Does Christianity Direct Us To Seek Validation From A Super-Daddy?
Does Christianity Direct Us Seek Validation From Super-Daddy? I said yes (of course it does), in a prior blog. That can be found here . <<< link -- To that blog, a Christian replied. He said this: "Christianity doesn't say your value depends on someone else externally. It's about finding inner joy and peace by allowing Jesus *inside* your life. Jesus said to take the plank out of your eye and then help your neighbor take the speck out of his. So the focus is on your own choices and authentically addressing others." ---- To that, I have replied: I'm not clueless. I see right through all of that. And you would realize I see through all of that bullshit if you had actually read the prior blog in this 2-blog series. -- -- Jesus is a feeling. And yes, that feeling is mainly one of joy. Although, some call it euphoria. Some just call it a high. It's created by tricking the body into releasing feel-good neur...