Bibles, Bible-Based Faiths, And Apologists Get Literally Everything Wrong About Humanity.

 I like starting from Randal's releases, because he's one of the closest-to-reasonable and closest-to-decent apologists out there.

Here is a short list of things Randal cannot un-fact with apologetic SPIN. 
The ONLY way to clear "God" of SOME responsibility for the Bible's evil bullshit, is to denounce the Bible as: not from God and not accurately even ABOUT God. There's no other way. Although, if you want to clear him of ALL responsibility for the evils promoted in Bibles, you'd need to say he's: * too WEAK to prevent people saying and doing bad things, AND * too inept to make a better universe. Alternatively, you could just say he doesn't exist as a real person. That would certainly be the cleanest and most effective defense available.

-- -- To make sure we're on the same page about this, first, ... "The Bible", in this context, is: A formalized collection of religious texts, divided into 66 parts that people call "books", which Protestant Christians call "The Bible", and which is almost the same as the collection Catholics call "The Bible". It's printed in many rival forms which disagree with each other about many things [but which are all God-Awful].
It is regarded by most Christians (including Randal Rauser, Gavin Ortlund, Ravi Zacharias, and Joel Osteen) as "love letters from The Creator Of The Universe" TO all of humanity.

Can ya feel the love?

In that collection of texts, *both* writers and characters credit their alleged "God" with: * personally doing unspeakably violent things to both: men who were guilty of SOMETHING but not deserving of such horrific abuse, AND also totally innocent people (including children and animals),
Also: * personally commanding humans to do extreme evils to other humans (many of whom did nothing wrong), * personally noticing evil but not doing anything to prevent or stop it,

