What Christians Are Actually Recruiting For; And Who That Actually Works On
Many people who identify as "Christian" don't really bother with the details.
They just casually identify with Jesus, believe in "God", and that's about it.
But the larger phenomenon they aren't paying much attention to ...
is a con game.
That game doesn't work on sufficiently mature adults.
This is why so many end up leaving it.
People grow.
If they grow fast enough, they'll have time to grow mentally tall enough.
Without even expecting to, they can suddenly see what it was really all about.
it does often attract and hold people who have certain ... prerequisite vulnerabilities.
Wondering if you're the sort of person it works on?
Let's find out.
"Feel unqualified to own and govern your own life? Have deeply unresolved Daddy Issues? Still feel a deep sense of need to be parented and validated? Feel a heavy weight from shame and self-loathing? Do you DESPERATELY need that icky and heavy feeling WASHED CLEAN? Or, perhaps you just aren't sure WHO you are, so you need someone else to TELL YOU who you are? [Note: Whenever words are BLUE and underlined, it's a clickable link. These are offered for support for whatever point is being made, and to encourage further reflection] Are you vulnerable and needy enough to have your sense of identity and worth ... crutched upon the opinions of someone other than yourself? Feel extremely uncomfortable with *not knowing* things that are beyond our current scientific reach? Would you rather borrow other people's imaginary answers than to leave those questions unanswered? Willing to have all that couched in a bizarre religious narrative involving Iron-Age, Blood-Magic Rituals and Human Sacrifice, ... so that an imaginary deity can "forgive" you for being exactly the way he made you? Why spend even another minute responsible for all your transgressions and failings, when you can mentally transfer your shit onto an innocent and self-martyring scapegoat?
Try our brand of parental surrogate. You'll never feel like a lost little boy or girl ever again! -Except often. But that's ok because the Eternally Hovering Parent will always be there in your head; saying the words which generations of insecure and controlling men have written for the towering figure they planted there.
*Offer void where prohibited by too much emotional maturity. *Terms and Conditions include: * Letting other random fallible humans have undue say over how you live your life, while they exploit and profit from that "relationship" you imagine having with a "God". *Egocentrically seeing all non-members as lost little boys and girls; -despite-the-fact that what you're really faulting them for is that they've more fully embraced adulthood. *Supporting a larger religiously-themed network of rival mafias who function under one umbrella structure they like to market as "the family".
*Ignoring all the ways that global network is utterly wrecking innocent lives.
*Ignoring the ways the larger whole of Christianity uses all the suffering (and diminished capacity) they cause ...
to perpetuate ignorance, suffering, and other forms of vulnerability. Why would we do this? And why should you be fine with it?
It's a foundational law of nature.
From viruses to carnivores, ...
The only way predatory entities can thrive, ...
is to seek out, worsen, and exploit vulnerabilities.
So we spin wide webs; in search of the especially-vulnerable. Those are the folks we have a chance of selling a "guaranteed" ticket on our Barge Of The Damned
... err, uhm ... we meant to say "the Jesus-Rescue-Boat". -The Vessel which carries the souls of the saved to our utterly inescapable Celestial North Korea; where they'll be forced to live forever as our Dear Leader's praise-bots; denied even the ABILITY to have an unapproved thought, feeling, or action; ever again. Although, Of course, we'll still SAY you'll have "free will". But like with all other words that spill over our poisoned lips and into your tender ears,... The actual meanings of the words have been strategically removed; emptied out(!) ... as a Trojan Horse; built to sneak our mentally-enslaving mind-virus past your mind's critical filters. But in this rare moment of honesty, about our strategically habitual DIShonesty, ... You should be made aware. MEANING is precious. That's why we steal it away; wherever we find any. We even do that with the story of who you are; - gutting "you" of all meaning and worth; - so that we can then STUFF that gaping-sore cavity with abusive (but otherwise meaningless) rhetoric; cleverly phrased to sound like charitable kindness. But that doesn't make us "bad". It's what we do, in the name of "love", and "justice", and "peace", and "freedom", and "strength".
