminist SJW decided to 'educate' me.  This is how that conversation went: -----------------------------------------  Erin Aurelia Lund Sexism against men doesn't exist. -----------------------------------------  James Apperson Explain how you worked that out.  -----------------------------------------  Erin Aurelia Lund Oppression only runs one way. ---------------------------------