Mike Jones and The No True Liars Fallacy

I wish I'd slept enough last night; so that I wasn't about to be sloppy about this. I shudder to think of all the typos I'm going to discover in this blog after I get some sleep.

But I want to get my thoughts out, before I forget about this. Many moons ago, my mind was made pregnant; with the seeds of ideas and values I'd not yet considered. But the fathers of these new ideas abided by CONSENT. And that was the very first thing I noticed that was so strikingly different than the father's of the Christian dogmas that had once been so invasively seeded into the vulnerable mind of my youth. My mind was properly romanced. From there, love and wisdom flourished. Here and now, they push their way out; into a world that isn't ready for them. Too late. It's time. And yes, I realize this pregnancy had changed me. But I'm at peace with it. I didn't even really want to talk about yours. But you won't shut the fuck up about how only yours deserves to even exist. And about how your Big Daddy is going to kill everyone I love. Hell, you're not even being metaphorical when you make that threat. You literally mean he plans to kill us (or worse). In fact, many of you won't even concede that our love is real love. How could you? After all, it would mean that your GOD plans to destroy some grand wellsprings of LOVE ITSELF. So you have to imagine it's something less than that. You have to imagine that WE are less than that. The truth is I'm famous; to only a few people. But they are equally famous to me. MATTERING to someone didn't corrupt me. MATTERING to myself wasn't a corruption either. I simply wasn't allowed to have a healthy amount of self-value as a Christian. NOR was I allowed to fully recognize anyone else's. But I've grown beyond those limits.
It wasn't very long ago that Mike Jones released a short video WARNING everyone about having too much self-respect and self-value. Your inability to rightly value me,
and the people I hold most deer,
and everyone else,
and even yourself, ... needs to stop being made INTO a problem for everyone around you. You're not in my Monkeysphere. But your grossly entitled, colonizing, "totally not a religion" is still out there; MAKING itself everyone's problem. It's out there spreading unwise conspiracy theories about Climate Change. As a result, your "totally not a religion" (sociopolitical cult) had made itself INTO an organized effort to worsen and extend global pollution; - causing millions of people every years to suffer from preventable diseases; many of whom will die every year from those diseases; including pediatric asthma, SIDS, and cancers. But as Mike Jones himself said about the HOLOCAUST several months ago, ... all that suffering and death is ultimately "a good thing" because it drives SOME of the lucky survivors into Christianity; - looking for relief FROM the problems Jones's cult caused in the first place. Meanwhile, it's also looking for ways to infiltrate public schools, to gain unethical and illegal access to the vulnerable minds of other people's children. It's weaponizing their own in-group children and then sending them out to sow social division and hate amongst the larger society's children. It's infiltrating and relentlessly attempting to hijack most society's political machinery. It's attempting to weaken, overburden, and destroy social-service net protections for the most vulnerable people in those societies. And why? It's part of an effort to destroy those systems. Why? So that your cult-groups can then step into those roles, to provide a lesser (grossly insufficient) versions of those services. Why? Partly because they'd become a MUCH larger funnel for untaxed and un-TRACKED money; which they can do pretty much anything they want with. But also: To then corral hordes of suffering people into churches, to receive those tax-funded and donator-funded services. And why? So those parents and children can be brainwashed. Into what? Into being member-pawns in a sick syndicate's twisted, hyper-Conservative, authoritarian wet-dream of taking over the world;
towards the goal of a "prophetic" end to all life on Earth.

That means you're making it everyone's business. So let's talk about it.
I'll set aside the FACT that Trinitarian dogmatic rhetoric didn't even develop until centuries later.
I'd want to point some things out to Trinitarians. 1. When you say "Real Christians", you are presuming to speak for "The Creator Of The Universe" about HIS necessary conditions for how HE decides who does vs doesn't have a formally approved, real, and adequate (adequate for salvation) relationship with HIM. When you do that, you're automatically inferring that literally everyone in the world who doesn't meet those exact criteria are still sitting on the invisible 'conveyer belt' of time ... that will eventually dump them into a Hell (whatever you think Hell is).

