Responding to Jimmy "Tux TV" About Randal Rauser Hiding Our Comments @ RR's Channel

 re "either YT or RR has hidden our comments FYI"

- @JimmyTuxTv  --- RR (Randal Rauser) does hide at least most of what I say there. I realized that months ago. That's why I only post rarely to his channel; to test and see if he's allowing them through. Although to be honest, I'd likely forget about his channel if the algorithm didn't keep reminding me that he's still around and talking about issues I'm interested in. But you can see my comments (there) under a recent video. So maybe he stopped hiding them? In any case, I think he is very sensitive to criticism. But I can sympathize with how frustrating it must be when the least educated and least ethical apologists get the most respect, largest followings, and most support from other Christians. And yet, that's really to be expected. The whole reason Christianity (as a religious theme or domain) spread and survived is that it appeals to the WORST aspects of human psychology and sociology. It's not an appeal to virtue. I mean, it is marketed **as** an appeal to virtue. But really it's a cope. And the old-school versions appeal to humanity's darkest facets of psychology. Don't get me wrong. I think RR has "a good heart". I think he is a pretty good person; at least, as good as his religion will allow him to be. But I can understand why he thinks I'm dogshit. His vantage point is temporarily stuck in a very limiting place. I say "temporary", because I have "faith". He'll move on from there; eventually. RR is not full-on progressive. He's a progressive fundamentalist. But that's the hardest niche to gain respect within. He's not God-Awful enough for the Tent Horn and the Michael Jones crowds. But he's not progressive enough for the kinds of people who rally behind someone like Rev Ed Trevors, or the late "Bishop" John Shelby Spong.
. So when someone like me comes along to support 95% of what RR says and then offers 5% constructive criticisms, ... I think RR just reminds himself that his entire platform isn't "for" outsiders. It's an attempt to call for a revival of conscience and reason "in-house". That sentiment is based on the mistaken belief that conscience and reason were ever "alive and well" within any version of Christianity before the Quakers who led the abolition movement. Granted, for as long as there have been any "Christianities", there have probably always been some decent human beings who gathered under that banner. But before the Enlightenment, I don't think there was ever an entire church or formal sect that exemplified a true moral equivalence to today's pioneers of ethical progress. Christianity's CONSCIENCE didn't really begin until exposed sufficiently to the virtues of the secular enlightenment. Even Jesus wasn't really all that noble. He only seems like he was, when we project secular ideals onto him. And "Paul" was just blatantly a psychopath. But then again, so were most Biblical writers and characters. The "Psalmist", for example, wrote about how greatly he relished the idea of literally smashing the heads of enemies' babies ... as a source of joy. He even recommended that to his readers; just as casually as a sane person might recommend any other sport. In any case, We, the people of "the world", won't really be a focus for RR, until after RR helps make Christ's bride ... sane(ish).

Credit where credit is due, I've been saying it for years. Evangelizes need to get their house in order FIRST; before bothering anyone else with it. Much to his credit, Randal Rauser realizes that too. But that's never going to happen. His "bride" is drenched in the blood of innocent victims. And she's BAT SHIT CRAZY. Nor would it even be possible to build something truly virtuous w/ salvaged parts from an ancient, hyper-prejudiced, mafia-grifing, PSY-OP. Ed Trevors has the right idea about it. Start new. Make something fresh that is: mostly not God-Awful. Keep a bare minimum of toxic dogmas (because, otherwise, it wouldn't be Christianity). And then (somewhat) hide the bad stuff beneath a thick layer of secular humanist values. And stop trying to rehabilitate and include apologists who clearly have Major Personality Disorders. But RR 'isn't there yet'. He'll keep wasting time on a doomed project until he grows past it. Until then, I'll always be just wasting my time to even attempt contributing to discussions in his space. I should really start showing more respect for the value of my own personal resources.


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