Regarding The Intolerance of "Stoic Christians"
Regarding The intolerance for Stoic Christians;
as seen in Stoic discussion groups.
The intolerance of Christians is certainly a problem for humanity and for such groups.
And honestly, everyone needs to stop giving them more lenient social rules to abide by than everyone else is expected to.
I'm not convinced there is such a thing as actual "Stoic Christians".
If there are, I'd like to see a wiki or other walkthrough of their belief-statement.
In other words,
I'd like to see it under a microscope;
to see if that's what someone really created.
When some people were still creating Christianity,
they used some Stoic words like "logos" and the names of virtues;
but not the actual meanings of those words.
Even words like "justice" and "love" mean something very different,
when Christian Fundamentalists say those words.
Employing those words as antonyms of their true meanings
was as much merging as they could do, because:
The tenants of their new religion would be a Clinical Narcissist's/Mafia-boss's ideas about peace, love, courage, honesty, logos, God, etc..
THAT is what Christianity began as.
And THAT is what it has remained.
It's a larger structured initiative
for authoritarian predators to leverage for exploitative power and privilege over entire society's.
That's what the Jews in the first century wanted over Rome.
To hell with the Roman Mafia.
They wanted a Jewish Mafia.
It's what some obscure Jewish sect invented.
Saul/Paul cleverly re-invented it; to be far more effective.
And he did so with the help of anonymous Roman elites (the true authors of the gospels); because they didn't care what THEME they Mafia'd under; so long as they could do so.
Paul was really onto something there.
So was the first "gospel" writer.
It would even be possible to gradually adapt the theme to be compatible with Rome's interests.
It just needed some tweaks.
even if someone could merge the radically divergent worldviews of Stoicism and Christianity, ...
In order to preserve the spirit and function of one, the other must be greatly dampened or neutralized.
It would be like splicing the genetics of a soothing Aloe Vera plant with a deadly virus.
If someone could merge the two, I'd be as worried as I would be hopeful.
I'd ask "Did we just create a new way to harm people? Another guise for the virus to hide in and spread by?
Or did we find a way to replace a super-harm with a slightly lesser harm?"
Perhaps both.
perhaps neither;
if they've actually kept their original strain of religiosity.
In this case,
they've merely slathered it with some Stoic ointment; to help ease the sting of the way their religion keeps their egos narcissistically-raw like a sunburn.
In any case,
their virus is still a threat to everyone's attempt to be Stoic.
And they're still trying to spread it in Stoicism groups.
-Using such groups literally for the opposite of what such groups are intended for.
Some Christians even attempt to smuggle in their religion as harmless ornamentation.
But once they uncork it and start splashing it in people's faces, ...
a passive response would be insufficient.
Even arguing with them about it is always ineffective.
They still keep doing it.
So there needs to be a consequence that stings.
There also needs to be a rallying cry for sanity.
But not one of anger.
Rather, of laughter. Because those Christians LIKE anger. They eat it like candy.
They enjoy the heat of combat.
But they cannot stomach having their efforts to ENSLAVE ...
laughed at.
And that's where mockery becomes essential.
All the while, skeptics are still getting grief for being our only line of defense,
when the infected attempt to spread what they have; in unsuspecting rooms.
Most of us are here to study and utilize the benefits of the established natural plant of Stoicism.
We're not here to volunteer ourselves as living incubators
for the destructive virus
which fundamentalist (anti-Stoic) Christians want to seed and grow in our brains.
Scientists are still trying to figure out
if religious fundamentalism's link to brain damage
is only just that it requires an already-damaged brain to take root,
if it can also root in undamaged but merely underdeveloped brains
and then causes brain damage.
It's probably both.
In either case,
many vulnerable minds can be found in random social media groups;
including Stoicism groups.
And as humans who have to share a world,
we should all be looking out for each other.
So religious fundamentalists can commit their criminally "Great" Commission somewhere else.
We don't need more people trying to sabotage and hijack our respective journeys.
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