But that's because we're putting first the kingdom. <3 Although, we try not to think about this. But ... In our Heaven, even life and love will gradually lose all meaning; in the absence of all elements of risk, pain, and growth. But you'll still keep smiling! (because you'll be denied the dignity and freedom not to) * You must also agree to never to admit that these count as terms, conditions, and costs. Please surrender, at your nearest random church. There, YOUR personal understanding of the words in our special books, ... will be shaped by the fallible, subjective interpretations of some random dude; - while he "lovingly" leverages for authority over your mind. Granted, billions of Christians will NEVER agree about what the words actually mean. But we totally realize this. So here's the thing most people don't get: None of the actual meaning actually matters. Yes, we'll keep arguing with each other, while we presume the meanings matter. But that's when we're fighting over who are Sky-Daddy's favorite kids. And even THAT only matters because he has a history of extreme violence; - every time he ever felt poorly understood, or like he isn't the most important person in someone's life. Seriously, he will drown every family, puppy and kitten in the hood; fake-raging over feeling like people in the hood forgot about him. Daddy got issues. But that's ok, because #IAMHIS As for what any of it means to a prospective recruit, or a new member, or anyone we're just trying to keep controlled, ... ~the meanings of the texts~ only matter when it comes to the UTILITY (useful effect) for keeping people sheepled. Any interpretation which enslaves you is the one we want you to "keep seeking" for. This is actually what the founding fathers of our Holy Con actually meant, when they said "all who seek shall find". Now, you might think that claim is DISPROVED because: all who seek find something ideologically-incompatible with pretty much everyone else who seeks. But no. The claim is not debunked. Because that's not what it really meant. It really only means that you'll find a sheep-pen that fits your personality. Now, moving forward, once you find it, we want you to "believe in your heart" that you are so SPECIAL that The Creator of the Universe personally led you there. We also want you to assume that some of your personal attributes are so uncommonly GREAT ... that THOSE attributes enabled you to INTUIT, HEAR, and FIND the truest possible understandings of: WHO "God" is, and what he wants from you, and what he wants FOR you. So it's a good thing you're so much more _____ (insert arbitrary positive adjectives here) compared to most OTHER humans. Maybe you're more honest, humble, loving, or whatever you want to assume. THAT's how every new recruit will feel extra-validated, and extra-sure about their religious conclusions. It's also the basis upon-which the "born again" will judge everyone (even differently "born again" people) who arrives at different conclusions about "God". They will just assume it proves how everyone of contrary-views lacks adequate character. So then, ... anyone else's wrong perceptions about "God" ... are "their own fault". So then, they'll reason that billions of humans are "choosing" eternal damnation (eternal non-existence; at the very least. Maybe even something worse); by "choosing" to get tricked into wrong perceptions. After all, choosing to be a better person will assure you of arriving at the correct-enough views about God. Once you're there, in this SUPERIOR state of being, ... we want you to invest even MORE of your "self" into it. One way to do this is: By imagining that your subjective feelings and interpretations are FACTS; -FACTS which have been "revealed" to you personally ... through your telepathic and harmonious communion ... with the mysterious and COMFORTING power we call "The Holy Spirit of God"; -something "He" would only DO for someone on the "one true path". Granted, billions of people on different paths all claim "He" led them there. But that's all perfectly fine. The SPECIFICS of what you imagine still won't matter. The only thing that matters is the EFFECT of "humbling" you at OUR feet; -while you imagine that you've been humbled at the feet of a GOD. That's why we say things like "all you have to do is accept Jesus". Yes. We HAVE noticed that there are countless rival versions (conceptualizations) of who "Jesus" is. And Yes. That makes the slogan "Just accept Jesus" literally meaningless. In fact, The word "God" has that exact same problem; - even when it's used in a somewhat more specific religious context. It's going to mean something different to each person. EVEN IF there is an actual Super-Being in some ethereal realm, and EVEN IF they care about any of this, ... The FIGURE whom any human "has a relationship with" ... is unique to them. But it's also more than that.
It's also a relationship with the people who helped develop and seed that figure into the mind of every host.
It's also a relationship with the people who speak through that figure; as a way to control people who mistake our voice as the voice of "God". This is how we manufacture the consent of the believer. But you might ask, ... Why are we actively involved in something so insidious? It's simple, really. In order to maintain support for our global interests, we must keep manufacturing supporters.
This is also one of the reasons
why so many of us are anti-abortion.
It's also why so many of us regard women as baby-vending machines.
It's simple math.
More sheep = more power and profit
for the shepherds.
At the heart of the matter,
underneath so many layers of ways that we jack around with people's heads, and fuck around with people's lives ...
is the simple reason why we bother with any of this. Power over others
greatly benefits the wielders.
