My open letter to everyone who politically weaponized Covid by treating that pandemic (and the scientific response) like a hoax.

[First Draft]

Lately, I've seen a resurgence of right-wing, antivaxxer Conspiracy theorists 
posting links to this video.

In context, they're offering this as a reason nobody should ever listen to anything Noam Chomsky ever says about anything.

By extension, they're arguing that nobody should ever listen to anything ever said by anyone who is "on the left". 

And by "the left", they mean:
 anyone left of them. 

That would include anyone who advocates for any of the so-called "left's" talking points; including talking points about Covid. 

They offer that video
as a way to virtue-signal to other hyper-Conservatives.

They do the same thing with various news articles;
only some of which are from legitimate news sources.

Much of it is baseless conspiracy theory bullshit.
[link to recent news article about this]
[another example

They're also offering it as a way to delegitimize a respected voice who says things the far-right-ist wishes were not being said.

People like that
pull propogandist stunts like this 
about literally everyone they deem to be a threat to their social, political, and religious ambitions. 

what I find very strange and yet very common is:
Quite often,
they haven't actually watched the material they cite.
Either that or they simply don't understand what's being said in the materials they cite.
[link to a recent example]

The video [shown earlier in this blog; of Chomsky talking about mandates] is a great example of that phenomenon.

That video clip is being offered (by far-right propogandists) as proof that Noam said we SHOULD have been creating laws to mandate/force everyone to get those vaccinations.

It's also being offered as proof that Chomsky said we should also have been basically putting those people under house-arrest (or worse) if they didn't comply. 

However, Chomsky does NOT take those positions.

Instead, what he says in this video is that societies should have adopted and articulated social conventions; circulating rational ideals and sound argumentation until those become the norm.  

His words in that video were specific to a phase of that global pandemic; while the global scientific community was tracking statistics and issuing recommendations.

Those cautions were based on their collective prior experience about how viruses work.
They were also based on what leading qualified virologists knew 'so far' about Covid.

If you listen very carefully to how he words things, he's talking about how the un-vaxxed should isolate ***themselves***;'
- until we have more data and/or the pandemic has been rendered into being much less of a threat.

In context, his argument was that:

~For now~ (at that time),
it's NOT too much to ask and expect from each other;
for everyone to abide by recommended precautions
UNTIL new data can revise those recommendations.

So if someone wasn't willing to get a vaccine, then they should have been WILLING (of their own accord) to self-isolate as much as they reasonably could. 

With that in mind, it's fully reasonable for the govt to enforce sensible restrictions.
- THE SAME AS how they enforce restrictions about other vaccinations.

For MANY DECADES, America and other developed nations
have adopted and enforced limits-of-access to places like public schools and certain jobs within the food industry ...
to require vaccinations for measles, mumps, rubella, polio, etc..

Thus (for example) it has been FORBIDDEN for children to attend public schools without certain vaccinations.

To continue the point he was making:

**IF** (way back then) it turns out that the scientific community's best-educated-guesses about precautions (mask, distancing, vaccinations, etc)
~turns out~ to be correct (per data they were still collecting), ...
and then
IF (at that time) the conspiracy-theorists refuse to abide by verified findings,
THEN (at that time) society should consider further steps to protect itself from those politically-bio-weaponized members of those societies.
-EXACTLY the same as we would if Polio or Smallpox mutated beyond the control of existing preventions and (once again) raged across our societies.


All the while,
unvaccinated people actually were dying off at alarming rates.

The argument of "well, me and some people I know never got vaxxed and never abided by the recommended precautions and yet WE survived" ... is a bad faith argument.

It's logically fallacious and it's politically weaponized propagandist nonsense.

A lot of people who didn't take any of the recommended precautions
managed to not get Ebola in parts of the world where those outbreaks have occured.

The same is true for every plague and pandemic.

If a very large percentage of the American population had refused to get vaxxed or take precautions for Polio, a very large percentage OF those people would have survived.
Some of those people never would have gotten Polio.
Some would have gotten it but recovered.
Many would have gotten it and became permanently disabled.
Many would have gotten it and died.
That is exactly what happened during the Covid Pandemic. - Except that Covid spread much further and faster than Polio ever could.

Now, I realize, ,,,

Left-wing media DOES have some measure of propogandist manipulation being engineered by the special-interest billionaires who own them.
they can't hold a candle to how far off the deep-end into Big Foot, gay frogs, and "Jewish Space-Lasers" territory right-wing media has descended into.

With that being the case, I realize that Fox News was careful to avoid showing certain footage and press-releases concerning hospitals (from all across the world; including here in the USA).