* personally setting irresponsible and grossly insufficient limits for (rather than banning) terrible evils, * designing humans to randomly become severely dangerous to other humans for reasons which have nothing to do with them abusing their own (alleged) "free will", * designing this world (the land, the sky, and the water) as a death-trap for countless, unsuspecting, and usually-totally-innocent men, women, and children, * designing human physiology to:
* maximize vulnerability to extreme damage, and * maximize the degree of suffering experienced from those damages (most of which is not caused by the person who experiences that suffering. In fact, most of which is not caused by any human at all) * lying (or guessing wrongly. But how can a creator guess wrong about a history he watched unfold?) about the real history of * the universe (like saying the earth formed before our Sun), * the earth (our sky was never a solid dome. Space beyond our sky was never a cosmic ocean of water. There was never enough water over, on, or in the earth to create the flood "as described". Nor did such an event "as described" ever happen) human history, religious history in general, [Those writers stole and changed stories and concepts from other cultures] the histories of his favorite [Master Race] religions, etc.. Also: * reasoning and behaving EXACTLY like someone who literally has sociopathy, psychopathy, and malignant clinical narcissism, [The diagnostic criteria for these are NOT vague] * being just about as "good" at communicating as a rabid hobo high on bath salts [leaving all of his biggest fans fighting endlessly about: * what he really did, * what he really said, * what it really means, and * how any of it should apply to anyone's life today. -- Meanwhile, Randal can keep pretending he doesn't see any of it, just like how Gavin pretends not to notice Randal; and for exactly the same reasons. Your holy "books" were written by deeply bigoted and gratuitously violent barbarians who sex-trafficked children and didn't know where the sun went at night. Meanwhile, ... A Super-Person with unlimited knowledge, intellect, and power ... would always and automatically have no excuse available to them to EVER sanction, command, or commit violence. Violence is only SOMETIMES "the answer" for humans (and other animals) when it's the ONLY way available to defend themselves and those they are responsible for. A "God" would never be in that situation. Because they'd always have better options. Some of my personal enemies are damn-near pure evil. They are true predators. The amount of suffering and loss they've generated are incalculable. And they'll never lose a moment's sleep about it. People who do BAD THINGS do bad things because * they think and feel things that aren't healthy or reasonable to think and feel, *caused by traumatic prior experiences they did not choose to have happen to them, * which corrupted their ability to correctly assess both their own character and the character of others, * because the affected person's mind auto-generates narratives about themselves (as heroes) and others (as villains) which, for the most part, aren't real. Compounding that problem, they are severely corrupted in their ability to identify the best ways to respond. Instead, their minds present opportunities to do "justified" damage to perceived "bad guys" for an incorrectly assessed "greater good". In many cases.
they do not know the difference. The rest of the time, they know; but they literally can't care. In either case, they did not choose for their brain to deform in those ways. And yet, with adequate power and knowledge, they could be HEALED. Their humanity, lost in a thick fog of pain and confusion, could be restored to them. -- There would be ZERO excuse for committing violence against them, regardless of what they've done. -If someone had the means-by-which to heal them. People with normal amounts of bad wiring only need the right circumstances to heal. Our societies lack those opportunities. In fact, "We" go out of our way to prevent them. And it's a damn shame. It's also important to note: People with normal amounts of bad wiring have a lot in common with
people with monstrously bad wiring. They cannot be hell-threatened, "friendly warning"-ed, heaven-bribed, cleverly-argued, book-read, nor righteously preached into their needed re-wiring. The real difference between those two categories of people is: To FULLY restore the lost humanity of people with monstrously bad wiring, ... It would take "an act of God". Because compassion and personal accountability are generated in parts of the brain that didn't form for them. You can't fix brain damage (you could only prevent it in the first place) via abundant and only-healthy social experiences] We could help monster-people A LOT. But it wouldn't be enough to turn them into good people. That's why certain people (from my past) having their humanity restored is the miracle-proof I choose as the evidence it would take to get me to become "religious". I didn't ask "God" to heal me; though I sure could use a lot of healing. I only asked for certain other people to be healed. But we all know that's never going to happen, because there simply ISN'T anyone up there who cares. -- -- Instead, all we can do is realize * how much good we CAN do, * how much we CAN'T, and * understand what's in the way ... so that we can progress (as a species) gradually past those limits.
With perfect inner peace, fully corrected memory, and clarity of understanding, the illusion of "Free Will" would again be shattered; but this time, in a good way. Because a fully WHOLE person WILL think, and feel, and behave as such. And then we'd hug, and cry, share a meal together, laugh together, and part ways knowing we'd see each other again. And if there are any Super-Powered-People in the sky (or in some phantom realm, or hiding behind bushes) who WANTS to experience that with ANYONE they feel estranged from, ... they'd have to be impressively clueless to not realize there's only one way to get there. And that way shares absolutely nothing in common with the wastefully destructive garbage in bibles. On a small and limited scale, Mike Spurlock demonstrated this with his cable tv show called "30 days". In a fictional but realistic-enough setting, we also saw this in action in the tv series called "My Name Is Earl". We also saw a limited version of this in cinema like "Enemy Mine" and the STNG Season 5, Episode 2 called "Darmok". 

Humans have the power to shape minds and build connections via shared social environments, experiences, and struggles. However, when these are needed most, the people who DESIRE those restorations have no way to insist. Meanwhile, those who lack humanity, have no way to care. And thus, no reason to participate. Monster-people can't do that because parts of their brain (either essential morphological pieces, or neurological connections) are literally missing. A "God" would have (at their disposal) even more expedient and complete ways to heal people and relationships. And they could ALWAYS do so ... without violating anyone's right to self-determination. Because: Nobody feely chooses to HAVE the limits which prevent them from accessing the full scope of their humanity. Thus, it would not be a violation of any free choice to simply GIVE THEM any brain-pieces, clarity, and healing they needed; - along with the loaned-courage they would temporally need to face and process it. After that, just MAKE AVAILABLE the circumstances (or the knowledge OF the circumstances) they need to finish growing into their potential for further personal growth and connection. People, like plants, will always grow towards what they need ... once all UN-chosen obstacles are removed. -- -- "The God Of The Bible" didn't understand humans, because he came from the minds of humans who didn't understand humans. Anyone calling that book "a love letter to humanity", doesn't understand us either. They may have great intentions. They may even have a heart of gold. But what they're missing is still essential.


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