We are the wielders. That's why it doesn't matter which idea of "Jesus" you surrender to. Any interpretation that drops you to your knees awaiting further direction ... has served the actual purpose. So what are you waiting for? Head over to your nearest church; today! Expect to be Love-Bombed; as a prospective member of any random faction's echo-chamber. As the process continues, you'll be gradually weaponized against all of humanity; in the name of love.
For what purpose? As collective support for our sociopolitical culture-war; orchestrated by predators hell-bent on forging an unbreakable dystopian, totalitarian theocracy;
- with the help of billions of supporters; most of whom don't have a CLUE about what they're actually being duped into. Not a fan of the archaic and hateful conservative fundamentalist versions of our network? No problem. We have a version to suit every personality type. You can help support the larger whole of our criminal enterprise, merely by doing good deeds in Jesus' name. How so? People will notice nice people doing nice things to help communities "in the name of Jesus"; -While we speak from the premise of being part of that larger whole. -And while we quietly exclude all non-Christians from our charity events (unless they quietly let people assume they are Christians); - so that we can keep pushing the false narrative that Christians are the most loving people and the most invested in their community. That, in turn, will contribute to the superficial reputation that worse-versions will cloak themselves in. With your help, we shall continue to sew and patch this superficially righteous cloak. We then leave it laying around, and often actually pass it around, for literally anyone to disguise themselves in. This helps ALL versions of "Christians" recruit new members for every branch of our network; including our very very worst.
Sometimes, we'll even DENOUCE and DISOWN worse versions; so that The Family can maintain a clean image. [Technically, this is called the "No True Scotsman" fallacy] It's also a time-honored mafia-tactic. When investigators come around asking about some who did something criminal, just say "He ain't one of us"; even if he is. At other times, we'll ENDORSE and IDENTIFY with those very same worse-version-Christians. [This is especially useful, as an "Argumentum Ad Populum" fallacy] But we aren't actually changing our minds about who is VS who isn't a "Christian". No. We're just "having it both ways"; as we constantly play head games, in order to maximize effect and avoid being accountable. This game is SUPPOSED TO BE DIZZYING; so that most people won't notice a lot of what's really happening.
Meanwhile, many of us are well-aware that all versions of Christians are parts of the One Big Scam. We simply can't afford to truly divorce from each other. From the best versions to the worst, ... we all rely on each other's help, to collectively maximize our power and privilege. Yes, that really does mean that the more sane and gentle versions are actively complicit in the evils of the crazier and more sadistic versions; -which the nicer versions are usually careful not to publicly criticize. But we're hoping most 'potential recruits' (and even most members) won't notice. We're also hoping it never occurs to the general public; whose continued support we're counting on. So then, if an individual Christian is supportive of LGBT, atheists, people in other religions, etc., ... they'll be HOPING you won't notice how they are (at the very same time) standing AGAINST LGBT, atheists, people in other religions, etc.. How are they standing AGAINST all those people? By personally endorsing the worse-version-Christians; who openly stand against those people. How else? Also by doing P.R.-and-recruitment for the LABEL (or "camp") they intentionally share with the worse-version-Christians. So then, for example, some will say something like: "Jesus wants us to accepts the LGBT community as they are. He never meant for us to see them as immoral or lesser". Or "Hell isn't a literally real place of eternal torment", Or "God doesn't care which religion you're in". Or "It's ok to not even BE religious, so long as you're a good person". But then they'll endorse the worse-version-Christians as a valid Representative of the very same "God". So they're still helping to spread coercion and HATE by supporting the missionary-validity of people who spread coercion and hate. It's like how some Universalist Unitarian Churches (like the one in West Lafayette, Indiana) [literally the most progressive church-type on the spectrum] are part of: a larger "Christian" alliance, led by evangelizing versions OF Christianity who directly oppose the values of the UU Church. Or how Rebekah, from the "Bread Of Life" channel, endorses hate-called-love types of Christians. It's a game. You're an exploitable game-piece. Every church is a pen. Members are sheep. Hell, we even say that to their FACES. But they just sit there; smiling back at us; sheepishly. That's how powerful our hold is over them. But let's be clear about this. This game doesn't share power equitably between players. Lower ranking members work for higher-ranking "shepherds". The higher the station, the greater the personal benefit. -Although, most of our men shortcut their way to taste the exquisite fruits of Master-dom ... by brutally dominating a wife and kids; "in God's name" and with their church's blessing. At the end of the day, we're just trying to make sure there's a sheep-pen for every sheep-personality out there. Every church-sheep-pen delivers money and power upwards to predators in 'seats of power' in our conglomerate. Many of us DO realize how duplicitous this game is. We're just hoping prospective-converts and the general public don't realize it. Meanwhile, ... we want EVERYONE to feel ethically obliged to tolerate our collective intolerance; - especially since we've gone through all the trouble to haphazardly disguise it as a force of love in the world. For that reason, we're hoping you don't realize what Karl Popper realized about it.
