Is Biblical Hyper-Non-Literal-ism An Expression Of Ego?
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Steve Tysinger said:
The bible was designed to be;
accepted literally by the ignorant,
rejected by the foolish, and
accepted allegorically by the wise.
It's up to each of us to decide where we fit in that paradigm.
In response, Paul Cocker said:
"Just another who feels they have the answer, and that they are special because they believe they have the answer, and all who disagree are in some way flawed.
No different to those who tell me the only way to read the bible is literally and not to do so is foolish.
Or those who say we must read the Bible with a open heart and let it speak to us is whatever way feels best.
When you can't prove any claims it's best to just keep making the claims and dismiss those who are skeptical as foolish, in need of enlightenment, not at the right level, lost children, or any other condescending remarks that make you feel even more special.
If you have convincing evidence just provide it, personal experience, opinion, and empty rhetoric do not qualify."
My thoughts about it:
I agree w/ Paul Cocker.
I think this is why you are so sure that the overwhelming consensus among qualified scholars ... can't be right (about this issue; and every issue it ends up pertaining to).I think this is also why you are so sure that thousands of years and billions of Christians ... were pretty much clueless about what their own bibles meant.
Granted, if early, mid, and late Christians had been reading those texts the ways YOU read them,
they would have had a much harder time finding any justification for crusades, inquisitions, literal witch hunts, blasphemy laws, persecution of rival Christian factions, persecution of rival religions, persecution of gays, racism, sexism, cherry-picked suppression of "dangerous ideas" in science and philosophy, etc etc..
But that's actually my point.
They were NOT reading those texts the ways that you are.
Not even the early 2nd-century churches were reading those like you do.
It's funny how a supernatural force could be so clever and so efficient,
in hiding special meanings "in plain sight" for only super-rare, perfectly attuned geniuses to find;
all while making sure that ZERO-PERCENT of literal fundamentalist garbage ends up in there (something it would definitely take a magical force to prevent; given the sheer number of fundamentalist garbage-minds who were competing for centuries to dump their garbage into it).
And yet, those same super-geniuses, guided by a supernatural force, ....
weren't clever enough to FIND A WAY ... to hide secret wise and altruistic messages in NON-DANGEROUS texts.
Your theory automatically/necessarily/unavoidably means:
SPECIAL MEN guided by a perfectly wise and all-powerful, sentient, will-full force ... hid super healthy spirit-mind candy
inside of super-poisonous garbage.
On top of those layers, they also had to make the thick layer of poison look (to village idiots) like healthy spirit-candy, so they gave it a shiny spirit-candy shell.
Now, I'm not saying that YOU are dangerously craycray.
But the supernatural "will"-force (if we assume it even exists) ... definitely was. So then, if IT existed, and then if IT did all of that, then ... why are you simping for it?
And if IT does not exist, or if IT did not DO all of that, ... why are you failing to recognize you own ego? And why should we be simping for it?
Oh wait. You already answered that.
It's so you can reward us ... by saying we are "wise".
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