James Reacts To Revo's Report of Reacting To Suffering; As Per The Will Of Revo's "God"

[First draft] 
[Please note: I've been unable to get Google Blogger's spacing to work correctly.
I am still deciding about which other platform to transition over to for my blogs] 

" ... because he suffered as well".

The implication in saying that is "the Father and the Son are still unable to empathize" at all with our suffering.

It would have to mean that a "GOD" (whatever that is) is limited to only understanding emotionally-charged and physical experiences that GOD has personally and independently experienced.

Unlike the "God" of pandeism,
the Christian God(s) cannot fully glean those understandings vicariously.

Nor did any of its multiple person-alities really understand the suffering their group of person-alities were planning for mankind to go through, until very very long after humanity had been suffering.

It would also mean they STILL don't understand most of it.
Because Jesus' empathy is limited only to the specific subjective experiences of sufferings he experienced while on Earth.
So then any specific types and flavors of suffering he never experienced pre-resurrection ... just aren't on the list of things he can specifically empathize with.
re "he was mocked".
This wouldn't count as a form of suffering
for the most "zen" of humans; those whom have earned that emotional health via owning their own journey and growing into someone who knows who they are, are satisfied with who they are, and supply identity and worth for themselves.

Now, I understand that Christians (especially fundamentalists) think we should not dare grow to be so strong, healthy, and independent.

They feel as though we "owe it to God" (that Super-Parent) to never (not even accidentally) outgrow our child-state dependencies.

However, this point isn't really about that.

It's about how a "God" literally could not feel injured by mockery.

That is ..
unless they themselves lack emotional independence (aka: health, strength, and maturity).

But in this case, they aren't fully living up to their own potential.
Granted, this would explain the need to be worshipped.
it would also mean that his "biggest fans" are enabling "Him" in such a way that they are complicit in handicapping his potential growth into that potential maturation and healing.

Christian, then, join their "God" in helping him abuse and degrade himself.

-Unless we look around and notice the obvious cause of that paradox:

that their "god" is the cumulative manifestation of mere-mortal-men's since-ancient failings of psychosocial maturity ... being projected onto the otherwise blank deistic canvas;

giving "Him" their own failings.
And then sheltering themselves from that discovery via sheltering the idea of "him" from that fair and rational scrutiny.
"He was mocked, beaten, and citified. For what?"
1. For challenging (and thus threatening) the authority, functional power, and ego of locally mainstream Jewish-religious leaders.

2. For being accused of plotting a coup against Rome; by claiming to be the Jewish messiah who was prophesied in the Jewish texts to lead a successful military campaign against whichever State was oppressing them when the time comes.

3. Because he intentionally set those events into motion; with the intent to commit the ancient Rome equivalent of Suicide-by-Cop.

4. Because he authorized Judas to "get it done. and more quickly"; before Judas (in that lore) had a chance to change his mind.

5. Because he then committed a "lie of omission" when questioned by Pilate. -To ensure his own death.

6. NOT because of anything me or you "did". We didn't exist.
Also, if we're going to pretend that libertarian "Free Will" is real and happening ...
that means there was no certain future of specific people for any "God" to script preemptive-responses to.

If our choices are not "determined", then they can't be pre-determined.

If our choices are not pre-determined, then 
there's no certainty-of-outcome for choices people will make.

Without that, there's no certainty-of-outcome for which people will exist; as defined by anything-and-everything that makes me "me" and you "you".
In any case, 
zero humans can be rationally or ethically condemned to violent and everlasting punishment for a "God's" own choice to create us flawed.

Thus, you actually can't give a rational justification for why such a punishment was "due".

Thus, you can't give a rational justification for why there's anything that a "God" deserves as payment for; not even for the unavoidable results of his own poor life-choices.
-Not that transactional moral-values can ever be truly justified.

Meanwhile, rational ways to fully resolve human failings and sufferings are available to any ENTITY with sufficient power.
Christians are just overlooking those very obvious solutions, in order to justify a religion built upon abusive nonsense.
re "(the book of) Hebrews ..."
That's part of your problem, right there.
"Some anonymous nobody from the Iron Age, living in a time and place of rampant superstition, un-critical thinking, and illiteracy ... pre-did some of our thinking for us. And it's a good thing too, since NOTHING about anyone today just LIVING, LOVING, LEARNING, and GROWING ... would bring even the most experienced and wisest among us to those same ideas.
Thank God for random and non-credible nobodies doing so much of our thinking for us.

