Some Random Fundie Really "Digan" Into Me About Shit They Imagined Me Saying
Entire history (so far) for this conversation:
A Facebook grouped called "Order Of The Pen".
It's not a religious debate or discussion group.
But the admins do sometimes allow controversial topics.
Someone started that thread by asking
"Has anyone ever verbalized as opposed to simply thinking and feeling that it is justifiable to hold God accountable ?
It has come up in conversation with people I've known , from time to time.
Regardless of whether they've belonged to a particular faith , left that faith or were never."
In reply, I posted this quote (as this exact image).
In reply, this followed:
Linda L Digan said:
"Maybe you should learn about God's reputation before reposting such nonsense. God will bring justice, God created the earth and everything in it.
God is sovereign, omnipotent, omnipresent, God loves those that turn to Him and obey His commands and statues.
God is not to blame for the sin of this world and the evil in it. Your post is evil and sinful. If more people turned to God there would be less sin in the world. But post like yours could lead others astray. And God will hold you accountable for your actions on judgement day.
Is your future actions going to help satan freeing up his demons to spread more havoc elsewhere or you could join God"s team and fight evil and have satan and his demons trying to put obstacles in your way because they want you to fall away from God.
Praise God if your trying to live righteously and your life isn't hunky-dory.
[Note: She got ALLLLL of that from just me posting this image:
She makes it sound like we were having a conversation where I said all that shit she's upset about.
But no such conversation took place.
At this point, I had not said a WORD about ANY of the crap she just ranted at me about in the big wall of text.
I had only posted that simple little quote. And it wasn't even directed at her.
In fact, I didn't even know she existed until she unloaded (in reply).
But now is when I'm about to go ahead and start talking to her.
This is, of course, a mistake.
The more I say, the worse it will get.
But you know ... I just had to say something about it.
I really should get a hobby or something.
Nowhere in those TWO short sentences and one long sentence ...
did I say ANY of the shit she's about to go off on me about.
Notice too how absolutely abusive she was being to me there.
According to her,
"God" is going to FUCK MY SHIT UP.

And for what?
For making good points.
And why is that bad?
Because actually good points are what makes my points DANGEROUS.
-Dangerous enough to MAKE SENSE and thus make her religion look bad.
And that's a problem ... why?
According to her, making GOOD POINTS that make her religion look bad ... results in more people being disinterested about being IN her religion.
And what's a problem ... why?
According to her, that's where all the evil and suffering in our world comes from.
-from evil people like me helping "demons" make her religion look bad.
Its' like she's channeling my mother. ]
So in reply, I said only this:
"There is no logic in any of that religious crap.
Neither is any of it actually ethical.
You're just another religious fundamentalist who gave themselves permission to be stubbornly antisocial and unreasonable."
Linda L Digan said:
I would think logic would include truth and knowledge.
God gives his servants insight.
Being kind to your neighbor (Bible instruction) is unethical since your saying it is all unethical.
To bad you don't know the righteous living ways your condemning.
Since the Bible God's inspired, breathed word tells God's disciples to go into the world and tell people The Good News don't know where you get that they are all antisocial.
Do know of a few antisocial groups that claim to be Christian but also seen some other evil actions that show they are hoaxers like Jim Jones societies but instead of hurting themselves they are a brotherhood of evil doers and hurt those on the outside.
Obviously they are not obeying scripture. Satan's minions to keep people like you from finding the one true God."
[Again, I should know better than to feed the trolls.
My guess is this lady has unresolved issues with an un-believing family member. And basically I've triggered some recordings of the issues they've clashed about.
Seriously. Why do I put myself through this?]
[So now I'm saying this:]
Addressing each of those concerns:
1. Logic absolutely must include facts.
Of course. But why are you pretending I even raised this issue?
You are now the first to raise this issue.
In reply, I'll gladly address it.
But we both know what's going to happen next.
You'll just argue against even more things I never said anything about.
But sure.
I'll bite.
Many things you regard as facts
are not actually facts.
Your religious culture is a large and chaotic structure of falsehoods and abuse.
That doesn't mean literally everything they say is false or abusive.
They get some trivial things correct.
And they sometimes copy bits of actually-good stuff from the outside world.
But most of it is absolute garbage.
2. "God gives his servants insight."?
I never raised this issue either.
I honestly don't care (nor believe) about your religion's Magic Dad In The Sky
magically giving you special insights that no outsiders are privy to.
In any case, you should always limit interactions with outsiders
to: whatever pool of knowledge your audience has Earthly access to.
3. Being kind to neighbors
is yet another issue I never raised.
But sure.
I'll bite.
Being kind to neighbors is an ideal that originates with cultures that far predate Christians.
In fact, it far predates the Hebrews also.
this issue was not a topic between us.
You're only just now acting like this was brought up before
and like I somehow spoke against that ideal.
Only now is that idea being mentioned.
only now will I say anything about it.
