The Double-Standard Of Defending Christianity Against Hate

 In a "Private" Facebook group titled "THE LIES IN THE BIBLE

(a group with 1 million members),  someone posted this meme:

Personally, I find it mildly amusing. It goes a bit too far. But I see it as harmless venting from people are currently still pissed off at how Christian fundamentalist parents and churches GAS LIT and SABOTAGED their minds and their lives. However, In reply to that meme, someone said this:

"interesting , a person posting about what is inexistent and using the pretext to insult other people. You are very sick my friend.
Well , I am not used to post "There is no Mary Poppins" .. hmm "There is no Blipop Bot"... There are no flying sharks... etc .
Gaz lighting , insulting, enjoying hate , and putting down your ancestors , and logic.
You need a psychiatrist for sure"

Here, I respond.

[Note: I'm responding as a blog, so that I can "save my work".
This way, I can can just copy/paste these points later;
if this issue comes up again
(somewhere, eventually).

 Also, I'm saving my work because some of the admins for this anti-Bible groups are Christians.

 I know from experience they might just decide to delete my comment.

They've done it before.

Although, I take it as a compliment; that they see some of my comments (and thread-submissions) as 'too dangerous' to allow. 

In any case, 
here is my response:

I gave your comment serious consideration.
Here's what I came up with:

1. I do actually agree with you that the meme goes too far.
It's unfair and ugly to characterize all people who perceive "signs from God" as several mentally deranged.

However, ...

2. It's not "gas lighting", if the person saying it isn't saying it *to* a "believer" and if the person saying it really thinks what they are saying is correct.

3. That meme is being posted in a private group.
It's not like they are handing out copies of it at a family gathering or outside of a church service. Nor are they sending it to someone they know who sees "signs from God".

4. This group's members are mostly ex-Christians who are going through their "angry atheist" phase.

I'm past my angry-atheist phase.
But I still care about the issues. As such, I am often mistaken as an angry-atheist.

Most of them will eventually heal and moved past it.

For now, for most ex-Christians, it's a trauma response.
As such, it could be argued that your response-to-their-response is itself a form of accidental bullying. Because people are entitled to privately vent after they've been severely abused for years and are just recently escaping from the hyper-abusive culture of Christian fundamentalists (and moderates).

5. Some of the admins of this group are either Christians or actively Christianity-supporting.
From what I can deduce, they see this group as a place for angry ex-Christians to gather, to help make sure they leave Christians alone until those ex-Christians aren't so angry anymore.

It's a place of 'containment'.

It's a padded room ex-Christians can go into,
to 'yell at the walls'; 
so that they aren't yelling at Christians. 
 It's the same reason the most clever governments LOVE "free speech".
Because the more energy a person spends mocking injustice, the less likely they are to DO something about injustice.
since many Christians come in here to BERATE ex-Christians for their AUDACITY of daring to LEAVE the religion, and (even worse) for daring to CRITICIZE the religion, ...

That means there are always many Christians here.

And since the real purpose of this group is to help protect Christians from ever answering for their bullshit, 
Admins make sure the most SERIOUS and DAMNING threads are not allowed to post. 

 They want to limit new threads to whatever a Christian doesn't have to really think about; to help protect Christians from really thinking. 

That's why most threads are low-quality threads that are easy to dismiss. 

This is why half the threads I submitted were never approved.
This is why I stopped trying to admit new threads.

It's also why I barely pay attention to this group anymore.

I have low tolerance for "God-Modding" control phreaks who never explain their actions because they have a God-complex and it feels more mysterious and powerful to never have to reveal or explain themselves.
I had to figure out what this group's Admins were about. 

-Even though I understand they learned that behavior (ironically) from Christianity and from being covert clinical narcissists.

 In fact, that's the most interesting thing atheist-activism and Christianity have in common.

 It's the same thing all "social cause" groups have in common. 

 They have mostly narcissists at the TOP of their social structures,
because narcissists account for most (almost all) of the people who WANT to be in positions of power and influence 
(badly enough to fight for it)

 This is why 'groups of people who unite for a common cause' always end going off the rails and working against their own interests.

The least qualified people are the most determined to climb up and rule.
And they always end up running those groups into absurdity. 

Although, this group is a 'special case' because it's ran (at least partly) by Christians posing as anti-Bible critics, so that (in that space) they can control what critics are allowed to say.
That meme, as a new thread, was approved specifically because it makes the entire domain of anti-religious criticism look like a teenage edge-lord project.

Admins block the more reasonable criticism, because the real purpose of this group is to help protect Christianity.
But in any case, this is still a private group.

6. If you don't want to see such threads, then it makes no sense that you've joined this group.
Other people aren't responsible for the consequences of your choices.
7. The entire THEME and POINT of Bibles and Bible-based religions is:
to feel better about themselves
by bashing anyone-and-everyone who doesn't think, feel, live, and love like THEY do.

Look at the difference.

Critics say Bibles and Christianity are counter-factual, illogical, and abusive.

Those critics are correct.

In contract,
Bible-writers and Christian churches say "Everyone who isn't (properly) one of us deserves to die a horrific death and be thrown away like trash forever on God's trash-day.
So let's try to RESCUE the trash and SALVAGE it, and turn it into Not-trash by converting them into our religion. Even if we have to resort to unscrupulous methods to convert them. And if that doesn't work, then they can all go straight to hell.".

Why DEFEND hateful books and hateful religions, on the basis that it's wrong to hate hateful-religions. But it's fine for those religions to be hateful

Christian fundamentalism is a global bully.
It has ruined (and is still ruining) countless innocent lives.

That bully has no right to sympathy whenever someone pushes back;
especially when the people who are pushing back ... are only venting in a private room where no Christians have been invited.

This Sunday, countless many Christian churches will gather
with young children forced to attend,
while someone from the pulpit rages on about the evil non-believers, and the evil different religions, and the evil LGBT people, etc..

And then they will literally sing joyous songs; making veiled references to all the people who will die "any day now" for the moral-crime of being not-Christians. 

Will you be there to call them out for it?
Nobody will. Because THEIR spaces and THEIR hate is "sacred".

But you'll be here (I presume?) to let everyone know it's wrong to disrespect the people whose entire religion disrespects the entire-rest of humanity.


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