Presuppositional Apologetics explained


[First draft] 
[This is NOT an indictment of all Christians. This is about a very specific tactic; a tactic which is only employed by the kinds of people I call "dark souls". Plenty of Christians are bright souls. They are the kinds of Christians who would never behave like a presupper. They're still in a factually-wrong religion. But plenty of decent people are in factually-wrong religions. Factually wrong shit happens sometimes; even to the best of us] If you understand the entire purpose of when narcissists do the thing called "gas lighting", then you'll understand the inspiration and purpose for presuppositional apologetics.

It's meant as a shortcut for the process. It goes 'right for the throat' of their mark's confidence in their own cognitive faculties, ... while completely pre-invalidating anything their intended victim could ever offer to challenge the Narcissist. The "logic" behind it, is, of course, impressively bad. It's not even a good trap. All I'd need to do, to sidestep it entirely, is to presuppose SpongeBob as my Eternal Hall Monitor.

IT IS "He" who ensures "I'm ready!".

Likewise, a Hindu need only presuppose Ganesh. An Islamic, Sharia-law jihadist would only need to presuppose that version of Allah. A Jehovah's Witness would only need to presuppose what they call "God". Even a Westboro Baptist would only need to presuppose a God who hate gays and tortures all dead soldiers forever. Meanwhile, what the Christian presupper is really saying is that their deity gave them a mentally signed permission slip; granting them permission to have unwavering confidence in their own cognitions (which is as far from humble and accountable as it's possible for any human to be). With that, they allege "permission" to be logical. They run around waving that imaginary permission slip that says "permission to be logical" and yet, all the while, using it AS "permission to be willfully anti-logical". When anyone calls them out for being counter-factual, logically fallacious, and wildly unethical, they just say "I don't have to listen to you until you start agreeing with me. Because only people who "ground their epistemology" in my totally-not-a-religion's GOD have a true grounding". [We're not supposed to notice the Special Pleading] Meanwhile, any-and-all attempts they make to "reason" with critics ... is in-and-of-itself a contradiction. How so? Because, according to them, nobody can justify confidence in their own reasoning faculties. That would mean we can't justify any attempt to reason logically; not until AFTER we surrender to their religion's authority (by accepting their deity as our "grounding). So how can someone be reasoned INTO their religion if we can't REASON until after we're in it? It's a contradiction. But it's not an arbitrary contradiction. It's a contradiction with a purpose. Most people can easily recognize it as a disingenuous con game. I'd expect most Christians to be disgusted by it, if they stopped to watch it happening. But most don't even know it's a thing. It's not in any Bible. It's not in any creed. It's a later development; developing only within a fringe of hyper-Conservative religious fundamentalists. Just as importantly,
it almost-never works as intended. Typically, gas lighting takes years of private domestic access to work. The only super-rare exceptions are when it works on specifically-vulnerable minds who were badly abused by a religious Narcissistic parent ... and who never really had a chance to heal or make sense of it. So then the presupper is only finishing what a parental domestic abuser started.

Although, even that takes time. The intended victim must keep returning to 'lock horns' with the entitled pressupper, as they relive the traumatizing dynamic (which they had with their abusive parent); vicariously through the presupper. The pressuper become a stand-in surrogate for the abusive parent, as the unhealed victim keeps trying to achieve cathartic release and personal victory over their narcissist parent. Eventually, if the victim doesn't break free of it, they'll find an alternative peace by finally surrendering; with a completely broken will. After that, the cult programmer will re-build the victim's lost sense of identity and worthiness to "heard"; -rebuilding that psyche with a new identity ... an identity forever-after crutched upon the validation of a cult's conceptualized Super-parent. That validation will always require complete submission to that cult of personality. This is how monsters procreate. They hollow out the soul (metaphorically speaking). From there, they plant and grow the seed of their kind. This is the psychosocial phenomenon fantastic legends of vampires and skin-walkers are really all about. They are absent the essence of the person they once were. Echoes of their own lost humanity. They will still remember how to act more-or-less human; but they will never again feel genuine compassion or personal accountability. Granted, they would say I'm guilty of dehumanizing them. But in reality, they've surrendered their humanity.
It would be very dangerous for us to charitably pretend that isn't happening. Following that, it is THEY who dehumanize everyone who isn't in their cult. This is why they lose zero sleep over all the LGBT youth they drive to suicide, or any other psychological traumas their insanely abusive religion causes for children and for later unhealed adults. Nor could they feel even the slightest twinge of guilt for all the colonizing their religion has done (and is still doing) across the globe, nor for all the misery and injustice their cult has caused for thousands of years. Instead, they plan to rely on Love Bombing, to distract, enamor, and to 'lower the guard' of potential marks. While that conversion-process happens OFTEN in families, it's very very rare for a random Christian presupper to successfully "turn" a stranger via the internet. However, their cult of personality has discovered that it's useful as a premise for giving themselves and each other permission to summarily dismiss all challenges to their *ego. [*the thing they call "God"] This is how that works: Only after their intended victim surrenders to the Narcissist's God-mask ... can the intended victim qualify to be seriously considered. To do that, the victim must surrender to the entire PREMISE of the Narcissist's authority. At that point, the intended victim would no longer be challenging the Narcissist's authority. Thus, this effectively insulates the narcissist from any-and-all painful discoveries about themselves. As Dr Jennifer Bird and Dan McLellan (both highly respected Bible scholars) have gone on record to say, Bibles were written by men with Major Personality Disorders writing "How To" guides for getting away with it. Presuppositionalism is an evolved gimmick. It's designed partly as a domestic weapon to use against their own children, but primarily as a means to protect their own fragile egos from the pains of social equality and accountability. It's not even somewhat about "God", nor leading "lost souls" into some glorious afterlife. If it were, they'd be MUCH MUCH MUCH more specific. They'd tell everyone, right up front, which factional niche (rival warring faction) of "Christianity" they represent. Without that information, your sweet-surrender would only set you up for a totally random version of Christianity. You'd be very statistically likely to end up in a version of Christianity that holds to a conceptualization of "God" which the presupper's church denounces as "false Christianity". In fact, there's always pretty good chance the pressuppers who 'join forces' with them on Youtube, Facebook, etc... are IN rival (mutually exclusive) versions of Christianity; each holding to doctrinal convictions that would nullify each other's "Christianity" as a "false Christianity". Every presupper realizes this. They aren't stupid. They're just hoping you will be too stupid to realize it. That's why they can talk about all those rival Christianities as-if it were all just "The Christianity". Everything they are trying to accomplish ... is all about their own ego. That is the "God" who stands before you. Thus, "He" needs no further introduction. In fact, that's why they avoid conversational paths which risk public exposure of those crucial differences.


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