The Christian Gospels; Before, During, And After The Greatest Con Game Ever Told

[First Draft] 
Explaining what the gospels mean

in the context of the larger biblical narrative(s). ---- Character: "God" of the Hebrews. Personality: Every Major Personality Disorder; with an emphasis on Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Psychopathy. Writers of that character: Highly dangerous individuals expressing their dangerous minds through religious stories meant to express, justify, and give 'authority' to their dangerous perceptions (what they think is real) and values (what they think is good vs bad). Overarching theme of biblical literature; starting in Genesis: Don't even RISK outgrowing your utter child-state dependence on our violently insecure and always-unaccountable Father; whom speaks through us. So then you better not outgrow us either. This anchors the writers and their cultures against moral progress; slowing them to an infantile and violently-abused crawl. Despite this, they do gradually progress; thanks to a combination of secondary factors; like outsider influences igniting sparks of conscience. Character: "Jesus". Based partly (a very small amount) on a real person. We can only assume that person's name was actually "Jesus"; a common derivative of the name "Joshua". This literary figure was based even more on: religious-mythical stories and concepts; selectively copied and adapted for use in *useful* fictional narratives. Earliest versions of the stories: Unknown. However, Paulogia (on Youtube) has a series of videos about this; which discuss a common form of bereavement delusion where someone morning a loved one thinks they've seen their loved one alive again. Again, this is very common. Earliest reasons for anyone telling the first stories: Combination of factors; including: One obscure local Jewish cult being unable to 'comes to terms' with the absolute failure of their pick for the local "Will The Real Slim Shady Messiah please stand up" contest. Originally, the Hebrew Messiah was supposed to liberate the Jews from Babylon. That failed. Later re-vision decided that Babylon was merely a metaphor for Rome. THAT's who the messiah would lead them in military conquest about. That failed too. But before that claim finished failing, there was a desperate contest of competing would-be messiahs. Each of them failed. Among the contestants which failed the hardest ... was the guy the Christian legends tell about. The Hebrew Messiah was NOT supposed to die for anyone's sins. He was supposed to live and lead the Jews to military conquest; thereby establishing a kingdom on Earth; aka a Jewish State. Modern scholarship is starting a paradigm shift towards dating the earliest/lost "Gospel" stories to the 2nd century; borrowing from local legends and Paul's writings. But even if we go with the still-popular dating (which is only still popular because most historians for that genre are still Christians), ... the earliest versions of the stories we have now are already recognized as: having been written after the fall of the 2nd Temple. There was a power vacuum among the Jews, after the destruction of the 2nd Temple. In this vacuum, they felt even more vulnerable and threatened by Rome. This ramped up the common sense of urgency for the messiah to finally show up. Earliest known versions of the stories: Pieced together by historians/textual critics. No complete (not even close to complete) copy exists from the first few centuries. The gospel story writers: anonymous Roman elites who were trained in Greek literature but were either: a.) 'sketchy' on the history of Hebrew beliefs. or b.) set out to intentionally misrepresent the Jewish religious texts. Either way, the Christian texts grossly mispresented the Jewish texts. For example, Isaiah 53's suffering servant had absolutely nothing to do with the messiah. Highly possible reasons for writing the gospel stories include: Writer of Mark wanting to humanize and "restore" the legends of Jesus to what he deemed to be either more correct or more useful. Paul had written Jesus to be a spiritual being; with: * no mention of earthly missionary work, * an outright denial of earthly miracles, and * claiming to have heard no stories being circulated about Jesus until he (Saul/Paul) received his stories from spiritual visions. Paul wrote as a challenge/refutation of local stories; while pretending (lying) that he'd never heard any. Anonymous author of Mark (or "AnonyMark"; as I like to call him) wrote to challenge/refute Paul. Each next "gospel" tried to out-awesome the versions before theirs. Many related "gospels" were lost along the way. A few are still known ... but were selected-out by the victors of power struggles between sects. Things got really interesting when the unknown author of Luke (the same nobody who wrote "Acts") ... wrote a version of the story meant to cater to Roman interests. Rome wanted to steer the Jewish rebellion in a new direction; leading them gradually away from generations of destructive political and military revenge-fantasies against Rome. One thing all the gospel writers were sure of: The literal end of the world was going to happen while some of the first followers/witnesses of Jesus were still alive. They even wrote that prophecy into the mouth of Jesus. Prophecy failed. But this wasn't even the first prophecy related to Jesus that failed. A series of failed prophecies are literally what Christianity was built upon. The Christian mythos started as a Jewish sect ... which bet ALL of their hopes to ascend into a place of authority among all Jews ... on their entry for the Messiah-Contest. Their contestant failed; by dying. Soon after, someone close to him had a bereavement delusion. This led to some desperately creative ingenuity. They went back to re-imagine what the old Jewish texts MEANT ... so that "oh wait. He was always supposed to die. That means we win!" However, the other Jewish sects LOL'd them into total irrelevance; and rightly so. Determined to still culturally ascend into a position of social, political and religious power, ... That Jewish Cult was left with a now DEAD Jewish cult leader, who (according to their own stories) preached: * only ABOUT Judaism and * only TO the Jews, * just to help them become ACCEPTABLE to God (by become more leftist), * in preparation for a physical kingdom on earth. But they continued to alter their own narrative and  
continued to re-imagine the Jewish texts.

 In order to create a spiritually-themed narrative they could attain power with.
Thanks to the gospel writers and enough gullible cult-recruits, ... they had created what was going to be the most successful Mafia family humanity has ever created. So when we talk about what the Christian gospels were "supposed to mean", ... it really depends on which stage of development we're talking about.
If we realize that none of the magic parts really happened,
and then if we just read the stories with the adult understanding that it was just religious people having religious, subjective experiences, spreading religious Fish Tales, while some looked for ways to USE all of that to leverage for personal validation, comfort, and power, ...
The stories about Jesus
really are stories about: *a bipolar, schizophrenic man... * who couldn't hold a job, * was perpetually homeless, * had severe unresolved Daddy Issues, * mentally adopted the idea of "God" as a surrogate for the father he felt abandoned and rejected by, * experienced his schizophrenia in the form of the voices taking on the persona of his new surrogate father. This had the added benefit of being "The Creator Of the Universe"; - a concept the Jews had seeded into his mind; while they were busy accidentally fracturing his psyche with toxic religious fundamentalism. This fulfilled a common desire of abandoned sons to imagine The Grandest Father Ever ... who didn't really abandon them ... but is, rather, going to re-unite with them someday soon.
But in this case, .... the son had to jump through increasing high hoops, in order to win that "Father's" approval. His story ends as his illness worsens and the voice raises the stakes . They pressure him into killing himself; as one final and ultimate gesture of humility and self-sacrifice, ... all to make the "Father" feel finally *** honored enough*** to then forever-after accept and honor the son. This, then, sets the stage (mentally) for the common revenge fantasies of lost little boys who feel rejected by the world; even contriving a posthumous fantasy where The World would have no good excuse for not validating and embracing him; - else he'll have no choice but to kill them all when his Father sends him back (like a thief in the night) to smite them for something so EVIL as not believing in him (as flatteringly as possible).
The Gospel of Judas. And the Infancy Gospel of Thomas. They had it right. Jesus, in his own mind, and in the minds of his cult followers, was the Brightburn of his day.

But today, it's just a gimmick for a global network of mafias; who want everyone to know "That's a nice life you have there. It would be a shame if something ... bad happened to it".


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