-The same belt that you think everyone is born riding ... and which only (but entirely all) "true Christians" remove themselves from. When you commit yourself/yourselves to such a declaration, that means: You ARE judging everyone (literally everyone) who doesn't meet those criteria as 'due for hell'; as something everyone is 'due for' by default UNTIL they "get saved" (removed from that fate) by "becoming a true Christian". That means you'd be lying if you turn around and say "but I'm not judging anyone". Now, you might believe that is "God's" criterial for judging people, and thus that you're just repeating his judgements. However, by AGREEING with what you think he said-and-thinks, you are not merely "the messenger" in this situation. You are issuing a personal judgement that (you believe) "agrees with God's". So you may not be sentencing (or co-sentencing) anyone to a Hell. But you are issuing a judgement. And if you say something like: "I'm not saying which people are going to hell because only God can read people's hearts", then: you are now *contradicting* yourself; because: you already just got done identifying people who definitely remain ON that conveyor belt (to Hell). You just got done saying that NO MATTER the "heart" of the person, they're disqualified on technical grounds (ie. proper doctrine). If they're still not a "real Christian", then they're still not "saved". Right? Or is "accepting a doctrinally-correct-enough understanding of Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior" suddenly optional? So you can use "heart condition" to judge and disqualify EVEN MORE people, to say "ALSO everyone with a bad heart goes to Hell". [if you want to add that to the list of qualifiers] But you can't even ALLOW for people's "heart condition" to be good-enough that they aren't going to your religion's Hell, because: you just got done saying they're automatically for-sure going to Hell if they don't meet 'specified criteria' (like being correct about the Trinity). Plus, if your "God" was going to judge everyone based on "heart condition" then there was never a need to tell anyone about Jesus. Meanwhile, try to remember: 1. Nowhere in a Bible does anyone require Trinitarianism for any purpose at all. 2. The apostles were already true followers of Jesus, according TO Jesus, BEFORE they had whatever epiphany you think they later had. So if your way of reading bibles is that his apostles eventually figured out Jesus was part of a triune Godhead ... That doesn't alter the fact that JESUS (in the stories) chose and accepted them as true followers WITHOUT them having any such epiphany. Why would Jesus hold you and me to a different standard? And why would he put people at EXTRA risk of hell by appointing 12 other men to serve as bad examples?
Two more points about it: 1. "Belief" is an expression of: understanding. To say "I believe X is true about Y" is to say "My understanding of Y includes X". But that's a real problem for Trinitarians because: It's not a doctrine. It's not an understanding. It's not a coherent actual concept. It's a wildcard with gibberish scribbled all over it. It's a place-holder for a concept the speaker does not possess but is pretending to possess. That's why EVERY TIME a Trinitarian tries to explain it via analogy, ... they end up mispresenting it. It's not like the three parts of an egg. It's not like the three states of water. It's not like 3 all-power dudes all working in the same head office. This is why some Trinitarians are accidentally polytheists, while others are accidentally modelists. You'll never be able to put it into words without: mispresenting it, contradicting yourself,

uttering gibberish,

or presenting a few somewhat-defined concepts which fail to represent the entire concept.
It's not actually a concept. It's an Emperor's New Clothes PSYOP.

Everyone who identifies as "part of (that) Kingdom" are pressured to pretend they see it. It's partly to create the illusion of special-ness and "spirit"-glasses among the elite. It's also partly to train new recruits how to gaslight themselves. Because there's a LOT of that every member needs to make a habit of. 2. There can't be a legitimate badge of Cosmic Authority ...

issued to deputies OF a Cosmic Sherriff ...
if that Sherriff only exists in your mind. A DEIST "God" doesn't issue badges and would have zero interest in Christianity. So you can't really justify Christianity with arguments that only take us as far as a Creator-Entity.
Nor is it very NICE to assume that a personal-God would reason and behave the way the Christian God does (in those stories). If we're going to give a personal God the NICEST /Most Flattering assumptions about their CHARACTER and their MIND, then: We should assume they are nothing like what's in Bibles. -TO BE FAIR. If you heard that I once drowned every puppy, kitten, and baby in my neighborhood because I felt ignored and saw everyone as "so evil they all deserve to suffer and die", ... I sure HOPE you'd choose to assume I did NOT do those things, pending 'getting to know me for yourself'. I really wouldn't be comfortable with you just assuming those rumors are true ... and then deciding that you can just make excuses for me, in trade for all the wonderful favors you heard I can do for you. Imagine, then, how a truly GOOD Super-Being would feel about that. It's also impossible to justify a religion whose entire premise of authority rests upon the ancient Hebrew's premise of authority ... when the Ancient "Biblical" Hebrews claim of authority is based on: a series of "origin and lineage" claims which have been debunked. Yahweh wasn't even CLOSE to being "First God On Scene". Nor were the biblical Hebrews actually monotheists. Nor did Adam and Eve exist in real life. Nor was "the first religion ever" a religion that worshipped "The God of Abraham". Nor did Moses write anything in bibles. Nor did Moses "as described" ever exist. Nor did Yahweh (or Jehovah, or Adonai) suddenly "reveal himself" to anyone. It's a composite character that came into "being" as an evolved idea which borrowed elements of other/older defunct deities which (mostly) trace back to Canaanite deities. ALL of that (and more) matters because: The Hebrews crafted "origin" myths to make themselves special, and to MAKE themselves into a true religion. They lied. And those lies were the FOUNDATIONAL PREMISE for their overarching claim to being the Creator Of the Universe's special people-group. That means it doesn't even matter what arguments you have for "prophetic fulfillments", nor "personal testimonies". You can't base a truth on a lie. You can't turn a lie into the truth. So if there is a "God", and if you really DO have some special experiences with them, then: that would mean "God" is simply "meeting you (and everyone else in the world") where you're at. And is NOT vouching for your religious narrative. So you may as well take that phrase "true Christians" and write that on some very pristine, high-quality tissues.
Now it's time to wipe your righteous @$$ with it. All together now!
Now One! And Two! And one and two and flush!


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