Please also ignore what TheraminTrees realized about this. Instead, please pretend that it's unkind to challenge the damage we collectively do. The "right" and "civil" thing to do is either make excuses for it, or pretend it's not happening, or (at the very least), ... please pretend that only a small fringe of extremists are guilty of aggressively sabotaging the whole of humanity. Ready to go that extra mile for our cause? We'd sure appreciate it, if you'd be willing to spread lies about the history of our religion's contributions to human moral and scientific progress; - including lies about how "Western" or "Modern" societies owe their best values, ideas, and laws to us. Just please pray with us that no-one bothers to go here, nor here, nor here, nor here, to discover that bullshit being debunked. And if you'd "be so kind" to go even further for us, ... We'd really appreciate it if you'd say something EXTRA EXTRA ridiculous, like: "Jesus was the first person to ever introduce the idea of universal human values; of true equality of worth among all humans. - The inalienable right to fully-equal health, life, and dignity among all humans. Such ideas were unknown, in any form, to any degree, until Jesus carefully articulated all of that; - speaking this paradigm-shifting truth to power; - which is a big part of why Christianity quickly rose to great influence in the world; - changing countless lives and societies for the better; - raising so many people up and out of moral-poverty; making TRUE Christianity something beyond reproach;
"Feel unqualified to own and govern your own life? Have deeply unresolved Daddy Issues? Still feel a deep sense of need to be parented and validated? Feel a heavy weight from shame and self-loathing? Do you DESPERATELY need that icky and heavy feeling WASHED CLEAN? Or, perhaps you just aren't sure WHO you are, so you need someone else to TELL YOU who you are? [Note: Whenever words are BLUE and underlined, it's a clickable link. These are offered for support for whatever point is being made, and to encourage further reflection] Are you vulnerable and needy enough to have your sense of identity and worth ... crutched upon the opinions of someone other than yourself? Feel extremely uncomfortable with *not knowing* things that are beyond our current scientific reach? Would you rather borrow other people's imaginary answers than to leave those questions unanswered? Willing to have all that couched in a bizarre religious narrative involving Iron-Age, Blood-Magic Rituals and Human Sacrifice, ... so that an imaginary deity can "forgive" you for being exactly the way he made you? Why spend even another minute responsible for all your transgressions and failings, when you can mentally transfer your shit onto an innocent and self-martyring scapegoat?
Try our brand of parental surrogate. You'll never feel like a lost little boy or girl ever again! -Except often. But that's ok because the Eternally Hovering Parent will always be there in your head; saying the words which generations of insecure and controlling men have written for the towering figure they planted there.
*Offer void where prohibited by too much emotional maturity. *Terms and Conditions include: * Letting other random fallible humans have undue say over how you live your life, while they exploit and profit from that "relationship" you imagine having with a "God". *Egocentrically seeing all non-members as lost little boys and girls; -despite-the-fact that what you're really faulting them for is that they've more fully embraced adulthood. *Supporting a larger religiously-themed network of rival mafias who function under one umbrella structure they like to market as "the family".
*Ignoring all the ways that global network is utterly wrecking innocent lives.
*Ignoring the ways the larger whole of Christianity uses all the suffering (and diminished capacity) they cause ...
to perpetuate ignorance, suffering, and other forms of vulnerability. Why would we do this? And why should you be fine with it?
It's a foundational law of nature.
From viruses to carnivores, ...
The only way predatory entities can thrive, ...
is to seek out, worsen, and exploit vulnerabilities.
