Final Reply to "AgapeAhavah"
re "I appreciate your invitation to watch the live stream; however, I prefer to continue our discussion here in the comment section. Could you please respond to my points directly here?"
I tried that.
I wrote out a carefully articulate, thoughtful, and nuanced reply to each of your assertions.
In reply, you avoided the substance of everything I said.
And then you used the pretense of "replying" ... just to preach at me again.
You weren't listening.
You weren't addressing my points.
So I decided to try a different way.
This time,
I **orally** addressed your claims.
I also orally addressed your attempts to negate my own claims.
In reply, here-and-now,
you just started all over again.
You don't "discuss".
You don't even debate.
You refuse to listen.
You refuse to consider.
All you do is lure people back, again and again, with the false promise that you'll listen; just so you'll get more chances to attempt INDOCTRINATING that person again, and again, and again.
You do understand what "indoctrinate" means, right?
I explained this too, in the live-stream.
It's when an ideologue attempts to get a targeted-person to:
accept the claims of the ideologue ...
U N C R I T I C A L L Y.
That's literally all you do.
That's your whole game.
You don't bring facts.
You don't bring logic.
You don't bring ethics.
You just make ridiculous religious assertions.
And then you tell the targeted-person that it would be WRONG of them to apply facts, logic, ethics, or their own lived experience into it. Because YOU, your religion, your book, and your conceptualization of "God" ... are EXEMPT from all rationality.
You literally told me that I OWE IT TO YOU, by virtue of owing it to the "God" who (you claim) speaks through you ...
to leave my BRAIN and my CONSCIENCE outside, when entering into any shared space with you.
At, at the same time, you reserve EXLCUSIVE (sole) right to use your brain (selectively), to cherry pick from data and arguments (including false data and fallacious arguments) so that you can do my thinking FOR me; because (as you said) it's wrong for anyone to use their own THINKING to EVALUATE what you say.
Well, if it's WRONG for anyone to use their BRAIN, their conscience, and their own lived experience to EVALUATE what you say ... then WHY (oh, fucking why) are you trying to give me anything to THINK about?
Your indoctrinators have damaged your brain. [link]
You have lost your ability to think rationally, think ethically, and to speak consistently.
You have lost your ability to behave in an honest, equitable, and accountable manner.
You have even FORFEITED your freedom of will, by allowing a cult's HIVE MIND to program your will as a copy/paste of theirs.
We only wonder how many poor souls they've assimilated,
and how many more they've killed,
as Christian-Fundamentalism's colonizing hive-mind spread across the world.
They took advantage of your weaknesses.
They turned you into a robot.
And then they weaponized you against every human in this world; including yourself.
And because you were already a clinical Narcissist, they GRAFTED it onto your personality disorder; so that you can never ever be deprogrammed.
That's what they did to my mother.
That's what they did to my brother.
That's what they did to my sisters.
But I was able to overcome the programming.
I was able to DISARM myself as a living weapon.
I was able to reset-to-zero.
From there, I was able to grow into a thoughtfully and responsibly autonomous adult.
That was only because because the MONSTERS who quote/unquote "raised me" ... failed to make me into what they are.
I never became a clinical Narcissist.
I never became a sociopath either.
Therefore, prolonged exposure to FACTS, LOGIC, and VIRTUES ... empowered me to mature beyond the reach of Christian-Fundamentalism's infantile insanity.
So NO.
I will not keep playing your game.
My life
is my "enterprise".
Every human society is a world. Every human life is a world. This my my journey. It's my "trek". I am the captain of my own enterprise. Today, as I stand up the threat you pose to all of humanity, I will not yield. I feel a great pity for your loss. You have sacrificed a lot of what makes us human. But I won't spend another minute of my value time on trying to help someone who does not want to be helped. I won't spend another minute of my valuable space ... sharing it with someone who intends me harm. I will not spend even another moment ... listening to you gaslight me about how the INSULTS your hurl at me, and the HARM you INTEND towards me ... are an "underserved kindness".
- 1.a project or undertaking, typically one that
is difficult or requires effort.
Every human society is a world. Every human life is a world. This my my journey. It's my "trek". I am the captain of my own enterprise. Today, as I stand up the threat you pose to all of humanity, I will not yield. I feel a great pity for your loss. You have sacrificed a lot of what makes us human. But I won't spend another minute of my value time on trying to help someone who does not want to be helped. I won't spend another minute of my valuable space ... sharing it with someone who intends me harm. I will not spend even another moment ... listening to you gaslight me about how the INSULTS your hurl at me, and the HARM you INTEND towards me ... are an "underserved kindness".
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