Our Government MUST FORCE Christian-religious Fundamentalism upon everyone's children.?
1:22 "Teacher and administrators are RADICALS for taking these things out of the curriculum". --
[First Draft]
Fact Check:
It was our nation's "Founding Fathers" who took those things out, when they drafted the secular Constitution.
-keeping in mind that "secular" doesn't mean "anti-God". It just means "not about God". So then getting our car's oil changed is a "secular" activity. It's not a religious activity.
Meanwhile, it violates NOT ONLY the essential "Separation of Church and State", to require tax-payer-funded, government institutions (such as public schools) to PROMOTE one religion over all others, ...
it creates a hostile/disrespectful social environment, and is really a disavowing/disenfranchising gesture towards all other religions, and to the non-religious citizens of our nation.
It is really sending the message that "if you, your friends, or your parents don't follow our religion, then you aren't true citizens of our nation. Because "We, The People" believe in these stories".
It ALSO violates the essential purpose of educational institutions:
To educate.
It's a form of child-abuse to "teach" children things that we factually KNOW are not true.
Read the stories.
Discover that there was only ONE set of laws called the "ten commandments", written on stone, and later placed in the (fabled) "ark of the covenant". And it was NOT the list those false-educators are CALLING "The Ten Commandments".
The actual "ten commandments" are found at:
Exodus 34 (verses) 10 - 35.
The last of the ten commandments is "Do not boil a baby goat in its mother's milk".
Scholars share a consensus that this was meant literally. But there is much debate about why this was one of their deity's ten foundational laws for the covenant between himself and his people.
Notice, also, how that conversation between Moses and his deity ... have "God" telling Moses to go violently destroy other religious people and their religious objects, and to abstain from ever making peace with people of different religions.
Surely, this is not the message we should be using tax-dollars to indoctrinate everyone's children with (and: against the will of their parents).
Scholars also share an OVERWHELMING consensus that Moses is mythical.
There might have been some guy in the 13th century BCE that some of the earliest stories were partly referring to; "just maybe". But the figure "as written" is mythical. That literary character did not exist in real life. The stories about "Moses" are fictional.
Even William Dever (considered to the "father of modern archeology") agrees;
as does the ENTIRE field of Israeli Archeologists; which includes many who are practicing members of religious Judaism in Israel.
Only the vast majority of evangelical Christians and a tiny minority of non-academic Jews think Moses (as written) was real.
Meanwhile, even CHRISTIANS should be offended by that new "law" in America. Because it will drive an even deeper wedge of animosity between Christianity vs everyone else who lives here.
It's also pretty ironic for Christians to push the MOSAIC LAW, when Christianity is built upon the supposition that:
all of humans have been liberated from that law; and should "rejoice" having been freed from it.
What FUNDAMENTALISTS are doing right now
will backfire.
You're only going to speed up how quickly our nation becomes overwhelming non-authoritarian.
So I suppose I should thank your political cult right now; for how helpfully self-defeating you've chosen to be.
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