So we spin wide webs; in search of the especially-vulnerable. Those are the folks we have a chance of selling a "guaranteed" ticket on our Barge Of The Damned
... err, uhm ... we meant to say "the Jesus-Rescue-Boat". -The Vessel which carries the souls of the saved to our utterly inescapable Celestial North Korea; where they'll be forced to live forever as our Dear Leader's praise-bots; denied even the ABILITY to have an unapproved thought, feeling, or action; ever again. Although, Of course, we'll still SAY you'll have "free will". But like with all other words that spill over our poisoned lips and into your tender ears,... The actual meanings of the words have been strategically removed; emptied out(!) ... as a Trojan Horse; built to sneak our mentally-enslaving mind-virus past your mind's critical filters. But in this rare moment of honesty, about our strategically habitual DIShonesty, ... You should be made aware. MEANING is precious. That's why we steal it away; wherever we find any. We even do that with the story of who you are; - gutting "you" of all meaning and worth; - so that we can then STUFF that gaping-sore cavity with abusive (but otherwise meaningless) rhetoric; cleverly phrased to sound like charitable kindness. But that doesn't make us "bad". It's what we do, in the name of "love", and "justice", and "peace", and "freedom", and "strength".
But that's because we're putting first the kingdom. <3 Although, we try not to think about this. But ... In our Heaven, even life and love will gradually lose all meaning; in the absence of all elements of risk, pain, and growth. But you'll still keep smiling! (because you'll be denied the dignity and freedom not to) * You must also agree to never to admit that these count as terms, conditions, and costs. Please surrender, at your nearest random church. There, YOUR personal understanding of the words in our special books, ... will be shaped by the fallible, subjective interpretations of some random dude; - while he "lovingly" leverages for authority over your mind. Granted, billions of Christians will NEVER agree about what the words actually mean. But we totally realize this. So here's the thing most people don't get: None of the actual meaning actually matters. Yes, we'll keep arguing with each other, while we presume the meanings matter. But that's when we're fighting over who are Sky-Daddy's favorite kids. And even THAT only matters because he has a history of extreme violence; - every time he ever felt poorly understood, or like he isn't the most important person in someone's life. Seriously, he will drown every family, puppy and kitten in the hood; fake-raging over feeling like people in the hood forgot about him. Daddy got issues. But that's ok, because #IAMHIS As for what any of it means to a prospective recruit, or a new member, or anyone we're just trying to keep controlled, ... ~the meanings of the texts~ only matter when it comes to the UTILITY (useful effect) for keeping people sheepled. Any interpretation which enslaves you is the one we want you to "keep seeking" for. This is actually what the founding fathers of our Holy Con actually meant, when they said "all who seek shall find". Now, you might think that claim is DISPROVED because: all who seek find something ideologically-incompatible with pretty much everyone else who seeks. But no. The claim is not debunked. Because that's not what it really meant. It really only means that you'll find a sheep-pen that fits your personality. Now, moving forward, once you find it, we want you to "believe in your heart" that you are so SPECIAL that The Creator of the Universe personally led you there. We also want you to assume that some of your personal attributes are so uncommonly GREAT ... that THOSE attributes enabled you to INTUIT, HEAR, and FIND the truest possible understandings of: WHO "God" is, and what he wants from you, and what he wants FOR you. So it's a good thing you're so much more _____ (insert arbitrary positive adjectives here) compared to most OTHER humans. Maybe you're more honest, humble, loving, or whatever you want to assume. THAT's how every new recruit will feel extra-validated, and extra-sure about their religious conclusions. It's also the basis upon-which the "born again" will judge everyone (even differently "born again" people) who arrives at different conclusions about "God". They will just assume it proves how everyone of contrary-views lacks adequate character. So then, ... anyone else's wrong perceptions about "God" ... are "their own fault". So then, they'll reason that billions of humans are "choosing" eternal damnation (eternal non-existence; at the very least. Maybe even something worse); by "choosing" to get tricked into wrong perceptions. After all, choosing to be a better person will assure you of arriving at the correct-enough views about God. Once you're there, in this SUPERIOR state of being, ... we want you to invest even MORE of your "self" into it. One way to do this is: By imagining that your subjective feelings and interpretations are FACTS; -FACTS which have been "revealed" to you personally ... through your telepathic and harmonious communion ... with the mysterious and COMFORTING power we call "The Holy Spirit of God"; -something "He" would only DO for someone on the "one true path". Granted, billions of people on different paths all claim "He" led them there. But that's all perfectly fine. The SPECIFICS of what you imagine still won't matter. The only thing that matters is the EFFECT of "humbling" you at OUR feet; -while you imagine that you've been humbled at the feet of a GOD. That's why we say things like "all you have to do is accept Jesus". Yes. We HAVE noticed that there are countless rival versions (conceptualizations) of who "Jesus" is. And Yes. That makes the slogan "Just accept Jesus" literally meaningless. In fact, The word "God" has that exact same problem; - even when it's used in a somewhat more specific religious context. It's going to mean something different to each person. EVEN IF there is an actual Super-Being in some ethereal realm, and EVEN IF they care about any of this, ... The FIGURE whom any human "has a relationship with" ... is unique to them. But it's also more than that.
