Which is a great problem for humanity? Atheism or Personal-God-Theism?

The claim has been made.

"there were tens of millions of people killed in the 20th Century by atheist regimes. Killers don't need a reason to kill."


In reply, ... 

is only a problem for clinical psychopaths who need an extreme Hover-parent in their mind ... always watching, judging, threatening, and rewarding them ... and demanding good behaviors.


Such psychopaths do exist.

So then, sure.
A "God"-belief can make that person be safer for other people.

However, ...

1. Religion is far more likely ... to empower a psychopath to do even more damage.
 That's usually how it goes. 


2.  Most people don't need it for anything at all; except social benefits.

But even THAT only applies wherever churches have a strategic and ill-gotten monopoly on social opportunities; like in America. 
Meanwhile, ...

Most people are capable of outgrowing the need to be a permanently dependent child under a supervising parent.
And yet,
most religions try to manipulate people into permanent child/dependent states.

That's what primed an entire society to be
ready and waiting 
for a cult-personality Narcissist, male, authoritarian leader. 

Joseph Stalin. 

It's a role he was trained for;
in an orthodox Christian seminary. 

has gone from century to century
promoting authoritarian, totalitarian, patriarchal, entitled, narcissistic social and societal values-paradigms.

It has always been:
a loosely networked rabble
of independent mafia startups, ...
competing for power, privilege, and territories;

- most of whom begrudgingly work together out of necessity (whenever they aren't powerful enough to dominate societies on their own).

They trained Stalin to think that way.

They trained Hitter to think that way.

They mentally dog-trained entire societies to respond to that ... like a dog wagging its tail and waiting for Master to bark orders.

Stalin created a religion; with a supernatural theme, miracles, and religious Father-Figure language.

He just kept the foundation of his entitlements ... purposefully vague.

But the reason he ended up persecuting religious groups ... is because a Mafia Boss doesn't tolerate rival gangs to operate in their territory. And that's exactly what those churches were.

Was that a prudent or decent way for Stalin to reason and behave? Nope. But he didn't do any of that because of "atheism".

He reasoned and behaved that way because of Christianity. 

He then betrayed his ideological parent; 
in the cut-throat manner that parent (the Church) had unwisely taught him. 

Being an atheist
is exactly like being a non-Leprechaun-ist.
It's never the reason why anyone does anything.

Stalin was very religious;
just like the KIMs of North Korea.

Not all religions bother to invoke Magic Man In Sky. 

In fact, if they don't want to share power with the locally prevailing churches ...
then they can't afford to invoke a vaguely shared "God".

Stalin was able to grab power without sharing it with the churches.

But if he had been in Trump's societal-situation,
he would have invoked either:
 a specifically-Christian-themed "God"
a Christian-inclusive generic of "God" ...
and then shared power with the churches.

He didn't have to.
So he didn't bother to.

Whereas Hitler did have to.
So he went that route instead; appealing to "God Almighty" and Fundamentalist Conservative Christian-values (Catholic and Protectant; with very general religious language) as the foundational premise of his Reich.

 Those religions, in turn, provided soldiers, resources, and assisted-propaganda ... 
 to help each other seek to exterminate everyone who ~stood in the way~ of creating what they IMAGINED as a "God"-ordained kingdom on Earth

With that, of course, all Jews, all atheists, all non-white people, the disabled,
only "rebellious" Christians,

were targeted for extermination. 


Mafia power structures,
the Narcissist Personality,
and entire societies trained by churches to think they:
a.) SHOULD live (psychologically) on their knees and then
b.) MUST eventually decide whose lives are *disposable* (based on who is willing to submit to those power structures) in order to pave the way for better/stronger families and a glorious Kingdom.

These are the real causes of humanity's greatest recurring problems.
Underneath all of that?
Bad parenting.
That's what leads to monsters who seek power.

What causes all that bad parenting?

A combination of factors;
parents working so hard to provide for their children that they aren't available-enough to really connect-with, nurture, and guide those children into adulthood.
b.) a marked lack of accurate understanding of exactly what kids actually need from parents. 

And what causes that?
Religion; teaching parents to abuse their kids in the name of "love".

What else is sabotaging parents' ability to parent?

Wage-slavery economic systems (like what we have in America).

It keeps people so busy, drained, and stressed
that they don't have time or energy to learn, create, and grow as a person. Nor to really 'be there' enough for their kids.

What else?

Popular religious values;
like authoritarianism, totalitarianism, divisive US-vs-THEM narratives, clinical narcissism, and the general idea that outsider-lives are less valuable and must be killed if they won't surrender to the righteous authority of the future-Kingdom's herald. 


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