Reviewing Jared Berry's Apologetic Article For Proving Christianity Via Proving The Resurrection

My initial thoughts about everything said in that article (<--- link), in the order these issues appear: 1. "Dear atheists" is a Red Flag. It indicates to me that the speaker is immersed in a Culture War Polemicist, Religious Fundamentalist environment; most probably Protestant. It tells me they're either from the USA or study with a church that spread from the USA. It tells me they vote politically Conservative. It tells me they aren't really prioritizing the "saving" of as many souls as possible, but are instead scoring cathartic points for their team. Otherwise, they'd be directing their efforts to a broader audience, and not making these issues into an "us vs (specific)them" issue. This impression is further given by the rest of that sentence "(atheists) never read to the bottom of this article". The speaker could not possibly account for every atheist who has ever started reading his article. But he thinks, with con...