Is Trump a "Fascist"? And should semantics be allowed to distract us from the real issues?

 Trump, very intentionally, helped mobilize countless many people into literal bio-weapons;

as a tool of selfish political power. As a result, countless more people died, and countless more suffered, from a global Pandemic. -- Trump also pulled a Charles Manson Maneuver, on several occasions, over several different issues; - in trying to GET his cultists to do very real violence against his political enemies. This is the man who told the Proud Boys (a white supremacist, domestic terrorist group) to "Stand back. And stand by". This is the man who characterized legal and illegal immigrants from south of our border ... as a bunch of drug runners and gangbangers. This is the man who told a JUDGE (who Trump had to stand before) that he wasn't a real American nor a real judge, because the judge was clearly of Mexican ethnicity. The is is the man who took the few weekend-emergency overflow holding cages for children of illegal immigrants (holding facilities that Obama started; which was a BAD but short-term solution to a solvable problem) and did something much worse. He turned those into MANY cages. He used those cages to hold and severely ABUSE both illegal AND legal resident-children from south of the border ... for YEARS ... as political prisoners. Many of the "attractive" kids just disappeared; never to be found. It has been said that some were traded into the child-sex-slave market. Some were "adopted" by affluent conservative Christians; where they would have to endure cult-family brainwashing ... after having been stolen from their rightful families. Some kids died in those camps, because of the abuse. Those that survived will now have a lifetime of severe PTSD to contend with. By definition, and in practice, those were: Concentration camps. With every evil act that he helped plan and which he commanded as President, those were directly his evils. And yet, with every evil act he caused by merely signaling to his base to carry out those evils, ... he was hoping for himself to later use the defense/alibi of: (to paraphrase) "but I didn't force anyone to do it. I wasn't even there when it happened. It's not up to ME how my followers DO the things I merely say out loud need to happen". It's the same legal defense Charles Manson tried to use. I'm actually not-so-glad that Trump has such heroes as Charles Manson and Adolph Hitler, to inspire him. Trump enjoyed enough power to make that everyone's problem.

