Why "The Lord's Army" Can Go Fuck Itself.
[First Draft]
Responding to:
My live-stream about this, where I read this blog and discuss that video:
[Video will be posted here, after Youtube finishes processing it]
Time Marker:
When was America "great"?
1:00 -1:05
"This Country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles"?
this is already a lot of homework.
I hate handing out homework.
But Christian authoritarians honestly all need to go back to kindergarten on every topic they try to validate their religion with.
This is all necessary knowledge.
1:05 - 1:09
"America was built on the word of God"
"This Country is good"
In context, this is just pride-stroking and virtue-signaling.
Funny how Christians are always anti-pride;
until pride serves their sociopolitical interests. And then suddenly we all need more of it.
Beyond that, it's just a nothingburger.
How are you defining "this Country"?
The Government?
Last time I checked, it was comprised almost entirely of rival mafia families competing for dominance.
Corporate America?
Christian citizens?
White citizens?
Conservative citizens?
Who is "America?
What things exactly do you love about it?
Which things do you hate about it?
And how could anyone even possibly justify quantifying and qualifying the WHOLE of "America" (whatever they think "America is) with something as simplified as "is good"?
How many Countries are there
with frequent mass shootings,
including frequent school shootings.
including elementary school shootings?

Did you realize America is on the list of countries with Travel Advisory Warnings alerting potential tourists that traveling here means putting their lives at risk due to how dangerous it is to even just BE here?
how many Countries are there
right now
that are as polarized/divided as America?
How many Countries are there
right now
that are polluting the global environment as we are?
We SHOULD have the lowest rates of pediatric mortality, the lowest crime rates, the lowest disease rates, the lowest Domestic Violence rates,
the highest literacy, the longest life-spans, the lowest suicide rates, etc..
But we don't even come close to those statistical achievements.
We don't even take good care of our veterans.
Nor are we good at protecting ANY category of extra-vulnerable persons.
And to be quite frank about this,
Christianity (your version, along with all similar versions) is partly to blame for all of that.
I can make time to explain this. But I don't want to get distracted with every worthwhile rabbit-hole.
For the next minute or so,
in your newest video,
"wise sage Brandon" lectures fake-Fraternity character on the VIRTUES of American Christians war-murdering other nation's Christians, so that we can have unspecified freedoms. And then reassuring viewers that it's ok because those same warrior-Christians who killed each other will be LOLing about it in Heaven someday.
Seriously, you just admitted that your religious beliefs do-and-should inspire believers to treat war-murders as trivial for Christians
because DEATH is trivial for Christians,
because 'Heaven awaits'.
In other words, you just informed yourself
about ONE of the big ways your religion encourages murderous violence in our world; even against other Christians.
And for what?
For temporary earthly freedoms?
Did you FORGET that Jesus (in your favorite stories) told his people NOT to take up arms in defense of 'what is right' in the earthly realm, when he clarified that his kingdom is not of this earth?
Christians are supposed be Earth-realm-pacifists
and only vicariously-violent.
They are supposed to patiently ENDURE every injustice (with a smile), while they take comfort and joy in the hope-and-promise that their GOD will do all of his own violence when the time comes.
Instead, you speak from positions of FEAR (including the fear of loss of earthly freedoms and pleasures).
From there, you justify earthly violence
committed by Christians;
who don't TRUST their own GOD enough to WAIT for HIM to 'set things right'.
But that does make me wonder.
Which freedoms, exactly?
Which "rights" (aka: secured access) to earthly pleasures
do you think Christians should be willing to kill other Christians for?
Now, maybe death IS trivial, if your religion is right.
And so then, we could say murder is trivial.
But that would only be true about what happens when Christians die.
And that matters here because non-Christians are being killed in those battles too.
And that SHOULD matter to you because:
Think about all the non-"saved" souls Christians have sent to HELL by killing those non-"saved" souls before they had chance to be "saved".
You can't even really justify that with the idea that non-"saved" souls will be judged "for their heart" and then claim all the good-hearted non-saved souls will be allowed into Heaven.
1. If that were the case, then you couldn't justify spreading Christianity in the first place. Because if it's GOOD and thus HAPPENS that "God" judges non-"saved" souls by the quality of their moral character, then:
He may-as-well just judge everyone by that criteria. So then there was never a need for Christians to go around trying to convince people to "accept" that Jesus died for them.
2. Those aren't your lives to wreck.
Let your "God" do his own dirty deeds;
especially since (in those stories you both revere and ignore) he TOLD YOU not to do those.
Think, also, about all the prospective-converts to Christianity
who (instead) get "stumbled" away from Christianity ...
because of justified disgust over how much Christians (Christians like you) don't really trust their own God; and thus keep DOING THINGS (here, in the real world) that hurt other people ... just so your earthly-life can be more "free".
Now, don't get me wrong.
I realize that every nation's "armed forced" serve some necessary purposes.
With that in mind,
I understand that "human rights" as a concept can only be achieved and maintained in a global system where everyone's rights are fully equal.
I realize that's a difficult balance to strike.
But Christian authoritarians are not merely 'failing to hit that target'.
They're not even aiming for it.
Humanity cannot have peace
because "the armies of God" won't allow it.