Doctors and Nurses were collapsing from physical and emotional exhaustion, from trying to 'stem the tide' of sufferings and DEATH;

day after day,
month after month; as months turned into years.

HOSPITALS ran out of places to put all the bodies.
Many had to rent refrigerated truck-trailers.
Some even had to hire excavation crews to dig mass graves.

Meanwhile, doctors and nurses were burning out.
Many had to go on DISABILITY from the trauma.
Many even un-alived themselves because they couldn't live with being haunted by so many men, women, and children slowly suffocating to death under their care.
And that includes patients who did NOT have Covid but who died a preventable death ... due to nurses and doctors having to spend their divided time and attention (and space, and equipment) on people who DID have Covid.

Meanwhile, MANY popular right-wing "influencers" who built their platform "exposing" Covid as a hoax designed to control people by fear (so that Bill Gates could inject them with microscopic tracking devices)
... fell silent;

one by one,

Right-wing puppet-masters
controlled right-wing lemmings BY FEAR.
Ironically, they controlled those lemmings by making them afraid OF: being controlled by fear.
Now, THAT is some evil meta-genius fucking brain-hacking right there.
And it worked.
Moving forward from there, life-destroying nutters STILL can't quit bragging about it.
Just as importantly, they STILL don't understand even the most fundamental tenant of human rights.
EQUAL RIGHTS; otherwise we've reduced them to mere privileges; which can be bought, stolen, and horded. 

Such rights 
can only be a reality
when every individual's rights END AT where the next person's rights begin.

Your right to swing your arms wildly in the air ...
ENDS AT my reasonably and equally sized bubble of air-space.

I, as a private citizen, could not fully protect myself and my loved ones
FROM YOU. YOU made the virus more prevalent in spaces where WE sometimes had to go. You also made the virus mutate more rapidly and dangerously, by loaning your bodies out as living incubators. And you're still doing it. 

You also made it take much longer (than it would have taken) to de-escalate the pandemic. 

it's still out there;
circulating and mutating at a slower pace.

That means you aren't yet done killing innocent people of all ages. 
Although, currently, most of the people you are mass-murdering are elderly. 

This whole time, you've been pimping yourself out to mass-media puppet-masters.
You did that 
by loaning them the use of your literal and entire body
as a literal bioweapon; along with your mind as a social weapon.
Using people like you as weapons, 
they tried to kill off everyone who was biologically vulnerable to a cytokine storm. They did that so that survivors could develop "natural herd immunity". Although, that implausible and sociopathic biological theory was later debunked. And why such reckless games? So that the 99% of un-wealthy citizens could quickly get back to making our puppet-masters even more wealthy; and, of course, serving them coffee.

Moving forward from here, ...

Now that scientifically (
minimally) literate, SANE, and Non-Psychopath citizens have DONE THEIR PART in rendering Covid less (less enough) dangerous [no thanks to you] everyone (left standing) has gone back to their busy busy lives.
Meanwhile, ... 

You'll never know
how many innocent strangers' lives you prematurely ENDED.

You'll never know about all the extreme and prolonged suffering they went through WHILE they died; as they gasped for each next breath; hour after hour, day after day. You'll never know how many more people remain DEVASTED in the wake of watching helplessly; as their loved-ones struggled to breathe, and then eventually losing them.

You'll never know how many people now have signficant permanent disabilities;
And to make sure all those people are EXTRA fucked, 
it's only YOUR side of the political arena
who keeps trying to revoke everyone's legal protections for medical care of pre-existing conditions.

In other words, not even the people who SURVIVED being mowed down by your political cult are safe.
Because your insane clown posse wants to change our LAWS to make sure they can't get the care they need in the aftermath of what you did to them. 

There is a lot of innocent blood on your hands.

You might sleep well at night.

But you shouldn't. 

 Not until you become a good person.
Not until you "die to your former self" and get "born anew" as an actual adult citizen of Earth.  
The people who were extra-vulnerable to Covid were never our society's "weakest link".
They were never the people who needed to die so that everyone else could get back to living.

All along,
that was you. 

You are the enemy of the people.

You are politically motivated serial killers who still revel in how you got away with the perfect crime.

That's who you've chosen to be.

And the REASON you chose to be that 
was because unscrupulous billionaires used mass-media to "Manufacture Consent".

In other words, ...

The very thing Noam Chomsky is most famous for educating people about
is the very thing your puppet masters are using.

And they're attempting to prevent more people from learning about HOW they are manufacturing consent ...
by using you 
to delegitimize the people who are still trying to warn people about it.


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