What Christians Are Actually Recruiting For; And Who That Actually Works On

Many people who identify as "Christian" don't really bother with the details. They just casually identify with Jesus, believe in "God", and that's about it. But the larger phenomenon they aren't paying much attention to ... is a con game. That game doesn't work on sufficiently mature adults. This is why so many end up leaving it. People grow. If they grow fast enough, they'll have time to grow mentally tall enough. Without even expecting to, they can suddenly see what it was really all about. However, it does often attract and hold people who have certain ... prerequisite vulnerabilities. Wondering if you're the sort of person it works on? Let's find out. " Feel unqualified to own and govern your own life? Have deeply unresolved Daddy Issues? Still feel a deep sense of need to be parented and validated? Feel a heavy weight from shame and self-loathing? Do you DESPERATELY need that icky and heavy feeling WA...