Christianity (your version, along with all similar versions) is partly to blame for all of that.
I can make time to explain this. But I don't want to get distracted with every worthwhile rabbit-hole.
For the next minute or so,
in your newest video,
"wise sage Brandon" lectures fake-Fraternity character on the VIRTUES of American Christians war-murdering other nation's Christians, so that we can have unspecified freedoms. And then reassuring viewers that it's ok because those same warrior-Christians who killed each other will be LOLing about it in Heaven someday.
Seriously, you just admitted that your religious beliefs do-and-should inspire believers to treat war-murders as trivial for Christians
because DEATH is trivial for Christians,
because 'Heaven awaits'.
In other words, you just informed yourself
about ONE of the big ways your religion encourages murderous violence in our world; even against other Christians.
And for what?
For temporary earthly freedoms?
Did you FORGET that Jesus (in your favorite stories) told his people NOT to take up arms in defense of 'what is right' in the earthly realm, when he clarified that his kingdom is not of this earth?
Christians are supposed be Earth-realm-pacifists
and only vicariously-violent.
They are supposed to patiently ENDURE every injustice (with a smile), while they take comfort and joy in the hope-and-promise that their GOD will do all of his own violence when the time comes.
Instead, you speak from positions of FEAR (including the fear of loss of earthly freedoms and pleasures).
From there, you justify earthly violence
committed by Christians;
who don't TRUST their own GOD enough to WAIT for HIM to 'set things right'.
But that does make me wonder.
Which freedoms, exactly?
Which "rights" (aka: secured access) to earthly pleasures
do you think Christians should be willing to kill other Christians for?
Now, maybe death IS trivial, if your religion is right.
And so then, we could say murder is trivial.
But that would only be true about what happens when Christians die.
And that matters here because non-Christians are being killed in those battles too.
And that SHOULD matter to you because:
Think about all the non-"saved" souls Christians have sent to HELL by killing those non-"saved" souls before they had chance to be "saved".
You can't even really justify that with the idea that non-"saved" souls will be judged "for their heart" and then claim all the good-hearted non-saved souls will be allowed into Heaven.
1. If that were the case, then you couldn't justify spreading Christianity in the first place. Because if it's GOOD and thus HAPPENS that "God" judges non-"saved" souls by the quality of their moral character, then:
He may-as-well just judge everyone by that criteria. So then there was never a need for Christians to go around trying to convince people to "accept" that Jesus died for them.
2. Those aren't your lives to wreck.
Let your "God" do his own dirty deeds;
especially since (in those stories you both revere and ignore) he TOLD YOU not to do those.
Think, also, about all the prospective-converts to Christianity
who (instead) get "stumbled" away from Christianity ...
because of justified disgust over how much Christians (Christians like you) don't really trust their own God; and thus keep DOING THINGS (here, in the real world) that hurt other people ... just so your earthly-life can be more "free".
Now, don't get me wrong.
I realize that every nation's "armed forced" serve some necessary purposes.
With that in mind,
I understand that "human rights" as a concept can only be achieved and maintained in a global system where everyone's rights are fully equal.
I realize that's a difficult balance to strike.
But Christian authoritarians are not merely 'failing to hit that target'.
They're not even aiming for it.
Humanity cannot have peace
because "the armies of God" won't allow it.
You're supposed to be waiting for your GOD to violently wreck all non-"saved" people (and then throw all those souls away like trash).
You're not supposed to be doing that.
But your rationalize it anyways; in defiance of your own theological narrative.
And then you have the unmitigated GALL to posture publicly as 'the people' who should be praised for it.
who was trying to TAKE AWAY those freedoms, every time the REAL REASON we waged war was for the personal political and monetary gains of our leaders?
Our govt puppet-masters have lied to us, time and time again, about the "real reasons" we need to start dropping bombs in other countries.
And since most of our Dear Leaders have been Christians,
that means Christians kept lying to us;
and did-so for personal gain.
The last justified war we ever fought was against Hitler. And even that was only because America both ignored and fueled the problems that were building up to that necessity.
In fact, it was the ugly bigotries (including antisemitism) that were nurtured and spread by the Christian churches which were the primary ideological catalysts and sustenance for that Holocaust.
That means America had to 'clean up the mess' that Christianity created.

The same point can (and should) be made about the Holocaust of the Native Nations
and the transatlantic slave trade.
Progressive Christians,
who owed their moral progress to the persistent social influence of the secular enlightenment,
had to rise up against the evils of Christian-orthodoxy.
And why did they have to?
Because Christianity had so thoroughly COLONIZED America that:
There wasn't anyone else ALIVE in America with enough power and members to be ABLE to do it.
Christian colonizers were in control.
So everyone else had to wait, century after century, for some niche of Christianity to morally mature enough ... that Christian-orthodoxy could be overthrown.
Time and time again, Christian authoritarian ideologues planted themselves on the wrong side of history.
Every Civil Rights battle.
Every justified war.
Every liberation of a violently oppressed people-group.
All the while,
both the intentionally-progressing Christians
and the stubborn Conservative-Christians who are still being dragged by their feet (kicking and screaming) INTO each-next-century's progress ...
must lie to themselves
and to each other
about what their own "Holy Book" actually says.