And then for modern random apologists to capture us in their web of "truth"; so that some rival (equally convincing; but wrong) apologists cannot do the same.

-if only we can arbitrarily decide to let them." ------------------------- "this means that (my religious sect's God is not indifferent to our suffering." -- In this short video, "God" went from "empathizes", downgraded to "sympathizes", and now downgraded to "is not indifferent". Keep talking. I can hardly wait for him to bottom-out at a.) holds a daily random "playing favorites" lottery for which humans to rescue and heal from traumatic and life-threatening events" Example (taken from Revo's own channel; so that he can't deny this as part of what he believes):
b.) "rejoices at all the suffering which testifies to his power and wisdom" and c.) "plans to ensure that extreme levels of suffering for most humans who will ever exist ... in a "Hell" of his own making; as an everlasting testament to his own personal moral character and priorities". Meanwhile, let's not overlook how the "God" of your religion's lore literally caused all suffering. Mind you, I'm not talking about intermittent lost of "wifi", nor "stubbed toes", nor merely "hungry" deer. Nor should you be, in this context. No honest man would distract away from the real issues like that.
Let's ALSO not overlook the ridiculous gaslighting when apologists say humans cause all of their own suffering. -as if ANY (and also, each-and-every) humans chose to design and pro-create all of humanity's flaws. And as if we can be rightly blamed for all natural disasters, all harmful microorganisms, all heavy metals present in soil and water, etc.. Let's also notice the ridiculousness of how Christian fundamentalists use the word "we", when they talk about things OTHER HUMANS (both real and mythical) have done. Let's also notice how we DAMN WELL KNOW that moral responsibilities scale UP with power. They do not scale DOWN as power goes up. This is what it means to say "with great power comes great responsibility".
Thus, if I happen to stumble across a severe incident of violence being planned or committed against an innocent victim, ... I become COMPLICIT if I fail to intervene.

So then let's be CRYSTAL FUCKING CLEAR about this. "God", if any such ENTITY exists, per the "intelligent design" of his "grand plan", and per willfully complicit inaction (against everyone, except for each day's tiny-minority of lucky intervention-lottery winners) ... kidnaps, rapes, tortures, beats, starves, and kills children, by the tens of thousands; every single day. ------------ Next, "Our present suffering is not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed". -- 1. Who, in the fuck, authorized you to speak for every human who will ever exist, when it comes to what's "worth it" for every individual to have greatly suffered WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT? Even setting aside the fact that "will be revealed" means that even YOU don't know what that comparison will be. So you aren't even in a position to know what it will be worth to you; unless you just mean "he will program me to feel like it's worth it. Thus, no matter what, that is how I will feel". You won't actually ever be in a position to say what everyone else's suffering "is worth". What everyone else's suffering is worth TO YOU ... tells us about the limits of your vision and compassion, It also reveals a lack of respect for others. Because you're assigning a low/low value to what others go through. And you're doing so AS IF you're qualified to tell anyone else what their suffering is worth. Also, ... "glory"? Really? Do you even understand what that word means? If you are using that word correctly (and not making up a definition the way fundamentalists often do), ... It means that you'll feel so PRAISED (by a Super-Parent, and by a religious culture) and PRAISE-WORTHY for your choice of religious team, ... that you will feel like everything you had to GO THROUGH in this will will be worth it to you. You are admitting that your entire religious culture (everyone in it) is driven by the pride of your own egos. Now, I ain't here to tell anyone they shouldn't be chasing "glory; at any cost". Nor am I here to tell anyone what their suffering should or shouldn't
worth to them.
But surely you can see how that coping mechanism is just an option for how someone "can" come to term with their own struggles. It's not a morally obligated *copium for humanity. [*Copium (uncountable) (Internet slang, originally 4chan) A metaphorical opiate taken in order to cope with loss or disillusionment, often leading to one becoming detached from reality and in denial of their situation.] 


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