Christianity and Islam The destruction of humanity, "in the name of God".


Belief in and subjection to: an unquestionable, ever-watchful, judging, insecure, fragile-masculine, wrathful, totalitarian figure …

is a common form of self-crippling superstition.
Is not good for humanity.
is not good for the mind.
Even if someone says it serves them wonderfully, … That cannot be regarded as a valid justification … for them trying to spread it to others. We must stand against it, because of: The sheer proven POTENTIAL for it to wreck individuals, families, societies, and humanity. 
It would be like handing out a homemade medicine that sometimes works GREAT! ….
and “only usually” ruins people’s psychological, emotional, social, and cognitive health. 

That cannot be allowed; if we have any say in it.

Even if such a being were up there watching and judging, …

It’s a healthier thing to assume there isn’t.
- And then be glad that such an entity … is no more likely than violently mischievous Leprechauns.  




If you had a young child who attended an elementary school.

What if that child came home in tears, and trembling, because some kids at school insisted that 

the shadow monster was very very real.

According to them, …

That shadow monster will kill their parents (you and the other parent).

And then it will drag your souls into a shadow realm to be set on fire and tortured forever and ever.

And then that shadow monster will come back to get your kid and do the same to them, … 

UNLESS you and your child agree to: BELIEVE in the shadow monster, …
join their clubhouse,
start paying club dues,
memorize the club rules,
and agree to live the rest of your lives believing in, serving, and sacrificing for the shadow monster in his shadow clan.

-Dues and sacrifices that “just coincidentally” will personally benefit the kids at school who are making this threat. 

Also, you can’t call it a “monster”.

It’s very insecure. So you have to call it only flattering things, and pretend to think it’s perfect, until you can hypnotize yourself into truly believing that it’s real and perfect. 

You can’t even THINK unflattering things,
- Nor even DOUBTS. Because: It reads minds, and convicts people of thought-crimes.

If your child wanted to know if there is such a being, …

Would you hedge your bets and say “maybe”, or “I hope not”, or “maybe not”, or “probably not”?

Or would you quash that claim hard(!) … like the potentially life-altering parasitic bug that it is, right then and there, with a confident “No!”?


I think you’d say no. 

And you wouldn’t feel like it was arrogant to take that stand; even without the ability to prove there isn’t such a monster. 


The rational and healthy default, 

isn’t “maybe”.
It’s not even “I can’t be sure”. 


The responsible answer is “no”.


Extending that point to how it should be applied to anyone we care about, including our own self, …


As parents and mentors,
we must lead by example.

It’s certainly not healthy to go through life with the notion that “there is (such a being)”.

against our fellow humans
to SPREAD such ideas.

We can’t un-fact it as abuse, to add the promise of rewards for compliance.


It’s also not ‘the healthiest we can be’ to go through life thinking

“There could be. But I’m hovering in doubt, while I wait (each new day, after day, endlessly) to be convinced that there is.”.

That would just serve as an open window for predators and subsequent injuries.
And this is especially true for the millions of ex-Christians, ex-Muslims, etc., because:

(for many of us) there’s no way to fully sever the connections between:

a.) The toxic ideas ABOUT “God” planted in our minds during formative years.
That FIGURE who (even if not real) still lives as a ghost in the deepest recesses of our minds; as it struggles on occasion to come back to life within our perceptions, to re-enslave our minds. 


b.) deistic or otherwise inert, blank, or positive ideas of what a “God” could be. 


The more credence we give to the notion that a generally positive yet undefined “God” may literally exist, …

The more that previously seeded-in figure … that post-traumatic brain-raped insertion into our being …
stirs, and rattles its chains, and pleads “but what if I’m real?”

-because the neurons linked between the notion of “God” and Super-Abuser
are still there in parts of our brain.

So if we run electricity over the “God” nodes,
it will automatically arch over to the Super-Abuser nodes.