Time and time again,
after they LOSE,
Conservative-Christian colonizing authoritarians hop over into the winner's circle (with the good people who just got done kicking their asses).
And then those Christians shout "We sure did defeat those bad guys, didn't we?";
as if everyone else is so STUPID (and suffering from sudden selective amnesia) that we all somehow forgot that (most of) the 'bad guys' we just defeated WERE the Conservative Christians.
Just as importantly,
all the destructive IDEALS that every war has been fought because of,
have been spread across those countries BY authoritarian religions like yours.
Your religion teaches people to think in ways that ARE psychologically violent;
and ultimately lead to equally excessive physical violence.
Now, I don't want to be caught up in cultural warfare.
I don't want to allow Christianity to OBLIGATE me to give a shit about Christianity.
I don't want to think about it.
I don't want to keep talking about it.
I don't want MY LIFE to include any part of your insane mafia-cult
which poses as a religion
which poses as a "relationship" with a "God".
[ a "God" your predecessors invented as a puppet-king to artificially inflate the social value of their own voices with;
to facilitate their insatiable quest for inequitable power, pleasure, and praise]
And yet,
here we are.
I must live.
I must stand.
You and I were both assimilated.
You and I were both weaponized.
Your religion continues to target the most vulnerable humans, including other people's children, in its' grossly entitled and inherently violent race to dominance.
I escaped.
So can you.
is not futile.
We must not let it be.
You're not supposed to be doing that.
But your rationalize it anyways; in defiance of your own theological narrative.
And then you have the unmitigated GALL to posture publicly as 'the people' who should be praised for it.
who was trying to TAKE AWAY those freedoms, every time the REAL REASON we waged war was for the personal political and monetary gains of our leaders?
Our govt puppet-masters have lied to us, time and time again, about the "real reasons" we need to start dropping bombs in other countries.
And since most of our Dear Leaders have been Christians,
that means Christians kept lying to us;
and did-so for personal gain.
The last justified war we ever fought was against Hitler. And even that was only because America both ignored and fueled the problems that were building up to that necessity.
In fact, it was the ugly bigotries (including antisemitism) that were nurtured and spread by the Christian churches which were the primary ideological catalysts and sustenance for that Holocaust.
That means America had to 'clean up the mess' that Christianity created.

The same point can (and should) be made about the Holocaust of the Native Nations
and the transatlantic slave trade.
Progressive Christians,
who owed their moral progress to the persistent social influence of the secular enlightenment,
had to rise up against the evils of Christian-orthodoxy.
And why did they have to?
Because Christianity had so thoroughly COLONIZED America that:
There wasn't anyone else ALIVE in America with enough power and members to be ABLE to do it.
Christian colonizers were in control.
So everyone else had to wait, century after century, for some niche of Christianity to morally mature enough ... that Christian-orthodoxy could be overthrown.
Time and time again, Christian authoritarian ideologues planted themselves on the wrong side of history.
Every Civil Rights battle.
Every justified war.
Every liberation of a violently oppressed people-group.
All the while,
both the intentionally-progressing Christians
and the stubborn Conservative-Christians who are still being dragged by their feet (kicking and screaming) INTO each-next-century's progress ...
must lie to themselves
and to each other
about what their own "Holy Book" actually says.

Time and time again,
after they LOSE,
Conservative-Christian colonizing authoritarians hop over into the winner's circle (with the good people who just got done kicking their asses).
And then those Christians shout "We sure did defeat those bad guys, didn't we?";
as if everyone else is so STUPID (and suffering from sudden selective amnesia) that we all somehow forgot that (most of) the 'bad guys' we just defeated WERE the Conservative Christians.
Just as importantly,
all the destructive IDEALS that every war has been fought because of,
have been spread across those countries BY authoritarian religions like yours.
Your religion teaches people to think in ways that ARE psychologically violent;
and ultimately lead to equally excessive physical violence.
Now, I don't want to be caught up in cultural warfare.
I don't want to allow Christianity to OBLIGATE me to give a shit about Christianity.
I don't want to think about it.
I don't want to keep talking about it.
I don't want MY LIFE to include any part of your insane mafia-cult
which poses as a religion
which poses as a "relationship" with a "God".
[ a "God" your predecessors invented as a puppet-king to artificially inflate the social value of their own voices with;
to facilitate their insatiable quest for inequitable power, pleasure, and praise]
And yet,
here we are.
I must live.
I must stand.
You and I were both assimilated.
You and I were both weaponized.
Your religion continues to target the most vulnerable humans, including other people's children, in its' grossly entitled and inherently violent race to dominance.
I escaped.
So can you.
is not futile.
We must not let it be.
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