Answering a Christian-Fundamentalist's "Gotcha" questions.

In yet another social media discussion group which has nothing at all to do with Christianity, a Christian fundamentalist is going around threatening people with Hell and pushing absurd culture-war polemics. The admins, having an unstated favoritism towards Christianity, allow all sorts of nonsense from them; while blocking contrary threads. Fortunately, they usually allow pushback in the comments. ------- So now this random fundie is asking me some questions. Here are my answers to those questions: -- 1. "Then can you please tell me what is Truth?" -- Truth is whatever is subject to rational standards of falsifiability but then is rigorously tested, and is (as a result) demonstrated to be correct. This is why your religious beliefs are not true. They were tested; by the same rational standards we humans can-and-do test everything by. They failed all the tests. Thus, it is now ignorant and dishonest to call those "true". -------------------------...