Won't The Real Slim Shady Please Rise Up?

The same people who claim to be a "historicist" about Jesus claim to be mythicists about Santa Clause, Dracula, and Wonder Woman. And yet, they have heard of Saint Nicholas of Bari, Vlad the Impaler, and (at least vaguely) about the two women the creator of Wonder Woman based her on. So much for consistency. Meanwhile, I admit. I think "there was a guy" But the reason I think so is not merely because any 1st or 2nd century Jesus-cultists, fiction writers, or fan-fiction writers wrote stories about a Super-Jesus. If I lived in that place and time, and if I were literate enough, and if were clued-in enough about the power of gullibility, and if I was a Jew who realized "the messiah" is religious fiction, or if I were a local outsider with mafia ambitions, and if I were informed enough about the power-vacuum that was created by discordant Jewish sects who waited for a messiah, and if I realized just how much power a skilled-enough story teller has in an er...