Why Frank Turek's Opinions Are Facts

Responding to a comment under the above-linked video. The comment was:

"Frank Turek complains a lot about paying people to give their opinion for someone who makes a living giving people his opinions."
--- My reply to that comment is: 

Great point.

Frank is trying to market his opinions as "facts" given to him by the Creator Of The Universe.

In part, it's meant to appeal to black and white thinkers and anxious people who seek the comforts of "certainty" and "clarity" provided by simple absolutes;
backed by the "perfect" and "unquestionable" authority of:
the only "Being" who can really "know" anything.

Effectively, that also makes it wrong to question Frank.
Because when we hear him speak, we are hearing "God" speak.

Although, Frank didn't invent that game.

He got it from other Christian pastors, priests, and apologists.

Going back even further,
they got it from the random dudes who wrote the stuff in bibles.

Going back even further,
they all got it from:
the unwritten universal playbook
for clinical Narcissism.
Ancient religious Narcissists simply realized one day "You know, we could actually make it into a real book".

Introducing ... "God"!
- The ironically "perfect" mask
for any Narcissist bold enough to wear it.

While wearing it, ...

Abuse becomes "undeserved kindness".

White knights are true heroes.

Jesus becomes the true gaslight of the world.

All the problems caused by those people become "everyone else's fault".

And anyone who calls out "messengers" for their BS
(along with everyone who just casually doesn't even care about them)
is "rejecting God".


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