How And Why The Christian "Christ" Was Invented

All appropriately credentialed historians agree that the fantastic, infallible, divine "Only begotten Son of God" character in bibles

did not exist.

SOME historians say that
one-or-more fallible, mortal Jewish guys
inspired someone to create fictional stories about a fictional religious-Superhero.

The rest of historians say it's a total fabrication.
That lore was created
using already-established religious concepts 
from other religions fictions; like dying and rising gods, human sacrifice, scapegoating, etc..

Zero (none; not any) appropriasie scholars
 say those stories (as written) are true.
They all reject the miracle parts as mythical.

The first person to ever write about Super-Jesus (aka "Jesus Christ) was Saul/Paul.

Saul/Paul admitted basing ALL OF IT on mental visions.

These would be mental visions he either lied about
that he hallucinated.

Decades later (either late-1st century, or possibly starting in the 2nd century),
some other people who ALSO never met any such person (not even a mundane, non-divine Jesus)
wrote what Christians would later call the Gospels.

They were either:
just writing down their fallible recollections of rumor-stories they heard,
they were intentionally creating a fictional character; inspired by what Saul/Paul wrote.

Roman elites and Roman governmental authorities
both had good motives for creating a religion based on a Super-Jesus/Christ character.

The motivation for creating a mind-control-cult/Mafia Racketeering Scheme (aka: Christianity) speaks for itself.

The reasons why anyone way-back-then would do such a thing
are the same reasons anyone today would.

In creating Christianity, they were also attempting to re-define what the Jewish "Messiah" was supposed to be-and-do.
And the obvious reason for that was:

Roman elites were trying to disarm/discontinue the Jew's constant fixation with overthrowing the Roman govt to establish a Jewish State.

If they could convert the Jewish narrative, to make their messianic prophecies about a "spiritual" conquest instead of a military conquest,


if they could convert the prevailing Jewish-dogma into a prophetic-interpretation which FAILS
(ie. End Of The World is supposed to happen in their lifetime. But then it doesn't happen)
 (causing the Jews to grow-the-fuck-up and stop playing make-believe), ... 

(either way) 
the Jews would stop being a threat to Rome.

Those Roman elites
a.) heard about the lies-or-hallucinations that Saul/Paul wrote about
b.) they themselves originally hired the writer who called himself "Paul" (not his real name) to create the initial premise.

It's also very possible that Saul  
originally heard some versions OF those stories
that he changed to serve his agenda.

It's possible that there really was a guy named "Peter" who had some hallucinations;
- a clinical phenomenon known as bereavement hallucinations;
- a common experience for people who are having a hard time coping with the lost of a loved one.

In that case, some local cultist named "Peter" hallucinated seeing his dead friend.

Other people heard the claim/rumor and choose to buy into it.

Decades later,
Saul hears a version of that rumor; whatever the stories had morphed into by then. 

Maybe Saul is angry over the challenge to his religious (or political) group's authority. 
But he certainly sees it as ~potentially useful~. 

For additional motivation, Saul is also a severe clinical Narcissist and authoritarian;
a true "cult personality". 

Saul makes a plan to hijack (hostile takeover)
that local cult.

He first receives sanction (from local Jewish authorities) for that persecution; so that Saul doesn't become a wanted criminal as a serial killer;
-even though becoming a serial killer is exactly what that is. 

Technically, Roman law didn't allow for such criminal activity.
their relationship to the Jews was somewhat like American Government's relationship with Native Indian/Indigenous people.

The govt gave them fairly wide freedom to police their own people; sometimes ignoring behaviors that weren't normally allowed. 

After all, Rome certainly didn't mind the idea of Jews killing each other off; so long as they didn't harm any actually-valued Roman citizens or visitors.

then goes around killing off the leaders of it, so that no one will be left to challenge his claim to authority when he assumes control over it.

Saul then changes his name to "Paul",
 to represent the idea of becoming a new person.
In order to superficially support his baseless claim of being reborn
and appointed by Ghost-form-Jesus to become their new leader.
 [something only really stupid people would believe]

Saul then takes over that cult.

