Christianity and Islam The destruction of humanity, "in the name of God".
Belief in and subjection to: an unquestionable, ever-watchful, judging, insecure, fragile-masculine, wrathful, totalitarian figure … is a common form of self-crippling superstition. ---- TOTALITARIANISM Is not good for humanity. ---- Superstition is not good for the mind. ---- Even if someone says it serves them wonderfully, … That cannot be regarded as a valid justification … for them trying to spread it to others. We must stand against it, because of: The sheer proven POTENTIAL for it to wreck individuals, families, societies, and humanity. --- It would be like handing out a homemade medicine that sometimes works GREAT! …. and “only usually” ruins people’s psychological, emotional, social, and cognitive health. ---- That cannot be allowed; if we have any say in it. --- Even if such a being were up there watching and judging, … It’s a healthier thing to assume there isn’t. - And then be glad that such an entity … is no more likely than violently misc...