Is "Gender Abolition" the way forward?

I agree with everything Dan says here; but with caveats.

until recently,
"male" and "female" were always a reference to simple sexual anatomy.

"Sex" was interchangeable with "gender".

These did not ***used to be*** different concepts.

However, they BECAME difference concepts, as people become more FREE to be more HONEST about how they thought and felt.

Ironically, it was conservative sex-specific stereotypes (including aesthetics, personality traits, and social roles) which caused "gender dysphoria" in the first place.

This was due to the fact that religious conservatives were always 100% wrong (factually wrong) about what they called "the intelligent design" of "the natural order" for men and women.

People, broadly, were always more complex and unique than that.
They just didn't feel free to talk candidly about it.

Just as importantly,
divergence from those stereotypes
was NEVER a result of (nor an expression of) "sin".

Religious conservatives have thousands of years of history of trying to DICTATE the aesthetics, personality traits, and social roles;
for what constitutes "the natural order" and "the right way to be" for all men and all women.

They were basing their sex-specific prejudices on their subjective emotional and social intuitions.

Those intuitions were mostly programmed into them by religious culture.

Those cultural norms were largely created by Narcissistic men who were expressing their own biases and pretending that a "God" relayed those biases to them.

Here and now,
per our world's growing FREEDOM to **speak truth to power**,

and per our evolving needs to have language evolve WITH our cultural evolution, and also with our psychosocial evolution,
the meaning of "man" and "woman" has changed to include factual talking-points which humanity only recently became free enough to talk candidly about;
and which relevant sciences have only recently been properly investigating.

there is still room and need for more progress.

With that in mind,
I do favor the idea of "gender abolition"; as a way to resolve these controversies, and as a way to purge archaic gender stereotypes altogether.

I think it's strategically self-handicapping for trans persons
to use language in such a way that they find themselves appealing to the very same gender-construct stereotypes which they simultaneously reject.

Without gender stereotypes, there's nothing left to define "man" and "woman" (or "boy" and "girl") with ... except for chromosomes and basic sexual anatomy.

Political Conservatives dishonestly claim that's what they want.
But we could use that to our advantage, by calling their bluff.

We could agree to the abolition of all gender stereotypes.
In doing so, we'd be obliterating the entire ideological foundation of sexual prejudice.

We'd also be curing gender dysphoria, and WITHOUT negating the lived-reality of trans persons;
by eliminating the stereotype-driven psychosexual framework which generates that internal conflict.

Sexual prejudice would still exist.
But without an ideological platform upon-which to thrive, it would become a finally-rare form of prejudice within a few generations.

-unless I'm misunderstanding something.


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