Why Secular-Progressive Atheists Still (never did) Think Like Christians
10:00 - 10:17 admits the Hebrew conceptualizations of "God" were BS. Creative fictions written to project their own cultural narratives of identity and worth out-and-up into a "God". 10:17 - 10:40 describes the Might Makes Right premise of "morality" that Hebrews wrongly ascribed to. Again, the narrator of this video throws the ancient Jews under the short-bus, as false-religious cultists. I happen to agree. But I can afford to agree, because: I'm not a Christian. Therefore, I'm not a religion that builds upon the premise that the Hebrews got their beliefs about power and morality from the "one true God". Included in that segment of this video:
The idea that all cultures across the world, since always, held entirely to that idea, where the conquerors prove their moral character by conquering.
Somehow, this CONSERVATIVE Christian
fails to recognize that his POLTICAL VALUES
are based entirely on the values that his RELIGIOUS VALUES denounce.
It is also is a wildly incorrect assessment of humanity's history of values.
For as long as there has been downtrodden people who lamented the feet of evil men upon their necks,
there have been morality-narratives
where the empowered are seen as evil
the enslaved see themselves as virtuous.
the only way in which Christians "flipped the scripts" about that was this:
They dog-trained slaves to see their enslavement as a virtue.
So much for everyone being equal under God.
When you take pride in the boot-treads across your face,
you are simping for the men who wear those boots.
Being exploited is not a virtue.
Granted, the Jesus-character thought it IS a virtue. But he can fuck right off and die. Oh wait. He did, didn't he? Well, at least he did one thing right. Meanwhile, being powerless remains: not a virtue. Nor is it evidence of virtue.
Also says Pope Bagadicks "correctly" and "honestly" claimed that their church never utters "shrill, special interest rhetoric". At this point, I'm pretty sure "Tom" has never cracked open a dictionary. -- - 14:31 time to BRAG about "the power of victimhood". Even goes so far as to say "that's the whole point of the crucifixion". Good times. :) These people. I swear. -------- - 15:36 MANIFEST DESTINTY was predicated on: these (native) people need to be taught how valuable they can BECOME as members of the one true cult.
But it's NOT a virtue.
And most non-Christians today realize it's not.
this video's narrator goes on to add layers (even more nonsense)
with the claim that:
it wasn't until "Jesus" and "Paul" that anyone ever had a contrary idea about power vs morality.
-where an ABSENSE of power
strength of moral character.
And so "The God" is exclusively THEIR GOD.
not the GOD of the wealthy or the empowered.
So much for everyone being equal under God.
Here, the narrator specifically DENIES equality under God. And then he offers the idea that we are NOT all equal under his God ...as proof that we are.
This is yet another example of fundies contracting themselves.
Meanwhile, he's wrong to claim that revering one's own chains
is a common ethical precept for people in "the West".
He's only partially correct, in-so-far-as:
Teaching the enslaved to take PRIDE in their chains ... was part of Christianity's system of mind-control.
It helped them mentally and physically enslave millions upon millions.
Granted, both sides of that SICK mindset still persists among the religious.
It also persists among the peasant-class and middle-class of "The West" who revere their capitalist and government masters.
But that's really NOT the flex that video's Xian thinks it is.
When you take pride in the boot-treads across your face,
you are simping for the men who wear those boots.
Being exploited is not a virtue.
Granted, the Jesus-character thought it IS a virtue. But he can fuck right off and die. Oh wait. He did, didn't he? Well, at least he did one thing right. Meanwhile, being powerless remains: not a virtue. Nor is it evidence of virtue.
Neither is it evidence that you suck; to be fair.
POWER has no universal correlation
to a person's moral character.
Granted, for most people, it corrupts.
However, it doesn't corrupt every individual.
Granted, for most people, it corrupts.
However, it doesn't corrupt every individual.
How a person USES the power they have
is what reveals their character.
I cannot fathom how anyone smart enough to turn a computer on
can still be dumb enough to think which SIDE of a power-differential a person finds their self on ... determines their standing before a "God".
Funny how the same people in this video who DENOUNCE EVERYONE who has wealth or other forms of great power ...
and yet endorse Catholic Popes and various Protestant power-players.
Although, of course, apologists can always come back later to spin what they've said, to do Damage Control.
"Oh, what we really meant was the opposite of what we said".
In any case,
everything that video's narrator says
is a factually incorrect analysis.
The very next example of that Christian talking nonsense:
He lies about what Saul/Paul and the "Jesus"-character said and represented in those stories.
First, none (not any) bible writers thought of Jesus as a capital-G "God".
Next, if we read Trinitarian dogma back into those stories, then we merely RETURN to the very idea that this video's narrator disavows.
If we read those stories as "Trinity = true", then:
It's the story of:
an always-powerful KING ... who merely pretends to be a human peasant so he could walk among humans, and then pretends to die, and then pops back up to conquer.
But then he turns out to be the laziest king ever.
Because let's everyone "down below" think, say, and do WTFE;
for thousands of years.
