Christian Fundamentalism's Exploitation Of Struggling Egos.

Today's unfortunate religious meme was posted to a Facebook group called " The Order Of Pen " . In reply. one member expressed confusion; asking what that meme is even supposed to mean. I then explained what the OP was referring to: " A religion that says we aught to be so self-loathing that we can hardly wait to be "washed clean", hollowed out, and replaced with some radiant God-stuff. - A "God" who can only love himself but wants to love others. And so he compromises by holding a "guess the true religion" lottery. The winners (according to the grifting cults who invented that whole scam) get replaced with some of himself. So that he can look upon (that) and say "I love you". In reply, a Christian fundamentalist ( Gavin Knight ) was so instantly triggered that he laugh-emoji'd. If some entirely-other religion, such as "Wicca", had been implicated instead, we can rest assured Gavin would have either liked my ...