As a result of Trump playing that same game, throughout his Presidency, ... * some of his cultists tried to kidnap the governor of Michigan. * Kyle Rittenhouse took high-powered weapons that he did not legally own, across State lines, looking for an opportunity to HUNT and KILL suspected sociopolitical adversaries ... at visually-possible (thus: assumed factual) active crime scenes, as a one-man-army of vigilante Justice. At the time, such behaviors had been so politically sanctioned and socially embraced ... that Kyle was soon found innocent in a court of law. Now, Kyle is a HERO to billions of violently deranged political cultists. Trump's version of Helter Skelter has brought America more fully into a "Slow Civil War". In fact, during that chapter of our still-unfolding history, ... our government, under Trump, had secret police (no badges, no name tags, no warrants, no probable cause; just black special-ops gear and masked faces ... ABDUCTING law-abiding citizens off the streets ... without cause, as a way to intimidate the political rivals of his primary political support base. Trump himself even had some of his brownshirts TEAR GAS citizens of a peaceful protest, as a way to clear a path ... so that he could take a photo-op of himself holding a bible (upside down) in front of a locally-prominent church; in order to virtue-signal to his support base. That church's clergy, btw, witnessed that event. And they were outraged at Trump for doing that. Meanwhile, during that entire era of BLM protests, ... some of Trump's volunteer Brownshirts ... regularly infiltrated BLM active-protest scenes ... with face coverings meant to conceal their identities ... in order to commit crimes, in an attempt to cast BLM protests as a front for criminal activities. Why? As a matter of political theater. They were further demonizing those who never should have been demonized in the first place (including non-whites, the poor, and political rivals). They were also trying to quell the fully justified and past-due (although, poorly timed and poorly led) protests. Recently, it has also been discovered that many such agents of mayhem and misdirection (masked white supremacists setting fires, breaking glass, etc. at BLM marches) ... were members of Federal policing agencies. being directed BY administrators within those agencies. So they tried (with some success) to incite, to simulate, and even actually commit crimes FRAME BLM, to CREATE a justification to violently hunt social and political adversaries. Now, I'm not saying that all BLM supporters were innocent. Some few of them did commit stupid crimes at those events. But a LOT of what the far-right media ranted about ... were actually crimes committed by far-right people who were trying to frame their social and political rivals. -- For far-right/alt-right activists, there was no sense of ambiguity about what Trump, the GOP, and the Christian Conservatives wanted to see happening. So they made it happen. Trump himself, on camera, has said he WANTS to see our police *assume guilt and * commit violence against assumed-guilty suspects. This is exactly the violent rhetoric that got Dr Robert Price de-platformed and blacklisted by academics and humanists throughout the world. But it's even more dangerous when someone with far greater influence (like Trump) calls for violence against the innocent. Trump directly CALLED UPON our law enforcement agencies to switch to a ~Guilty if accused~ society ... and to then physically brutalize the accused on-scene; extra-especially when arresting hecklers and protestors at Trump rallies. He also caused events like: * a white Supremacist driving car fast-and-furiously into a crowd of peaceful protestors. Trump then defended white supremacists as "good people" and inferred some of the victims had it coming. And when mainstream media ASKED Trump to denounce white supremacy and domestic terrorism ... it took many days of pressure for him to eventually (but minimally) denounce such groups and such acts. But then he went right back to dog-whistling to his terrorists. It was around this time that he wanted to start having parades of tanks and other symbols of Military Power, rolling down the streets of large cities in America ... dedicated to himself. He also took citizens as political HOSTAGES ... when he told the governors of a few different States ... that IF they expect any HELP from the Federal Govt to get more ventilators and other needed supplies, funds, etc to help SAVE LIVES and reduce the SUFFERING of their State's hospital care patients (for the foreseeable future), ... that help was going to be CONDITIONAL to those State's governors SWITCHING from being verbally critical of Trump ... to being supportive of Trump as President ... in view of Trump's plans to run again for President. Trump also committed violence against countless citizens of the entire world ... in the form of forcing polluted air into their lungs, and polluted water into their cities, and raising sea levels that would continue to wash away more and more waterfront land, homes, villages, businesses, etc.. - As he took an active lead in destroying the global ecosystem; for personal gain. If a villain used his own hands to do those things, ... we would not even hesitate to call those: acts of gratuitous violence. But when a super-corrupt, politically empowered bad guy uses other people's hands ... we should hedge and play semantic games in his defense? This is the man who publically, recently, threatened to assault
Manhattan District Attorney (Alvin Bragg) with a baseball bat and then warned of "DEATH and DESTRUCTION" if the charges against him aren't promptly dropped. This is the man who abused his authority in an attempt to prevent the FBI from investigating his corruption. We're also talking about a guy who, while in office, told NASA that they are not ALLOWED to do climate research anymore. That move forced NASA to create an underground railroad of scientists sharing climate data across the world. Trump also told the CDC which words and phrases they aren't ALLOWED to include in their public health reports. With that, he banned government agencies from addressing or studying gun control as a concern of public health. He also tried, relentlessly, to destroy America's safety nets for the more vulnerable citizens; for access to: healthcare, food, shelter, education, and costs of living. He was helping the GOP (and their Conservative Christian powerbase) bring us closer to: a Hunger Games type of dystopia. They've already gradually replaced our democracy with an oligarchical plutocracy. But that's just a progression of stages ... towards a tragic end. Trump himself even called for the entire U.S. Constitution to be canceled; because it is preventing him from doing things he wants to do as President. If they ever succeed, they'd be issuing in: a Christian-themed, ultra-conservative, overtly fascist autocracy. Granted, Trump is clearly NOT a Christian. However, he made the same deal with the same politically-weaponized religious cults .. that Hitler made with them.

