Clinical Narcissist Poses As Fake Research Center To Re-Invent And Enable Narcissism As A Culture
The Global Center for Religious Research
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The History of Religion: A field that helps you spot those ancient texts your pastor takes too literally!

James Apperson
I mean, sure. For some passages, this is true.
But let's just admit that the fundamentalists are mostly correct.
The most psychopathic, irrational, and factually wrong texts were simply written by unhinged religious lunatics who knew almost nothing about history, science, etc..

James Apperson Yikes, brother. Those are some wild assumptions about the mental state of ancient people ... whom you've never met and (apparently) don't know much about. Perhaps a History of Religion class should be on your Christmas wish list this year

James Apperson
How are you going to get a friendly metaphor
out of commands to hurt babies, children, families, old people, etc?
James Apperson
I've spent a lot of time listening to Dr Jennifer Bird talk about the God-awful ways the "Biblical" Hebrews (and earliest Christians) saw women, and how they treated women.
Bible-writers saw women as lesser people…
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James Apperson Who said anything about friendly metaphors?

James Apperson
The Global Center for Religious Research
I understand.
Your ego feels attacked
and so, in response, you try to attack mine.
But it's not going to work.
Meanwhile, you aren't really arguing with me.
You're arguing against the experts in those fields.
I cited several.
All of them see it the way I do.
That's half the reason I see it how I do.
The other half (again) is:
I can read.
Bible-Story writers, editors, and translators
all decided to paint vivid pictures of extra-violent people
reasoning and behaving extra-violently; "in the name of God".
They also made it very clear that their favorite patriarchal deity was a literal, sentient, self-aware, emotional, super-powered person
who literally said and literally did a lot of really messed up things;
things which those people thought of as perfectly fine.
Some of it was metaphorical.
Some of it was just moral tales; meant to be assumed as "didn't literally happen. But the story teaches us something".
But a lot of it was clearly meant to be taken as literally real entities and happenings.
I didn't write those stories.
Don't blame me.
Or do.
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