Christianity and Islam are utterly incompatible with Stoicism.
Christianity is a predatory scam
which seeks to mentally enslave and exploit vulnerable humans.
Its teachings run directly contrary to Stoicism.
It sabotages people's ability to pursue Stoic virtues and Stoic inner-health.
It merely uses some of the same language, in order to disguise the scam.
Early Christians heard Stoics teaching about the Stoic Logos.
They saw it was popular and respected.
So they borrowed the language, gutted the concepts of their actual meaning, and then stuff toxic nonsense into it; totally changing what the "Logos" meant.
Bibles do the same thing with "love", "justice", "good", etc..
They try to create the superficial illusion of promoting progressive and universal human values,
just by using words that *normally* mean a certain thing (when sane people use those words), but changed the meanings so that they mean either ~nothing~ , ... or something far worse than nothing.
"Good"; for example.
What does it mean to say "God is good"?
Christians object (strongly) when someone points out all the ways that the "God" character in bibles acts like an absolutely sadistic Psychopath and clinical Narcissist.
And on what basis do Christians object?
"Whatever our God does is automatically good, because it's HIM doing it".
In other words, ...
the word "good" doesn't have any real meaning when it's applied to Bible-God.
So there's no standards we can hold him to, and no standards we can use in order to *evaluate* the health-vs-harm nor the logic-vs-crazy of the claims ABOUT "God" in order to evaluate how much credibility and respect those claims are due.
Meanwhile, the most dangerous and proven-destructive gimmick humans ever came up with ... is giving their own voices Supreme Authority over everyone else ... by saying
"The Creator Of the Universe told me in a secret meeting (that happened in my head) what you [and everyone else] is supposed to be thinking, feeling, and doing with your life (and your time, and your money, etc).
And what some more specific things we're all supposed to be doing, according to those religions?
How about this?
CRUTCHING our entire sense of WORTH (even our worthiness to even exist) on the opinions of someone other than our own self.
-and then extending that anti-Stoic ideal to everyone else;
- to say "no one has any enduring worth except in service and submission to my God".
Christians say it all the time.
"I am nothing without God".
But they don't mean "a god".
They don't mean Stoic's "God", nor deism's god, etc..
They mean THEIR "God".
And they don't just mean their self.
They also mean everyone else too.
THEY HAVE a God-approved and "personal relationship" with Jesus.
Thus, the message continues:
Either join up
be deserving of:
being thrown away like trash forever (or worse yet: tortured forever).
Meanwhile, traditional and still-popular versions of those religions remain the sole driving force behind countless
LGBT-youth-s u i c i d e s
every day, every year, every decade, every century.
And that's only one example of all the tragedies they cause.
But the better/modern version of those religions are afraid to stand publicly AGAINST the worse-versions, because they're all part of the same larger religion and don't want to look bad by letting "the world" see "God's people" clashing amongst each other.
I could go on, and on, and on.
LIBRARIES could be stocked full of valid facts which rightly condemn the condemners.
You can't even be honest about the FACT that saying "everyone must accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior" is a THREAT and CONDEMNATION of every STOIC who ever lived and died without converting to Christianity.
Your religion does NOT allow for STOICISM be the the main guidance and foundation of a sufficiently lived life.
Christianity and Islam
are utterly incompatible with Stoicism.
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