Again, what the texts SAY is the OPPOSITE of what that video is claiming. It's also laughable and dishonest to portray the "Paul" of biblical narrative as seeing women as true/total equals of men. The thing he is most famous for is telling women to STFU and know their place below men. Can I get an AMEN, Kenny? Granted, some scholars say those were textual corruptions. But even if we grant that, ... oh well. Because "the West" was built by people who only knew about (and mostly agreed with) the sexist-version of those stories. Meanwhile, none (exactly none) of the NT writers promoted great and equal worth among all humans. The "Jesus" of NT mythos didn't think any such thing. Neither did Paul. Neither did the anonymous, later-generational, non-eyewitness writers of the "gospels". Neither did the small-c catholics, neither did the "Catholics", neither did the once-new founded churches of the Protestant Reformation, neither have most Christian churches until pretty recently. Even the progressive churches still predominantly favor the Animal Farm version of "equality". “All (human)animals are equal, but some ... are more equal than others.” After all, you're just blowing smoke if you CLAIM to see all human lives as greatly and equally valuable ... but hold to a values-narrative where everyone's worthiness to even EXIST (or to exist without being tortured) is predicated on a set of religious beliefs which only some few people hold. -- Time index 10:40 - 10:51
Again, what the texts SAY is the OPPOSITE of what that video is claiming. It's also laughable and dishonest to portray the "Paul" of biblical narrative as seeing women as true/total equals of men. The thing he is most famous for is telling women to STFU and know their place below men. Can I get an AMEN, Kenny? Granted, some scholars say those were textual corruptions. But even if we grant that, ... oh well. Because "the West" was built by people who only knew about (and mostly agreed with) the sexist-version of those stories. Meanwhile, none (exactly none) of the NT writers promoted great and equal worth among all humans. The "Jesus" of NT mythos didn't think any such thing. Neither did Paul. Neither did the anonymous, later-generational, non-eyewitness writers of the "gospels". Neither did the small-c catholics, neither did the "Catholics", neither did the once-new founded churches of the Protestant Reformation, neither have most Christian churches until pretty recently. Even the progressive churches still predominantly favor the Animal Farm version of "equality". “All (human)animals are equal, but some ... are more equal than others.” After all, you're just blowing smoke if you CLAIM to see all human lives as greatly and equally valuable ... but hold to a values-narrative where everyone's worthiness to even EXIST (or to exist without being tortured) is predicated on a set of religious beliefs which only some few people hold. -- Time index 10:40 - 10:51
He lies again.
NONE of those books
teach the idea of all humans having a common dignity.
The "Jesus" character hoped and expected for all non-Jews to die and be forgotten forever.
And he was really really certain that would happen in his first-gen followers' lifetime.
Saul/Paul's views (and his later ghost-writers views) were more ... muddy;
because they wrote in mostly metaphors.
So they left a LOT open to interpretation.
But they never even HINTED at the idea of all humans having all great and equal worth.
Nor do today's Christians think so either.
They created a RELIGION that functioned as an artificial RACE.
Everyone else was disposable.
So to graduate INTO worth, you had to join. Otherwise, you remain worthless.
10:44 - 10:45
I'll let you know when your done blowing.
Keep going.
10:45 - 11:04
Yep. It was, in fact, the Greeks who gave us democracy.
And another YEP.
It was the secular enlightenment that gave us the values you are pretending we got from Christianity.
Hitchens was correct about this.
But I bet you're about to lie about that too.
11:05 - 12:07
It is INDEED an "interesting take".
To say that the true meaning and real impact of Paul's words didn't really manifest until after a THOUSANDS years later.
It would mean either:
a.) he wrote in a sort of secret code that it took that long for someone to finally decipher.
b.) simply nobody took him seriously for a thousand years.
But neither thing is true.
12:08 - 12:39
Besides the fact that he's referring to middle-east societies as the "western" people, as a way to smuggle in an eastern-happening into a western-narrative (long before "the west" existed; since we aren't talking about the native American tribes here), ...
Paul did NOT promote universal human brotherhood
Paul did NOT promote universal human brotherhood
nor universal human dignity.
NOR did he speak out against violence, nor did he speak out against power-based pride, nor against authoritarianism.
In fact, Saul/Paul,
and the various Christian stories about Jesus
all DENIED universal human dignity and brotherhood.
He was also pro-authoritarian values, and he was pro- situational brutality.
And for thousands of years, the vast majority of Christians have agreed with me about this.
Meanwhile, for anyone NEW to this modern controversy,
please DON'T take my word for it.
Grab a Christian bible.
See for yourself.
And then go read some history books.
What Paul thought
didn't even resemble what this clown is saying.
Nor did anyone misunderstand him so wildly until recently.
12:40 - 13:20
tells his Christian host
"The Enlightenment was just copying off of Christians".
And the host is visibly pleased at this, because it strokes his Identity-Politics-driven ego.
O M G,
I didn't realize how great my anti-elitist-elitist club is!
13:21 -14:22
Quotes Steven Pinker.
Pinker correctly asserts Christianity had FUCK ALL to do with jump-starting the secular enlightenment.
It's when humanity went through a tremendous growth spurt, AWAY FROM the infancy of religion.
And we should all want to keep on growing.
But the Christian host "Tom"(something-or-other) says:
if that were true, then American history and American modernity would be nicer.
I don't really know what his logic is about that.
He doesn't explain his thinking about it.
It's not my job to toss his word salad.
So let's just move on ...
Paraphrases Pope Bagadicks.
"Enlightenment was based on the Judeo-Christian tradition".
I guess I missed the part of the enlightenment where someone said "Just kidding. We actually believe the opposite of all this WOKE ideology.

Women are man-serving, baby-vending machines.
Join our pedo-money-power-cult or else Sky Father will torture you forever.
Also says Pope Bagadicks "correctly" and "honestly" claimed that their church never utters "shrill, special interest rhetoric". At this point, I'm pretty sure "Tom" has never cracked open a dictionary. -- - 14:31 time to BRAG about "the power of victimhood". Even goes so far as to say "that's the whole point of the crucifixion". Good times. :) These people. I swear. -------- - 15:36 MANIFEST DESTINTY was predicated on: these (native) people need to be taught how valuable they can BECOME as members of the one true cult.
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