Dear Christian anti-abortion-ists

If a Christian is going to vote, lobby, etc. towards the end-goal of getting abortion criminalized, then they have to stop saying that their God's moral values and highest moral priorities include: The willful choice to refrain from: * interfering in anyone's free will, * in this world, * pre-judgement-day, * no matter how "evil" he thinks any given activity is. You cannot have it both ways. "HE" either believes his people should interfere or "HE" doesn't. If he's AGAINST interfering with "free will", then: you shouldn't be trying to influence ANY legal sanctions against ANY behaviors based on your moral views, as representatives of that "God". [also: no. You don't get to take the God-Rep hat off long enough to vote, and then put it back on again] If He is using YOU to do a thing, it's the SAME: as HIM DOING THE THING. If whichever thing HE is commanding, obligating, or "inspiring" you do to do interferes with someone else's "Free Will", then HE is interfering with "Free Will". He either wants "his people" to interfere with other people's free will or he doesn't. If he DOES want you to interfere, then: theoretically-existing-HIM's REFUSAL to intervene in countless atrocities can no longer be defended on that principal. You'll need an all-new excuse for why He just sits and WATCHES innocent people (even children) get severely abused, kidnapped, tortured, sexually assaulted, killed, etc.. ==== Meanwhile, ... you can't keep calling it "murder", until you can define "murder" in a meaningful way. As an atheist, I can do that. It's the actual ending of another sentient, self-aware being; except in special circumstances like self-defense and euthanasia. But you can't define it like that, until-and-unless you decide to take that position that the true person (call it a soul, if you want to) truly ends. IF they are just a soul that gets liberated from their physical/carnal body and transferred into eternity in paradise, ... then what you are calling "murder" is not morally negative. It's infinitely morally positive; assuming your morals give infinite value to a person's infinite blissful existence.

So if the objection is based merely on "It's against the rules of the game my God made", then just say that instead. Don't call it murder. Call it "a rule violation". Be honest. Don't use language meant specifically to trigger emotional disgust and outrage based on the idea of a LOSS that you aren't even sure actually happens. Choose, instead, to be honest with yourself. Choose, also, to refrain from being unethically, emotionally-manipulative. Also, saying you don't know what happens to the soul of the "baby" who gets aborted, or miscarried, etc.. means that you don't know if your God "does the right thing" or not. You could, of course, pretend you don't have a fairly certain view about: what "the right thing to do" would be. But of course you do. If someone said to you "I bet your god really enjoys watching kids get raped", you'd certainty object. But what would the BASIS of that objection be? You'd be basing that on: your human moral perceptions. "X would be bad. Therefore, there's no way my God does X". You're either qualified to assess for yourself what counts as good and bad behavior for a "God" .. or you're not. If you're not, then you have no way to evaluate the moral value of anything in any religion's texts; not even your religion's texts. In that case, you'd have no way to justify any confidence in how morally impressive bibles are. So just be honest and admit you DO have a position about: what the right thing to do is; - for a super-being who has the power to do anything he wants; -IF "he" really does regard an early-term fetus as a person. Granted, you can still fall back on "but I really don't know if the fetus should be prevented from being truly discontinued forever". But that would still nullify all of your potential objections to early-term abortion. Realize, it's the same as saying "For all I know, EITHER: a.) God doesn't value that soul/person or b.) God doesn't regard it as a soul/person". In either case, ... IF the fetus is NOT delivered into eternal paradise, then: anyone who performs or receives an abortion is aborting *something* or *someone* that even your GOD regards as disposable. That means that you TOO should regard it as disposable; if you're going to bring your moral compass into alignment with your "God's" moral compass. In this case, your "God's" only available objection would be "but it's against my totally arbitrary rules." In all possible cases (no matter what happens to an aborted or miscarried fetus), ... you forfeit all morally-meaningful grounds for objecting, except as an appeal to: The Authority And Feelings Of The Super God-Guy Who Made The Game. -But that means you aren't actually defending the life of the "baby". You're actually only defending the feelings of your "God", while tricking yourself into thinking it's really about the "baby". [Fun Fact. In 1976, clever Conservative Politicians needed a way to polarize and mobilize religious-conservative voters, to prevent Jimmy Carter from getting re-elected.
THAT is when early-term fetuses became "babies", in the minds of millions of Protestant Conservative Evangelicals] Meanwhile, the only people who should care about the poor fragile and arbitrary feelings of your conceptualized "God" ... are people who imagine such a game-creator is real and then feel over-protective of his feelings.


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