It makes no sense for there to be a secret time limit. It would be an even worse injustice  to set a limit that is different for every person. It makes no sense for a Benevolent Super-Being to say "TIME'S UP. Now I'm going to decide your eternal fate based on the details of my relationship to you (or: lack of relationship) when you died".

MY LIFE is not a game show. Nor should my life be ABOUT someone else's life. Nor should somebody else's life be ABOUT mine. Even as a parent, I want my kids to outgrow their dependencies. A good father does NOT want his children to remain as children. A good father does not want his children to dedicate their lives to: being all about their father. My journey belongs to me. Yours belongs to you. Even if a Creator exists, that's how it should be. TRUE friends and TRUE family respect each other's pursuit of mutually respectful autonomy. Don't obsess over me. Just physically show up for visits,

spend quality time, treat me well, and be there for me if I need you. I'll do the same. If a "God" wants someone to KNOW and LOVE them, ... then they should make CHOICES that create that outcome. I accept responsibility for that. So should a creator.
Think about it. 1. There are people in this world who don't know I exist. 2. There are people in this world who aren't even looking for me. 3. There are people in this world who heard of me. And I sounded like maybe I'm a decent enough guy. But they still aren't interested in a "close personal relationship" with me. 4. There are people in this world who have heard rumors about me that make me sound dangerous (and not in the kind of hot "bad boy" sense of the word). Because of the way that some people portrayed me, people who heard those rumors have a bad opinion of me and zero interest in getting to know me. 5. There are people in this world who claim to know me and love me ... who only render "lip service", barely know me, and I don't consider them to be "my people". etc etc. Now, ... Do you think I plan on killing any of them? Do you think I feel "personally rejected" by any (or all) of them?

Do you think I created an inescapable torture pit for some old enemy, and have since repurposed it for all my non-friends? Do you think I'd hide that pit in their path so that they are all in danger of falling into it?
Do you think I'd blame my victims and GASLIGHT people about it, to say something absurd like "They CHOSE that fate by rejecting me"? Do you think I'd then make sure the only people who won't fall into it ... are the people who: a.) choose to become my friend, b.) lucky-guess enough facts about me, and c.) change their lives enough that it pleases me? Do you think I set a secret timer for each individual person when they'll run out of time and run out of chances to sufficiently flatter me? Only a crazy evil person would reason and behave in those ways. Gods should LIVE and LOVE at a much higher standard than us; not lower. Nor should god-fans need to gaslight everyone around them, to claim that LOWER **IS*** higher, or that we aren't qualified to know the difference. A horrible person would say "That's not how my God reasons or behaves"; right after they (and their religious texts) specifically describe him as reasoning and behaving in exactly those ways. I wish I would count on better behavior from God-Fans. Instead, they can't even admit when they're behaving that way. But then again, that's why it's called "gaslighting". A "Good Good" would not set a "time's up" deadline, for people finding him, understanding him, or wanting to live in his kingdom. A GOOD GOD would say "Take all the time you need. There is no time limit.". A GOOD GOD would create a better EARTH; and a more capable humanity. A GOOD GOD wouldn't be playing evil games with our lives. A GOOD GOD would create many worlds.

1. A God-Kingdom World. "His World; His Rules". For everyone who wants to be that close and live on those terms. 2. A nearby world where it's similar to his world but less strict and less close. 3. A bit further world, where it's even less strict and less close. etc... The furthest world would basically be something out of a MAD MAX movie.

-Except with certain protections in place. People who die "bounce back" as ghosts who can choose when and where they will re-materialize. People who experience a preset limit of suffering would also instantly morph into ghost-form.
A GOOD GOD would place portals on every world; to all the other worlds. Carefully crafted rules of physics would enforce each world's uniquely specific rules. Anyone who wants either more freedom OR less freedom in trade for certain benefits ... can freely change over to the world of their choice; at any time. A GOOD GOD would make sure every world had plenty of: everything people and (other) animals need, to be healthy, productive, and happy. -light, warmth, water, food, etc.. A GOOD GOD would let people decide where and how they will live, forever and ever. He would say "You know where to find me if you ever want to get to know me better. There are certain benefits that come with being in the central kingdom. Feel free to visit any time. Just know that the rules will be enforced; but never with violence." A GOOD GOD would make sure every person and (other) animals can transform into any form they choose; - even ethereal forms that can't be caged or killed. That way, no creature can ever be restrained against its will. -Nor subject to any other violations against their autonomous right to freedom and wellbeing. That way, nobody can ever be killed; unless they choose for themselves to fade away into some differently-sentient or non-sentient form. And nobody could ever seriously harm anyone else. Plus, imagine a reality where you could choose to be a PRESENCE without FORM; hovering over a puddle in the rain. You could be fully ONE with that happening. The rain, the splashes, the puddle, the air, the moisture in the air, the temperature, the sounds, ... all of it. You wouldn't merely be there seeing, feeling, and hearing it. You wouldn't be "getting wet". You'd BE the water, the air, the splashes, etc. Timeless moments without any boundaries except for those you choose.

At a whim, people could choose a form where they're in no danger of any pain; nor any interruption to their chosen state. People could also SHARE that state with someone else; whenever they choose. But in "human form", there would be functional limits and moderate risks. Whenever we choose to exist in any biological form (and for however long we choose to remain in such forms), ...
A GOOD GOOD would simply allow for mutual consent of pain, in case anyone ever actually wants to feel some pain on purpose. A GOOD GOD would also make sure there are SOME random pains, risks, and setbacks in everyone's life; - so that life and love still hold meaning for everyone.

They would just make sure extremes of suffering can't happen. They'd recognize the need for ~balance; in all things~. If that GOD IS GOOD, then EVENTUALLY (even if it took a billion years) everyone who (at first) chose a distant world ... would eventually CHOOSE to get to know GOD better. They would eventually move into that world as a permanent, voluntary resident. Whereas, if that GOD is flawed, there would always be somebody who wanted a safe and happy distance. In that case, some people, sometimes, would need a break from certain God-quirks or God-rules. They might also want to take occasional breaks from the monotonous homogeneity of that Mister Roger's Neighborhood.

Other people might just settle somewhere else; with no specific plan to move back to the Central Kingdom.
The more flawed the GOD, the greater the distance some people would choose. Although, people in the further kingdoms might stop in to visit "God" or visit friends; once in a while, if that GOD behaves well enough when they visit.


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