It's also a relationship with the people who helped develop and seed that figure into the mind of every host.
It's also a relationship with the people who speak through that figure; as a way to control people who mistake our voice as the voice of "God". This is how we manufacture the consent of the believer. But you might ask, ... Why are we actively involved in something so insidious? It's simple, really. In order to maintain support for our global interests, we must keep manufacturing supporters.
This is also one of the reasons
why so many of us are anti-abortion.
It's also why so many of us regard women as baby-vending machines.
It's simple math.
More sheep = more power and profit
for the shepherds.
At the heart of the matter,
underneath so many layers of ways that we jack around with people's heads, and fuck around with people's lives ...
is the simple reason why we bother with any of this. Power over others
greatly benefits the wielders.
We are the wielders. That's why it doesn't matter which idea of "Jesus" you surrender to. Any interpretation that drops you to your knees awaiting further direction ... has served the actual purpose. So what are you waiting for? Head over to your nearest church; today! Expect to be Love-Bombed; as a prospective member of any random faction's echo-chamber. As the process continues, you'll be gradually weaponized against all of humanity; in the name of love.
For what purpose? As collective support for our sociopolitical culture-war; orchestrated by predators hell-bent on forging an unbreakable dystopian, totalitarian theocracy;
- with the help of billions of supporters; most of whom don't have a CLUE about what they're actually being duped into. Not a fan of the archaic and hateful conservative fundamentalist versions of our network? No problem. We have a version to suit every personality type. You can help support the larger whole of our criminal enterprise, merely by doing good deeds in Jesus' name. How so? People will notice nice people doing nice things to help communities "in the name of Jesus"; -While we speak from the premise of being part of that larger whole. -And while we quietly exclude all non-Christians from our charity events (unless they quietly let people assume they are Christians); - so that we can keep pushing the false narrative that Christians are the most loving people and the most invested in their community. That, in turn, will contribute to the superficial reputation that worse-versions will cloak themselves in. With your help, we shall continue to sew and patch this superficially righteous cloak. We then leave it laying around, and often actually pass it around, for literally anyone to disguise themselves in. This helps ALL versions of "Christians" recruit new members for every branch of our network; including our very very worst.
Sometimes, we'll even DENOUCE and DISOWN worse versions; so that The Family can maintain a clean image. [Technically, this is called the "No True Scotsman" fallacy] It's also a time-honored mafia-tactic. When investigators come around asking about some who did something criminal, just say "He ain't one of us"; even if he is. At other times, we'll ENDORSE and IDENTIFY with those very same worse-version-Christians. [This is especially useful, as an "Argumentum Ad Populum" fallacy] But we aren't actually changing our minds about who is VS who isn't a "Christian". No. We're just "having it both ways"; as we constantly play head games, in order to maximize effect and avoid being accountable. This game is SUPPOSED TO BE DIZZYING; so that most people won't notice a lot of what's really happening.
