The Pseudo-Morality Of Weaponized Empathy
I recall an old friend; Todd (who turned out to be an enemy). He once said "True Christians never doubt that Christianity is true." He was, of course, wrong about that. Worse yet, without realizing it (and without giving a damn), he threw countless Christians (even his own friends) under the bus, by saying that. And yet, what he was really telling me is: His brain's Operating System didn't include the Doubts Upgrade; - the upgrade that makes true rational scrutiny possible. He was simply assuming that he shared that in common with all other "True Christians". So any facts or logic his brain might ever encounter that presents objectively sound reason to re-evaluate some (any) facet of his worldview, ... will be summarily dismissed, without evaluation; every time. It's a fire wall. - A way to make sure that nothing gets through. He depends on what he has. He doesn't want to risk losing it. That's how he felt about each of his (few...