Sexism Against Men. It's A Thing

A couple of weeks ago,
this meme appeared in a random FB group. 

At the time, I wrote this:

"Sexism against men.
Now let's see what it would look like if it wasn't that:
"We are not rehabilitation centers for badly raised adults.
It's not your job to fix, change, parent, or raise them.
Choose a partner; not a lifelong project."

Weeks later,
someone posts that same meme again, in the very same group.

This time, I just gave the short version of the same objection.

James Apperson
Sexism against men

 In reply, 
a 3rd-Wave Feminist SJW decided to 'educate' me. 

This is how that conversation went:


Erin Aurelia Lund

Sexism against men doesn't exist.

James Apperson

Explain how you worked that out. 


Erin Aurelia Lund

Oppression only runs one way.
James Apperson


When did the topic switch to "oppression"?

Erin Aurelia Lund
You're not the victim, no matter how badly you wish you were.
James Apperson

I wish I was someone's victim?

Where are you getting that from?

Erin Aurelia Lund
  you are projecting.
The post has nothing to do with
non-existent sexism against men.
James Apperson

 The issue of:
sexism against men ...
is not the same conversation as 'who is being oppressed'. 
Also, ...

I don't feel victimized by a sexist Facebook post.

The quote merely *is* sexist.

[Here is a link; to a blog where I explain what "sexism" is] 

My pointing-it-out is merely a call to say "We can do better. We can BE better than this".

I don't feel "oppressed" by whoever really said those words (either Julia Roberts, if she really said it; or whoever really said it).

Nor did I claim men are being "oppressed" in my society; nor any society.

You aren't even using the term "projecting" correctly.

I'm not accusing someone else of doing something that I am doing. 
 Unless you think I *AM* guilty of oppressing women, simply because I'm a man.

I merely pointed out that the quote is sexist.

Sexism against men
is a thing that happens in the real world.

The OP is just a semi-subtle example of that

Your reasoning is like saying that racism against white people has never happened, and couldn't ever be a thing ... merely because white people all deserve it; same as how men all deserve to be demonized for the actions of *some*.

my use of the term "demonized", here, makes ZERO reference to any form of "privilege"

Red-pill, femcel activism isn't charming.
It's a pathology.

I understand that you can't be reasoned past it by one of the evil men of the global evil-men-empire.
But it is telling that you went out of your way to make my point for me.

If it wasn't a sexist dog-whistle, you wouldn't have ran outside and started barking about men being oppressors, and then attacking me personally (for merely objecting to sexism against men). 


Erin Aurelia Lund
  sexism IS a form of oppression.

James Apperson
It's not "a form of oppression".

Sexism is a catalyst (motivating cause) for sex-based oppression. 
It's not a synonym, 
nor does sexism require that oppression is happening.  
Erin Aurelia Lund
And it doesn't oppress men.

James Apperson
  I didn't say anything about oppression. 

Erin Aurelia Lund

The quote isn't sexist;
because men aren't the victims of sexist oppression.

James Apperson

 The meaning of "sexism" is not "oppression"; nor does it require that "oppression" is happening. 

Saying it can't be sexism if it's not part of an oppression ... is like saying something can't be a case of Covid if it isn't a Pandemic.


Erin Aurelia Lund

Oppression is an outcome, not "a feeling."

James Apperson
But could you maybe take a break 
from randomly spouting off about things nobody asked you about?

What comes next?
 Interjecting that "pineapple doesn't belong on a pizza if it's a Thursday and I'm wearing a pancake as a hat"?


Erin Aurelia Lund

You are projecting being off topic onto me

James Apperson 



Erin Aurelia Lund

 while you refer to something that doesn't exist;
so is off topic;

James Apperson 

"The Topic" (between you and I) literally IS:
 whether or not sexism against men is even a thing.

And yet, while we are ON that topic, 
I'm off-topic ... by being on that topic?

Can you even hear yourself? 


Erin Aurelia Lund

 pointing that out isn't any more off topic than your saying it.


James Apperson
  Does the room spin when you try to think?
 I'm just curious. 


Erin Aurelia Lund

Also true that white people don't experience racist oppression.


James Apperson
 And yet,
I still haven't said anything about oppression.

I never tried to talk about who experiences oppression,
or what forms that takes, 
or how to spell it,
or even if it pairs better with white wine or red wine. 

You keep trying to talk about oppression.
So far, I've refused to talk about oppression; because we should finish talking about "sexism" before moving onto a different topic. 

Erin Aurelia Lund

Noting that male privilege and white privilege exist doesn't "demonize" anybody.


James Apperson 
 I never raised that issue either. 
I didn't use the term "privilege" (nor a synonym for it) in any context at all. 


Erin Aurelia Lund 

Your misunderstanding these dynamics of oppression isn't my lack of reason.


James Apperson 

 Again, I never even attempted to discuss the dynamics between sexism and oppression. 

So you have no way to know what my understanding is about such things. 


Erin Aurelia Lund 

The barking is all yours.


James Apperson 

 I didn't just randomly say you were "barking". 

I used that term in a specifically clarified context, and included support for that statement.

Your reply, there, amounts to "I know you are. But what am I?".

Moving forward from there, ... 

You're not engaging directly with the actual substance of the issue the OP raised (which I was addressing).

If you want to go through the rest of your life with a victim mentality,
and (as a result) never heal past the issues you have with men,
that's your prerogative.
here are some supporting citations for my understanding of how sexism is defined:

Erin Aurelia Lund
 a lot of that isn't sexism, it's men bullying other men.

James Apperson 

"a lot ... isn't"?

So then ... 
Some of it is sexism against men?


Erin Aurelia Lund
 you are projecting your own bigotry.

James Apperson 
 Quote where I expressed any bigotry. 

Erin Aurelia Lund

 And your victim complex.

James Apperson 
 Quote where I expressed being a victim. 

Erin Aurelia Lund 

Keep them. They have nothing to do with me.
James Apperson

Since those things were only said in your imagination, they are literally and only about you. 

Meanwhile, ... 

Why would there be laws protecting men from
sexism against men,
if that's not even a physically possible thing that can happen?

Erin Aurelia Lund 
women in positions of power can commit sexual harassment but this is not how sexual harassment most commonly plays out.  


James Apperson 
I never raised that issue.
Erin Aurelia Lund 
 There's no equality between incidents against men vs against women."


James Apperson 
I never raised this issue. 


Erin Aurelia Lund 

It's nonsensical to pretend there is (
equality between incidents against men vs against women). 
James Apperson 
then it's good thing I never raised that issue.


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