Responding to this video:
So my reply to that video was this:

Replies to my comment (so far) were as follows:
I admit. That was satisfying to read.
But then here comes this from someone else:
Now, rather than post further replies directly there, I've decided to respond in a blog.
I'll drop a link in the comments of that video.
So here it is.
My reply:
What could possibly be better than this reality?
Have you ever actually been to Earth?
I don't know what it's like on your planet.
But we recently had a young woman who was locked in to her own brain, unable to move or communicate in any way; except maybe to move her eyelids.
That's not unique. It happens to a lot of people.
But she MELTED into her couch (link).
It took many years to die.
Her psychopath parents kept her there;
just to abuse her.
No one checked on her.
We don't even have laws in place that assure
active oversight for all persons diagnosed with anything which causes that level of vulnerability.
So far, law-makers don't care enough either;
perhaps because they TOO live in lucky little white bubbles of privilege.
But there she was.
She was eventually discovered as a pile of rotted GOO;
a stew of dissolved human flesh, clumps of hair, rotted teeth, bile, urine, and bones.
She had bed sores that reached all the way into her bones.
That's like having the worst toothache imaginable ... in various parts of your body;
All day,
all night,
hour after hour,
day after day,
week after week,
year after year.
No doubt, she went slowly insane.
It's a damn shame there obviously wasn't a tri-omni GOD who could have "designed" our brains to process only a much lower degree of pain, and who could have designed humans with fail-safes that limit how monstrous they can become.
So here we are;
in the real world.
And the ENTIRE TIME she was being literally tortured for all those years, ...
Countless religious narcissists
couldn't even SFTU about all the far-less-crucial things their "God" protected them from.
- Helping them get jobs, find mates, get a 2nd mortgage, recover from minor illness, find their lost car keys, etc..
My thoughts about it?
They can take their mentally firewalled, utterly childish, and sociopathic worldview
and shove it into that God-shaped HOLE in their vacuous hearts.
if anyone ever grievously injures (or otherwise sabotages) your life or the life of someone you fake-care about,
you can remind yourself "This is the best possible world" and you wouldn't have it any other way.
But such a worldview should not be given a platform.
It should be discussed and recognized as forms of poor mental development;
same as all forms of sociopathy, psychopathy, and grown-ass men who hire hookers to change their poopie diapers and spoon-feed them baby-food with airplane noises.
BILLIONS of people pray daily
to be delivered FROM
"The Best Of All Possible Worlds";
self-canceling their own bullshit.
You'll hear no such sound in my garden.
They shouldn't be part of the discussion, wherever actual adults gather to sort it all out.
And we certainly shouldn't be legitimizing it under the pretense of spiritual philosophy.
When we lower standards low enough for religious apologists,
we end up without any.
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