Meanwhile, many of us are well-aware that all versions of Christians are parts of the One Big Scam. We simply can't afford to truly divorce from each other. From the best versions to the worst, ... we all rely on each other's help, to collectively maximize our power and privilege. Yes, that really does mean that the more sane and gentle versions are actively complicit in the evils of the crazier and more sadistic versions; -which the nicer versions are usually careful not to publicly criticize. But we're hoping most 'potential recruits' (and even most members) won't notice. We're also hoping it never occurs to the general public; whose continued support we're counting on. So then, if an individual Christian is supportive of LGBT, atheists, people in other religions, etc., ... they'll be HOPING you won't notice how they are (at the very same time) standing AGAINST LGBT, atheists, people in other religions, etc.. How are they standing AGAINST all those people? By personally endorsing the worse-version-Christians; who openly stand against those people. How else? Also by doing P.R.-and-recruitment for the LABEL (or "camp") they intentionally share with the worse-version-Christians. So then, for example, some will say something like: "Jesus wants us to accepts the LGBT community as they are. He never meant for us to see them as immoral or lesser". Or "Hell isn't a literally real place of eternal torment", Or "God doesn't care which religion you're in". Or "It's ok to not even BE religious, so long as you're a good person". But then they'll endorse the worse-version-Christians as a valid Representative of the very same "God". So they're still helping to spread coercion and HATE by supporting the missionary-validity of people who spread coercion and hate. It's like how some Universalist Unitarian Churches (like the one in West Lafayette, Indiana) [literally the most progressive church-type on the spectrum] are part of: a larger "Christian" alliance, led by evangelizing versions OF Christianity who directly oppose the values of the UU Church. Or how Rebekah, from the "Bread Of Life" channel, endorses hate-called-love types of Christians. It's a game. You're an exploitable game-piece. Every church is a pen. Members are sheep. Hell, we even say that to their FACES. But they just sit there; smiling back at us; sheepishly. That's how powerful our hold is over them. But let's be clear about this. This game doesn't share power equitably between players. Lower ranking members work for higher-ranking "shepherds". The higher the station, the greater the personal benefit. -Although, most of our men shortcut their way to taste the exquisite fruits of Master-dom ... by brutally dominating a wife and kids; "in God's name" and with their church's blessing. At the end of the day, we're just trying to make sure there's a sheep-pen for every sheep-personality out there. Every church-sheep-pen delivers money and power upwards to predators in 'seats of power' in our conglomerate. Many of us DO realize how duplicitous this game is. We're just hoping prospective-converts and the general public don't realize it. Meanwhile, ... we want EVERYONE to feel ethically obliged to tolerate our collective intolerance; - especially since we've gone through all the trouble to haphazardly disguise it as a force of love in the world. For that reason, we're hoping you don't realize what Karl Popper realized about it.
Please also ignore what TheraminTrees realized about this. Instead, please pretend that it's unkind to challenge the damage we collectively do. The "right" and "civil" thing to do is either make excuses for it, or pretend it's not happening, or (at the very least), ... please pretend that only a small fringe of extremists are guilty of aggressively sabotaging the whole of humanity. Ready to go that extra mile for our cause? We'd sure appreciate it, if you'd be willing to spread lies about the history of our religion's contributions to human moral and scientific progress; - including lies about how "Western" or "Modern" societies owe their best values, ideas, and laws to us. Just please pray with us that no-one bothers to go here, nor here, nor here, nor here, to discover that bullshit being debunked. And if you'd "be so kind" to go even further for us, ... We'd really appreciate it if you'd say something EXTRA EXTRA ridiculous, like: "Jesus was the first person to ever introduce the idea of universal human values; of true equality of worth among all humans. - The inalienable right to fully-equal health, life, and dignity among all humans. Such ideas were unknown, in any form, to any degree, until Jesus carefully articulated all of that; - speaking this paradigm-shifting truth to power; - which is a big part of why Christianity quickly rose to great influence in the world; - changing countless lives and societies for the better; - raising so many people up and out of moral-poverty; making TRUE Christianity something beyond reproach;
so that no one but the woefully ignorant have any excuse for not recognizing, celebrating, and joining us;
- for sake of ourselves, entire societies, and everyone noble-and-decent enough to join us".
If someone tries to call BS on that, speak louder and more forcefully, and act like they're testing your patience.
Don't give them a chance to truly challenge such claims with historical facts and sound reasoning.
Us Christians have to dominate, with our part in such discussions, no matter what stunts we have to pull;
if we're going to protect the narrative.
Hell, for that matter, please pray people aren't Googling "The History of Human Rights".
We need Jesus and Christianity credited for that shit.
With that out of the way, ...
As each new member joins,
they'll enjoy "service to God" !
[in the form of selling fraudulent Afterlife Insurance Policies ... which are fantastically expensive ... but which you'll be advertising as "a free gift"]
All the while, your local semi-independent office of The Family (Big Brothers and little sisters serving "Father") will have you functioning as a ~friendly face~ for what is actually a thinly disguised Racketeering Scheme. But don't worry. This gig is really easy. No matter how badly you botch the presentation, everyone's gonna get the gist of it. The message is simple. "That's a really nice life you have. It would be a shame if something ... *bad* happened to it. It would be a shame if the mysterious figure who "owns this town, and everyone in it" has to kill you when he finally arrives to kill everyone who isn't serving his interests ... and then throws you away like trash; forever. Maybe he'll spare you. Or maybe he won't.
