Does Christianity Direct Us To Seek Validation From A Super-Daddy?
Does Christianity Direct Us Seek Validation From Super-Daddy?
I said
yes (of course it does),
in a prior blog.
That can be found here. <<< link
To that blog, a Christian replied.
"Christianity doesn't say your value depends on someone else externally.
It's about finding inner joy and peace by allowing Jesus *inside* your life.
Jesus said to take the plank out of your eye and then help your neighbor take the speck out of his. So the focus is on your own choices and authentically addressing others."
To that, I have replied:
I'm not clueless.
I see right through all of that.
And you would realize I see through all of that bullshit
if you had actually read the prior blog in this 2-blog series.
Jesus is a feeling.
And yes, that feeling is mainly one of joy.
Although, some call it euphoria.
Some just call it a high.
It's created by tricking the body into releasing feel-good neurotransmitters.
Your brain on god.]
As a drug,
it is generally somewhat safer and more legal than using heroine.
But it's not cheaper.
The costs are just higher than users realize.
is also a conceptualized puppet;
used to leverage authority over other people's lives, in that name of "helping" and "saving" us.
Now, you can pretend
that what Christianity proposes to "save" us from
is a joyless life.
But that's just clever and dishonest marketing.
That "high" is the hook.
But it's neither the true goal
nor the core message of missionaries.
What Christianity is ~actually~ trying to save us from is:
The powers, freedoms, and responsibilities
that come with owning our self.
What does that include?
Our independence of
and identity.
More specifically,
the things they intend to "save" us from
(in other words,
the freedoms they intend to take from us)
why we're supposed to get into (or stay in) certain relationships,
why we're obligated to avoid certain other relationships,
what we're allowed to do with our genitals,
what our life-priorities must be,
and making sure our personal resources (time, energy, money, etc)
are spent on the priorities they prioritize for us
(resources which would ~just coincidentally~ benefit our new masters).
In fact,
they intend to install slave-collars into our minds, in regards to literally every meaningful facet of our existence.
And what is the pretense they use, to sell us into that slavery?
They're helping us make sure
we can prove worthy
of a Super-Parent's love and validation.
According to Christian missionaries,
they're helping us prove worthy of being spared Father's violent temper;
so that He will not-torture and not-murder us.
THAT's how much of Father's "love" they're trying to help us earn.
according to Christian missionaries (Protestants, Catholics, and "Independents"),
is something we can only earn
by proving sufficiently useful for his ego.
And the only way to accomplish THAT is to submit fully to his authority over our lives.
And how can we do THAT?
By submitting fully to those whom claim to wield that authority in his name.
Although, of course,
they are always nice enough
to wait until we show up at a church
before they let us know how much of our money (and access to our children's sexuality) we will be "blessed" for
unto the Lord.
as often as kids get raped by preachers,
it would be illegal to take your kids to the circus."
-Dan Savage]
Setting all of that aside,
so that we can move forward from there, ...
Do you believe that "accepting Jesus"
grants the exclusively best (most reliable or strongest) "joy" that anyone can attain in their life?
If you really believe that,
then you're just indulging in a fantasy narrative about what LIFE is like for countless many non-Christians.
you could admit that your religion as a purely optional means
of attaining joy.
You could, if you were honest, even admit that many other ways of attaining joy
are ~every bit as effective~.
Some ways can be even more effective.
In fact, many other ways of attaining joy
are also much safer and far less costly.
But we both know Christianity dishonestly claims
exclusive dominion
and/or sole,
and/or purest)
of everything they claim to offer.
Either way, ...
In regards to the claim that Christianity is specifically "about" attaining joy for one's self, ...
So then,
why isn't your religion "about" any other goals?
It is.
You're just pretending it isn't. Because right now,
it serves your interests to pretend it's only about joy.
That's what you're doing for your snake oil company.
what are the "choices" other people are making
that you'd like to "authentically address"?
Perhaps ... some people's choice to live-and-love
as a gay person in a same-sex relationship?
What about countless many people's choice to worship other gods?
The Stoics worshipped something different as "God".
[that whole conversation (the one I'm replying to in this blog) happened in a Stoicism group]
Care to "authentically address" any of that?
I bet not.
Moving onto other problems, ...
As Christian missionaries (and their God-Awful book) proposes, ...
My worthiness to not-eventually-die-forever, and/or not-be-tortured-forever (depending on what "hell" is)
... depends upon what their "Father" thinks of me.
"He" presumes to tell me what my life's goals, priorities, values, DOs-and-don'ts, and identity is (or: aught to be).
Messengers speak on "His" behalf, to dictate these things to-and-over us.
"He" decides later if I deserve to keep on living.
Based on what?
Based on how well-sought,
served (etc) I've made him feel by time that sick and twisted game is over.
"He" grades us on those things,
with words like "righteous" vs "wicked".
"He" accused all non-theists
of having absolutely zero good within them,
and of being "fools".
In those stories,
"He" refers to all "Lukewarm" (non-fanatical) believers of being "vomit"-worthy, such that he will metaphorically vomit them back out.
"He" plans to tell believers,
on judgement day,
who have been "workers of lawlessness
to "get away from me" "I do not know thee";
- REGARDLESS of them believing and doing things to honor him.
Your predatory book says "He" plans to do that.
Your predatory book says "He" sees those people that way.
Your predatory book presumes that his opinions of us are, in the end, the only opinion that matters;
-since we won't be judging our selves.
Do you agree or disagree with fellow Christians
when they say we are "nothing without God"?
Notice these things:
Their use of the word "God", there ...
exclusively refers to their specific g/God.
They also judge
everyone else in the world by the same criteria.
"Nothing", in that context,
"Without", in that context,
without an approved relationship with him.
"Approved", in that context,
whomever HE approves of.
In other words, your religion goes around telling everyone that we are infinitely worse-than-worthless
until we earn that Father's approval.
Lying about it
won't undo what you're still busy doing.
I have written this blog,
as a reply to the Christian I quoted early in this blog.
I do not expect him to ever address any of this.
[Update: he has refused to address any of these points. But he did take the time to let me know he took it personally]
However, this isn't specifically for any individual's benefit.
These blogs are for the benefit of anyone
who may be in a place on their journey
where such considerations may be useful for them.
If that might be you, I'd love to hear from you about this.
If that might be someone you know, I hope you'll share some of my blogs with them.
Or, if you strongly disagree with the things I say, I'd still love to hear from you.
Thanks for reading.
Lying about it
won't undo what you're still busy doing.
I have written this blog,
as a reply to the Christian I quoted early in this blog.
I do not expect him to ever address any of this.
[Update: he has refused to address any of these points. But he did take the time to let me know he took it personally]
However, this isn't specifically for any individual's benefit.
These blogs are for the benefit of anyone
who may be in a place on their journey
where such considerations may be useful for them.
If that might be you, I'd love to hear from you about this.
If that might be someone you know, I hope you'll share some of my blogs with them.
Or, if you strongly disagree with the things I say, I'd still love to hear from you.
Thanks for reading.
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