4. "(James said) being kind to your neighbors is all unethical. "
I said no such thing.
Why bear false witness TO me and ABOUT me, while you stand on a platform labeled "truth and kindness"?
since you're bringing the matter up, ...
The writers who advocated for being kind to your neighbors
were not talking to us.
Nor were they talking about us.
2nd Temple Judaism is the culture that both the late BCE and early CE texts were coming from.
They were talking:
only to Jews
only about their Jewish neighbors.
It's like if a KKK Klansman at a Klan rally says "be good to your neighbors".
They were talking to their own specific ethic, religion, and national-identity group ... about how to treat each other.
However, I realize the only time Christians grow is when they adopt secular values.
And the only time that happens is when they read secular values back into their texts, so they can pretend that "God" gave them those values.
We can pretend those people were properly respectful of humanity as a whole. But they weren't. And neither is your modern religion.
SOME of what you call "kindness" may be actual kindness.
To be charitable, I'll assume so. However, MUCH of what you call "kindness" is not actually kindness.
It is, instead, carefully marketed un-kindness.
Granted, you might be quick to give a non-Christian stranger your last dollar, or the shirt off your back. Maybe.
But you're in a religion that demonizes humanity,
and extra-demonizes anyone with the audacity to think, live, or love contrary what your religion approves of.
You book and your culture teaches that my adult-aged children deserve to be thrown away like trash forever UNLESS they "get saved"; which means become a Christian (before they die).
And the way your culture talks about the LGBT people, and atheists, and so-called "pagans", and the "lukewarm", etc. ... is all equally ignorant and ugly.
"To bad you don't know the righteous living ways your condemning."
I don't condemn everything about Christian-fundamentalists.
I never paint with such a broad brush.
In fact, I never mentioned "righteous living ways" at all.
You're just putting even more words into my mouth.
But now that you're bringing it up, ...
please do tell me.
Name even one thing that is part of "righteous living" that I don't know anything about: ?
"the Bible (is) God's inspired, breathed word "
I never raised this issue either.
But now that YOU are raising this issue, ...
You're wrong.
"(my bible) tells God's disciples to go into the world and tell people The Good News don't know where you get that they are all antisocial."
I never listed that as one of the ways your religion is antisocial.
In fact, I never mentioned anything at all about your religion in the comment you just replied to.
But I'll say it NOW.
Now that you are being the first person here to bring it up.
Your religion and your book are antisocial. If you really want an explanation and support for that claim, let me know.
I'll write up a list.
But I never said anything about that in the comment you're responding to.
I said YOU were being antisocial
and that it's a common way for Christian-religious fundamentalists to behave.
You just can't seem to take a break from putting words into my mouth. THAT is one of the ways in which you are being antisocial.
"Do know of a few antisocial groups that claim to be Christian but also seen some other evil actions that show they are hoaxers like Jim Jones societies but instead of hurting themselves they are a brotherhood of evil doers and hurt those on the outside. "
Even worse versions of Christians exist.
But we weren't talking about that either.
"Obviously they are not obeying scripture. "
Ironically, yes they are obeying those texts.
Those texts recommend a lot of evils.
They just occasionally sprinkle in some nice-sounding things; for marketing purposes. But I never said anything about that either; until right now (because you're bringing it up).
"Satan's minions to keep people like you from finding the one true God"
Actually, it's YOU making your God look bad.
But in any case,
* The Hebrews never believed in Satan. Satan is not a real person.
Christians invented him.
* Also, there is no monotheism in bibles.
All of the Hebrew and Christian text writers
were polytheists.
Although, some were more specifically henotheistic.
* I know more than you do
about what's in bibles, who wrote that stuff, what it means, and how it compares to actual-reality.
Bibles get everything (that matters) wrong.
I said YOU were being antisocial
and that it's a common way for Christian-religious fundamentalists to behave.
You just can't seem to take a break from putting words into my mouth. THAT is one of the ways in which you are being antisocial.
"Do know of a few antisocial groups that claim to be Christian but also seen some other evil actions that show they are hoaxers like Jim Jones societies but instead of hurting themselves they are a brotherhood of evil doers and hurt those on the outside. "
Even worse versions of Christians exist.
But we weren't talking about that either.
"Obviously they are not obeying scripture. "
Ironically, yes they are obeying those texts.
Those texts recommend a lot of evils.
They just occasionally sprinkle in some nice-sounding things; for marketing purposes. But I never said anything about that either; until right now (because you're bringing it up).
"Satan's minions to keep people like you from finding the one true God"
Actually, it's YOU making your God look bad.
But in any case,
* The Hebrews never believed in Satan. Satan is not a real person.
Christians invented him.
* Also, there is no monotheism in bibles.
All of the Hebrew and Christian text writers
were polytheists.
Although, some were more specifically henotheistic.
* I know more than you do
about what's in bibles, who wrote that stuff, what it means, and how it compares to actual-reality.
Bibles get everything (that matters) wrong.
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