But we're expecting this to happen ANY DAY NOW (which we've been saying for literally thousands of years).
So why risk it?
Even if you die before then, ... He has pre-arranged to make sure you can't be resuscitated (brought back to life) if initial medical efforts fail ... except by him. Our entire sales-pitch is intentionally vague about how to know if he values you enough to save you from death (or worse); - which (according to our storybook) He pre-arranged to have happen to you; - just so that he could have something to "rescue" you from.
So you better sign up for a full (and customizable!) package; just to be safe.
Act now!" ----
This amazing offer is brought to you by billions of emotionally codependent, adult-age children.
Join us today
in naively supporting child-grooming predators all over the world
who have * again,
* again,
* again and * again and * again and *again

*proven ~an eager readiness~ to sacrifice the innocent
[relevant part of this link starts at Time Index 1:32]
until there's nothing and no one left to sacrifice.
All the while, your local semi-independent office of The Family (Big Brothers and little sisters serving "Father") will have you functioning as a ~friendly face~ for what is actually a thinly disguised Racketeering Scheme. But don't worry. This gig is really easy. No matter how badly you botch the presentation, everyone's gonna get the gist of it. The message is simple. "That's a really nice life you have. It would be a shame if something ... *bad* happened to it. It would be a shame if the mysterious figure who "owns this town, and everyone in it" has to kill you when he finally arrives to kill everyone who isn't serving his interests ... and then throws you away like trash; forever. Maybe he'll spare you. Or maybe he won't.
But we're expecting this to happen ANY DAY NOW (which we've been saying for literally thousands of years).
So why risk it?
Even if you die before then, ... He has pre-arranged to make sure you can't be resuscitated (brought back to life) if initial medical efforts fail ... except by him. Our entire sales-pitch is intentionally vague about how to know if he values you enough to save you from death (or worse); - which (according to our storybook) He pre-arranged to have happen to you; - just so that he could have something to "rescue" you from.
So you better sign up for a full (and customizable!) package; just to be safe.
Act now!" ----
This amazing offer is brought to you by billions of emotionally codependent, adult-age children.
Join us today
in naively supporting child-grooming predators all over the world
who have * again,
* again,
* again and * again and * again and *again
*proven ~an eager readiness~ to sacrifice the innocent
[relevant part of this link starts at Time Index 1:32]
until there's nothing and no one left to sacrifice.
This is your wakeup call.
[Word in blue are links; supplied as support and explanations of various points being made. I realize that most people won't bother to click on these. Even fewer will actually finish reviewing the materials linked. But it's there anyways; for any who are ready to dive deeper into these issues. Meanwhile, I'm always open for constructive criticisms. There is a comments section at the bottom of this page. I'm also always open for suggestions about more great points and support. Soon, I'll be starting my own Youtube channel for all related matters. After that exists, I'll come back to add a link to these blogs. I appreciate your time and thoughts on all related matters. Lastly, I'm currently scouting for at least 2 people to form a mutually supporting team of writers. My hope is that we can give each other constructive feedback on blogs, videos, and video-scripts before we finalize and share those with the general public. Interested persons should please let me know. I can be reached via comments here, or at: Japperson71@Gmail.com, or via Facebook mssnger: https://www.facebook.com/james.apperson.96/ , or you can add me on Discord: Japperson#9632
Thanks. ]
[Word in blue are links; supplied as support and explanations of various points being made. I realize that most people won't bother to click on these. Even fewer will actually finish reviewing the materials linked. But it's there anyways; for any who are ready to dive deeper into these issues. Meanwhile, I'm always open for constructive criticisms. There is a comments section at the bottom of this page. I'm also always open for suggestions about more great points and support. Soon, I'll be starting my own Youtube channel for all related matters. After that exists, I'll come back to add a link to these blogs. I appreciate your time and thoughts on all related matters. Lastly, I'm currently scouting for at least 2 people to form a mutually supporting team of writers. My hope is that we can give each other constructive feedback on blogs, videos, and video-scripts before we finalize and share those with the general public. Interested persons should please let me know. I can be reached via comments here, or at: Japperson71@Gmail.com, or via Facebook mssnger: https://www.facebook.com/james.apperson.96/ , or you can add me on Discord: Japperson#9632
Thanks. ]
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