"Help me attain and hold power. In trade, I'll do the same for you".
He was also helping them attempt to ensure that future dystopia could not be later overthrown or rehabilitated. It would be (or is, at least, intended to be) permanent; because: the subsequent/resulting body of citizen voters would be brainwashed into their Orwellian ideology. That would ensure each next generation would be raised into the same. They are taking advantage of democracy's greatest weakness. This is why Socrates hated democracy. It CAN'T work for the benefit of any society (nor the larger world) when corrupt leaders are allowed to anti-educate/deceive voters about what they're voting on. This is largely what Noam Chomsky was warning and educating us about, when he explained "Manufacturing Consent". It's also directly relevant to how Noam Chomsky correctly identified our government as (quite literally): a Mafia. Although, it's actually several mafias (which includes "The Five Families") working against each other, as they vie for dominance. Meanwhile, ... If the extremist GOP faction ever gets their way, ... All support services for the poor, elderly, and disabled would be commercially privatized. As a result (if that system were ever brought into fruition), ... The poor would have to throw themselves (and their kids) at the mercy of the churches. Public education for children would also be replaced with privatized, politically-religious indoctrination centers. -- -- Crucially important for us to realize: The fundamentalist, conservative, evangelical Christianity (Protestant, Catholic, and independent versions) (in its many forms; these many mafia families who operate under religious pretense) is a network of authoritarian power-cults that THRIVE off of ignorance, suffering, and death. We, The Sheeple, would, effectively, be giving unchecked power to a tribe of evil that justifies extremes of afflicted suffering ... as a way to "purify" the people and as a means to bring the struggling survivors "unto the Lord". Step 1: Make the people suffer horribly. Step 2: Blame that suffering on fictionalized enemies. Step 3: Offer them hope of relief from SOME of that suffering ... at the cost of their mental and physical freedoms. Step 4: Be THANKED by the slave class for your "protection" and for their blessed opportunity to serve.

"The Lord", of course, is just a puppet King for them to speak on behalf of, as a mechanism of mass manipulation. It is a religion that, as Neitczhe observed, ... glorifies slavery as a virtue; - so that no such-minded person would even TRY to break free of their mental shackles. Obedience to authority, as a virtue. SUFFERING as a virtue unto itself. Worse than that, it's a SACRIFICE for a fictional "greater good". - worst of all, sacrificing non-consenting others; to calm their collective paranoias, and to serve their selfish ambitions.

This was what January 6th riots at The capital was all about. Trump and his cult have a vision for America that can only happen if he can hold power long enough to make it happen. For that, he needed (and still needs) to commit violence against The People of America and of the entire world. Trump is a Mob puppet; answering to both Russian and domestic mafias. He was trying to use violence against his political rivals, to hold that power. He fully intended for his cult of violently deranged fanatics to hang Mike Pence for the accusation of betrayal, along with Nancy Pelosi; as a symbol and a warning ... of what fate is due and destined for any who stand defiantly against "Family" interests. In the new National Order (and later, the New World Order; if they could ever get that far), ... Any who call for us to be better ... would be seen as anti-virtuous trouble makers who need to be "dealt with" for bucking against the POWER that "The Lord" has appointed.

Kissing Hank's Ass ... becomes The Law.

-All of this, honestly, being exactly what the concept of *monotheism was created for in the first place. [
*First implemented by an Egyptian King; long before the biblical Hebrews ever considered monotheism, and for the very same purpose] Monotheism was ALWAYS a way to consolidate power and to mobilize society into violence against political rivals. Having "only one deity" and only one person or class who postures as "His appointed voice" ... means: having only ONE VOICE that gets to gets to be considered authoritative, along with only one promise to weigh, only one true "kingdom" to serve, and only one WAY to ensure it. Violence marketed as purification. Hate marketed as love. Fear marketed as epic courage. Surrendering to predatory instincts marketed as spiritual victory. Selfishness marketed as altruism. Enslavement marketed as freedom. Lies marketed as ultimate truths.

The enthralled enjoying sanction to do evil; justified by a contrived NARRATIVE;

so that all such evils are both "necessary" and "good".


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