Saul then changes it a LOT;
- creating a new religion out of it,
to make it more useful.

Decades later,
various Roman elites started thinking up new versions of the Jesus-stories, in order to shape it into something even more useful for their interests.

The book we now call "Mark" was written;
using local rumors for material to create that new version of the story.

Later, other Roman elites copied off of the "Mark"  version of the story. But they made even more changes.

Those newer versions of the stories later became the other "gospels". 

Each next version someone wrote
was more fantastic than the last; as they each tried to out-awesome each other's version.

Later "bibles" intentionally print the stories out of sequence.


So that the common reader won't notice that each next story (in the order they were written) gets more extreme in the miracle-claims they make.

Why don't they want readers to notice that?

Since each-next-version of the "gospel" story 
gets more and more fantastic ...
that makes it easy for readers to realize these are Fish Tales (aka "Fish Stories [Link]")

Once someone realizes that,
they might also realize that there's JUST NO WAY earlier version just forgot to mention the fantastic events that later versions claim happened. 

Eventually, with the rise of secular scholarship, 
more and more people began to notice, and finally felt free/safe to openly discuss it. 

We've also noticed this:

The unknown non-eyewitness writer of "Luke" (same mystery-writer who also wrote "Acts") 
took Roman interests in further.

He made even more dramatic changes to the narrative; so that Rome becomes even friendlier for the still-evolving Christ-cult/Mystery Religion
[words in blue are a link to video which explains those changes]; 
-which then goes a long way 
towards disarming the threat which Jews posed to Rome. 

Various other competing stories were written too.

However, modern bibles only include the stories that were chosen by dominant sects; in a long-running contest to see who could dominate for control over what the "real stories" were.

Eventually, someone (a guy named Marcion) decides to formally designate a cannon of authorized stories; in an attempt to leverage his own authority as the guy who gets to settle all debates about which stories comprise the one true larger story.

Rival religious groups hear about this
and then rush to formalize their own canon.

This is when the idea of creating a "Christian Bible" and "New Testament Canon" was conceived;
-something which even the so-called "gospel" stories never predicted.

It all started off as a Jewish messianic cult.

The "Christ" character in the stories
was not a Christian.

He lived as a Jew,

preached only his interpretation of Judaism,

SWORE the entire Mosaic Law would remain in effect forever, 

merely pushed for a less legalistic interpterion and less strict enforcement of those laws, 

preached only to fellow Jews,

and tried only to prepare the Jews for the literal End Of This ("wicked") World ...
which he was CERTAIN would happen in his original follower's lifetime;
- when only true Jews would be spared from death at the hands of his "God". 

Decades after the alleged life-and-death of
that specific Jewish cult's nominee for "messiah".

[a title/roll which other cults had their own constants/messiahs which they TOO entered into the contest.
A claim so COMMON that Bart Ehrman calls it a "trope"]

Saul eventually changed that cult's lore, in order to invent Christianity.

Saul never even met any version of Jesus.

He changed the character and the message, for his own purposes.

The original version of that particular Christ-cult MIGHT have been created by
 a (profoundly) mentally ill guy named Jesus.
-A guy who, according to the stories, 
eventually lost his battle with mental illness; 
causing him to commit suicide, in order to earn his God/Dad's approval.  
-which all the writers tried to pass-off as a valid religious experience. 

The earliest versions of the lore
might have been further changed by an emotionally distressed guy named Peter, who thought he saw his dead friend;
and then further validated by that cult's desire to "believe".

Regardless of how it started,
all the Christian writers radically re-interpreted and misrepresented the Jewish texts.
It was further-developed by mentally-well but power-hungry people
who sought to use the premise as a way to climb to the top of all rival Jewish sect's competition to assume control and harmonize the Jewish sects under a common authority; AFTER the destruction of the Second Temple.

Many theories about how it all started 
are hotly debated among scholars and very knowledgeable laymen.

what we KNOW\is that the divine-miracle stories about "The Christian Christ" ... are fictional;
EVEN IF the earliest versions of the stories were about a real (non-divine) Jewish guy.


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