-Even if we ADD some new neuro-wiring clusters for a new/better God-theory
(keeping in mind that all versions of the God of Abraham are severely injurious God-theories).
It will still arch over to the old evil-Abrahamic-God neuron-clusters, slowly feeding the roots of a monster-weed we had already been liberated from.

So it ends up being an all-or-nothing proposition. 


We’re either going to give it an inch and then fight for the full mile, ...

Or we refuse to surrender that inch. 

Refuse to give it credence.
Refuse to give it life. 


Meanwhile, it’s certainly not an inch owed to any  cleverly hidden super-beings.


Any super-being who hides from us

is unworthy to be sought. 


I say that because “with great power comes great responsibility”. And because it would be a destructively antisocial thing for such a being 

to choose to do. 



It would make no sense at all for a decent super-person to even want us to ‘reserve a space’ for them in case they ever show up.

Space within our perceptual paradigm can be made easily if such a being ever shows up; without the need to set any aside ahead of time.


And there’s simply no conceivable healthy reason why such a being wouldn’t have already shown up in person to resolve the matter, unless they either:

a.) don’t exist.


b.) actually *do not want to be* a recognized part of our lives.


Consider the case made by Darkmatter2525, in his video titled “The Greater Insult”.


As he points out, any super-being worth knowing would be

unimpressed by faith. And deeply offended by anyone who chooses Abrahamic faith. 

And yet, …
He would likely be impressed by any atheists who chose to be a good person for better reasons. 

Link to that video. here.


And then there’s the word “God” itself.


To even invoke and ascribe that title to any potentially-real or perceived-to-be-real entity, … is a gesture of respect. 


So if I say “a literal God might exist”, I’m saying “someone worthy of that level of respect might exist”. 


But I think we can safely and confidently rule that out, by reflecting on what Epicurus asked.


“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”


So even if we allow room for “Intelligent Design” in our universe or in humans, …

A being worthy of that level of respect: 

Literally can’t exist;

-even if a psychologically unstable super-being theoretically could exist. 

We MUST take the position that it does not;
And live our LIFE as if it does not.
-for the same reason as denouncing any Shadow Monster, or any other potentially crippling superstition.

Thus, we must make sure to NEVER spread such a thing.
Nor sit idly by
When someone else attempts to spread
any such ~attempts to enslave~.

Such persons like to speak with a warm smile, and frame it as a kindness.
But they are not your friend.

They are trying to do something TO you … that (if they succeed in planting it within you) …
will hurt you;
- even if they are right that it “could” (in some ways; in some cases) ALSO benefit you.

They can’t even know how much damage it will do to any individual ... until after it plants and grows.
And they obviously couldn't care LESS about how much damage it does to humanity.
They are gambling with your future;
because they feel entitled to your life.

An (imaginary) shadow monster in their head
GAVE your life to them.

It PUT you in their hands, and AUTHORIZED them to relentlessly seek access,
through various manipulative means,
under disingenuous pretense, …

to tool around with your headspace;
“for your own good”.

They are like strangers offering candy to children, from an unmarked van in the park. 

They are trying to capture you, to enslave and exploit you for their criminal enterprise;
- even if they don’t realize what they’re really doing.

They are conquered minds
Trying to conquer other minds.

The same as Muslims.

It is literally a mafia “Protection Racket”.

That’s a nice soul you got there.

It would be a shame
If something bad happened to it.

Our boss won’t hurt you
If you submit to us.

We can talk about your donations to the family … later.
Let’s get you on your knees first.
--- --- If Christianity and Islam were NEW, today, ... Each would immediately be recognized as a protection racket, AND as directly subversive to the ideals of liberty, health, and harmony (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; while they seek for EXTRA themselves, at the expense of others) and thus: fully outlawed. But because those criminal enterprises were here from before, and have secured so much social and political power, ... we make an exception for them. And because we still make that exception for them,... The world still burns. And humanity will probably not exist much longer.


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