What it would take to convince me.


Our journey today begins here:

In reply, one asshole wrote: 

"No one "doesn't know it when they see it". They see the evidence and aren't convinced by it, and that isn't God's fault. Someone could see the best evidence for God in the world and choose not to be convinced by it because of pride—something God doesn't want us to have."
  - Stringer77   



[My reply]:


 Here's the evidence Christians have seen that demonstrates that a Being exists who has the following traits:

1. Knows literally everything:

Zero evidence.

2. Has always existed:

Zero evidence.

3. Will always exist:

Zero evidence.

4. Is eternally necessitated by an immutable nature to always and maximally love (anyone):

 Zero evidence. 

5. Can literally never fail at anything "he" ever attempts:

 Zero evidence.


Evidence CAN (and actually does) exist that those propositions are NOT true about any Christian's "God". 

But we can ignore that for now, to focus on this other point.

That point is:

 It's not possible for a being whom DOES have those attributes 

to demonstrate those attributes to any being whom does not have those attributes. 


That means every Christian who has ever existed ... has/had to "take it on faith" that a thus-described super-being exists.

 EVEN IF a "great" super-being revealed SOMETHING to SOMEONE ... they cannot have demonstrated omni-properties to a non-omni-being.  

Keeping all of this in mind,

I really don't like Matt Dillahunty's answer for that question.

I understand the power and rationality of it. But I can do better. 

If someone asks me what would take to convince me about any specific event which is ALLEGED to have happened in the Iron Age and yet DEFIES everything I know (or: even just think I know) about physical reality, ... my answer is this:

Show me.

Do the thing.

Or teleport me back in time to see it.

Or provide such strong FORENSIC-science evidence that even the Theists who say "miracles can't be demonstrated by science" all end up changing their mind about that. 

Get all the THEISTS to agree that you've proven it happened via forensic evidence ... and I'll accept that "it happened". 

Want to win the bigger game and go out for icecream afterwards (my treat)?

We can even be extra rude to the servers, so that they'll know for sure we just got out of church together! 

Here's how:

 Heal either of my EXes ("T" or "M") of their Major Personality Disorders. 

I don't even need to be there for that. 

I'll automatically find out within a day or two. 

Because they'll be the one reaching out to offer healing and "restorative justice".

It's automatically what an internally WHOLE/Harmonized person would do after the criminal extremes of injustice they once took such sadistic pleasure in.  

Do ANY of that and I'll know "a Super-Person exists". 

After that, I'll sign up for a lifetime membership in their "biggest fans" club.  

Just Make sure an agent acting on behalf of a specific faith-group is the one who PROVIDES any of that, and then I'll know which path to dedicate myself to. 

Otherwise, I'll have no reason to align with any already-established path. 

-In which case, I'd have no good reason to adopt any doctrines about it. 

That's how this works.

Meanwhile, it's irrational to accuse atheists of having worse moral character (ie. "prideful") compared to you **as** the REASON why they don't join your "totally not a religion", if you're going to turn right around (when asked) and deny thinking that you're a better person than them.

You can't have it both ways. 

Also, if everyone who refuses to endorse-and-join your "totally not a religion" has "PRIDE" to blame, then:

 Why would a worship-hungry Super-Being design humans that way, when he must have known it would prevent most people (since always) from worshipping him? 

Also, if someone were a slave to their own selfish desire to feel PRIDE  ...
wouldn't they see your "totally not a religion" as the ultimate opportunity to align themselves with something and "someone" they can feel an OVERWHELMING pride in? 

Obviously, yes.
I mean, most Christians can't SFTU about how proud they are to be Christians.
And I believe them about that. I really do. 

So then it would work better as an accusation to say "The reason atheists don't accept my claim that my deity exists is ... they are rejecting the divine character trait of pride. 
 They want so badly to stay away from pride that they're unwilling to adopt the strongest form of pride there is." 

Granted, that would still be ridiculous.
YOU would still be ridiculous. 

But at least it would be a special opportunity to take 1 minute out of your day to stop contradicting yourself. 

Lastly,  ...

Do you think every Roman Catholic, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, Westboro Baptist, Muslim, Wiccan, Polytheist, Native American/Indigenous Spiritualist, and DEIST all have the same exact reason for not joining your "totally not a religion"?

If they might have unique reasons, then:

So could an atheist.

Whereas, if they must all have the exact same reason then:

 How (in the fuck) could you possibly know that? 

Did you read something to that effect in a book you like? 

Did it have talking snakes, talking donkeys, and dragons in it? 



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