The Connection Between Conservative Christianity And Prohibitions Against Sex Work

[This is a first draft. 
I'll finish it by week's end] 
Sex work should be legalized and regulated.

That work is going to happen anyways.

We may as well make it into a safe industry.
Many other countries have.
In doing go, they lowered the rate of disease, substance abuse, physical abuse, and trafficking.
They also lowered the rate of severe depression.

They also created a taxable system which generates substantial income; thus adding to the economic health and stability of those societies. 

With all those benefits combined, 
they lowered their countries mortality rates, and raised their averages for quality of life.

By normalizing sex work, we can also help cure our society's archaic and dysfunctional 'moralizing' about "unapproved" sex.

As our society becomes more rational and mature about human sexual liberties, we'll see less extreme (and less common) "religious fundamentalism". Why? Because that type of religiosity thrives in societies which demonize natural sexuality. Surely, most of us are beyond sick of having to deal with that in our society. Those religions also thrive off of common ignorance and suffering.

Less educated and less mature people are more gullible.
That makes it easier to manipulate those people into mind-hacking religions.

In turn, those very same religions raise children to be mush LESS able to distinguish reality from fantasy.

That, in turn, makes them even more gullible and controllable. 
This is especially dangerous in an era of rampant disinformation (along with other forms of mentally weaponizing propaganda).  

suffering people tend to be more desperate for any lifeline thrown to them. 
This too makes it easier for predatory religions to thrive. Because selling lifelines of (false) "hope", along with (false) offers of "healing", and (false) offers of "truth" are what those religions are selling.   

These are the real reasons why fundamentalist religions are almost-always politically "Conservative". 

It's because they want to help the Party which promises to keep sabotaging education, health, healthcare, and civil liberties. 

They want to help keep America dumb, divided, and suffering enough ... so that those same religions can "White Knight" rescue people;
whose lives they've covertly wrecked,
and whose minds they seek to own and exploit. 

Voting "Blue" is one way we can fight against that.

However, let's be clear about this point.
I am NOT promoting America's "Democrat" party as champions of honesty and decency. 
 They are simply (yet significantly) "the lesser of two evils". 
By using and reforming "Team Blue", our society will mature. As our society matures, so will BOTH sides of our political system. They won't have a choice. Meanwhile, as religious fundamentalism declines,
fewer children will be psychological and socially abused "in the name of God". [link]

That means we'll have fewer traumatized (and literally brain damaged) adults. That too equates to having a healthier future America to look forward to.
It also means taking power away from people whose entire worldview is caused by a combination of 'engineered ignorance' and literal brain damage. 

All this time, government never had any business telling consenting adults what they can and can't do with their own bodies.
Those laws (and enforcement of those laws) are a very ironic violation of human rights.

Our bodies.  Our money.
 Our lives.
 Our choice.

Someone can say "but not when it comes to trafficking". And they are correct about that, of course.
However, ...
by keep sex work criminalized,
we perpetuate an underground system where it's easier for traffickers to traffic,
and where they have more incentive to traffic.

Legalizing and regulating sex work is the most effective way to combat trafficking.

But then again, this is EXACTLY why police departments have a MAXIMUM IQ for applicants.

If you're too smart, our government masters don't want you to be a cop. 
That's because our government masters need to trick their own police officers into thinking they are "serving and protecting" citizens whenever they are actually and literally weaponized against us.  

Meanwhile, for all those people who keep saying they are against "big government" because of how our government keeps crossing the line into stuff that that isn't 'rightly' their business,
this is a great example of that.


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