Is Modern Psychology Based On Biblical Texts?
Responding to the claim:
Work with attention,
taking personal responsibility in order to heal.
Work with emotions..."
My thoughts about this claim and supporting examples:
Modern psychology
is based on scientific discoveries.
Those discoveries came about via the scientific method.
Nobody in bible-cultures was using the scientific method for anything.
However, they were often using the precursor to the scientific method:
Learning via living.
But that's not unique to biblical cultures.
It's something that all humans have always done; since long before people invented any "God".
If people didn't pay attention to their own "work", they'd get hurt.
Pain and failure have always been great teachers.
They taught us to pay attention to our work.
Observing our own thoughts
is an evolved ability.
It's great that we have this ability.
It provides many benefits.
But this ability has been common for humans
for as long as our species has existed.
That ability and practice
far predates
biblical cultures.
The concept and practice of taking personal responsibility for anything (including own healing)
has no roots (none at all) in biblical cultures or texts.
In fact, I'd argue that biblical texts and cultures tried to get people to NOT take personal responsibility for this.
Instead, they called upon mentally-captive followers to:
forsake their own power;
to defer to the will, authority, and power of religious authority figures, and a larger-than-life cosmic parent, to provide the authority, and method, and "spiritual" powers of healing .. from outside-the-self.
They didn't even stop there.
They went much further,
in their efforts to maximize dependence on those authority figures.
They even went so far
as to tell people that their/our entire personal WORTH and IDENTITY
must come from outside of ourselves.
It kept (and still today, keeps) their sheep as non-self-reliant as possible.
In fact, those cultures did a lot of harm to people's psychological, social, and physical health.
People were not even supposed to heal from (most of) that.
Because it was meant as a way to "humble" people into deeper and more desperate subservience (aka "faith").
So they were usually told "pray for healing"; which did nothing except create even deeper investment into religion-magic and subservience to those men's authority.
They were also (often) told "wait for Heaven";
which actively discouraged people
from creating a better Earth-world for themselves and others.
Granted, some small measures of healing were both allowed and encouraged.
But for that, they mostly relied on folk-remedies. Those were similar to rituals that African witch-doctors would have "prescribed".
That too helped keep members deeply engaged with the mental-world of magic.
which flowed from a Cosmic 'moral authoritarian' Super-parent
and was only available *through* elite human "agents".
Yea; they "worked with" emotions.
They even gradually developed a system for that.
Today, we call it "The Bite Model".
But that was never about generating health.
Nor was it generating maturity (nor otherwise empowering) for the individual.
The whole point of it was to keep people as controllable and exploitable as possible.
Now, I'm saying that modern psychology is very far evolved.
It isn't.
I'm not saying that it finally has its collective shit together.
It doesn't.
I'm not saying it's yet GREAT at providing healing.
It's not.
But we do need to keep supporting it, if we want it to eventually become what it currently tries (and mostly fails) to be.
It is still in its infancy.
As a clinical tool, it's barely further ahead than bloodletting and leaches.
And the reason that's relevant to this discussion is:
Abrahamic religions
are the saboteurs of that progress.
And yes, that includes Christianity.
They aggressively held back scientific progress for all mental health care, for many centuries.
To a gradually lesser extent,
they're still sabotaging that progress today.
They can't $ell afterlife fire-insurance
to anyone who isn't in a desperate panic.

it's their Job
to make sure every society is
as traumatized,
and un-matured
as possible.
The Abrahamic-fundamentalist grift
has always depended upon these forms of sabotage.
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