When a Christian Accuses Non-Believers Foolishly Lashing Out Against a GOD We Don't Believe In


In response to this:

One Christian replied with: 

"antitheists strive so hard to validate their hatred for a being they refuse to believe exists. Exerting all that energy must be exhausting. No wonder they're so angry all the time...


[In reply,
I offer this:]

At least you correctly used the word "antitheist" in a sentence.

I'll give you that much credit.

But no.

And I think you're fully aware that

what you just said 

does not comport with reality.

You're just hitting back

at what felt like a personal attack against your very sensitive religious identity.

I get that.

I do.

But this is why I always advise people to seriously consider unhooking their ego from their lens. 

Stop letting ~what you perceive~ about the larger whole of reality
(your perceptions OF the larger stage you find yourself upon) 

define who you think you are

and what you think you're worth. 

Otherwise, you'll keep needing more from Stoicism than it can provide.

In any event, 

we both know the truth of the matter is:

 Neither I 

nor Tracie Harris 

have been spending valuable personal resources

to wage an ideological war against a "God" we don't believe in.

Harmful religious ideologies 


We aren't imagining that.

When a Christian attempts to educate a Muslim about the absurdities of "Allah" (a mental construct which Muslims have made a long list of very specific character-claims about), ...

that Christians is not waging a war against an Allah they don't believe in.


They're pointing out WHY it's not a reasonable nor healthy conceptualization to believe in, surrender to, nor make excuses for.

And why do they bother?

Because they care. 

They care about the wellbeing of other humans, and about the State Of Affairs in our larger world.

And they understand there is a causal correlation. 

But like I said.

You already realized all of that.


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