
Showing posts from April, 2023

Callout Out Frank Turek For His Authoritarian Propogandist Grift

  I remember when I was a Christian and thus reasoned that same way. At least Frank is closer to fair than most apologists would be (about this matter). But let's be honest about this. First, ... there is NOTHING under the category of "morality" that all humans agree about. If you want to say that a "God" wrote ANYTHING on literally everyone's "heart" (the emotional facets of their mind), then: That ink got washed away during every sociopath's (and psychopath's and Narcissist's) childhood. "God" needs better ink. Weird. I guess he's waiting for us to invent that for him. --- Also, if Frank's "God" has an eternally unchanging moral "nature", then: his moral opinions (call those "facts", if you want to) would not change. And yet, Bibles tell of a God's JOURNEY of moral growth. Thus, he no longer feels morally outraged when: * people eat shellfish (Granted, many v...

Religion. What It Is. And What It Costs.

When people in Christian religions are proud to let us know they aren't in a religion. [#Marketting]   -- Let's be clear about this: Jesus, in those stories, committed himself to death. He committed the Iron Age equivalent of " Suicide by cop ". And then he had the unfair audacity to ask his deity to "forgive" the people who Jesus manipulated into helping him "get it done" and "more quickly". The Story of Jesus is The story of a tragically unwell man losing his battle with mental illness. Christians have completely misunderstood that character in those stories. They also misunderstand why the Jewish and Roman authorities wanted him dead. He challenged their religious authority and their qualifications to interpret their religious laws. -Laws which, according to Matthew 5:18, would remain in effect until the sky and land we walk upon no longer exist. Just as importantly, he was seen as someone making a false claim t...

Jesus preached only to the Jews.

In the context of some random forum exchange, ... [and yes, I realize I need to find a better hobby] I claimed that Jesus (a lead character in Christian religious fables) * Preached only to Jews. -- [Note:  I said a lot of other things too. But I'm addressing those in other blogs] In reply, some random Christian argued: "Untrue, see Matthew 8:5-13;Luke 7:1-10 with the healing of the Roman Centurion's servant/child/son" --- My next reply was/is this:  These are, of course, two tellings of the same story. And yet, neither telling of that story refutes what I said. Jesus, in that fable: * Does not bother to attempt to recruit any non-Jewish person into Judaism. * Nor does he attempt to recruit anyone into some new religion (not that Christianity existed yet to recruit anyone into). *Nor does he even share news or preachments of his religion with any non-Jews. Someone merely asks for his help because they heard rumors that he might be able to. And when Jesus praises that ...

Is Trump a "Fascist"? And should semantics be allowed to distract us from the real issues?

  Trump, very intentionally, helped mobilize countless many people into literal bio-weapons; as a tool of selfish political power. As a result, countless more people died, and countless more suffered, from a global Pandemic. -- Trump also pulled a Charles Manson Maneuver, on several occasions, over several different issues; - in trying to GET his cultists to do very real violence against his political enemies. This is the man who told the Proud Boys (a white supremacist, domestic terrorist group) to "Stand back. And stand by". This is the man who characterized legal and illegal immigrants from south of our border ... as a bunch of drug runners and gangbangers. This is the man who told a JUDGE (who Trump had to stand before) that he wasn't a real American nor a real judge, because the judge was clearly of Mexican ethnicity. The is is the man who took the few weekend-emergency overflow holding cages for children of illegal immigrants (holding facilit...