The Meaning Of Life; According To Mother

According to mother, ...

~The meaning of life~

To perpetually seek being validated by a larger-than-life Super-parent.

In order to accomplish that, one must:

1. Seek to evade all personal accountability for all of our failings and transgressions
by scapegoating those onto an innocent martyr
and being glad that patsy died in our place.

2. Get legally, posthumously adopted by that dead victim, through a cult ritual oath of "belief", and perhaps a ritual bath;

- directed by the authority of any one of thousands of rival cults (lucky-guess the right one. Or else it won't count).

So we can inherit "treasures", and a room in that family's haunted castle,
under father's endless hover-parenting, as regressed children whose entire existence (forever and ever) will be all about making him happy, ...

and where only ghostly dead-kids are able to "live" (sort of).

[Don't forget to brag often, about how you don't have to earn any of it]

3. Despise the physical realm, and its every pleasure; feeling properly shamed for our humanity; and especially for our sexuality.

4. Try to legally force as many people as possible
to bow to the correctly chosen cult's moral values.

5. Make sure everyone gets the message about this "Good news";
contingent entirely on them submitting to the true cult's moral authority over every meaningful facet of their existence.
End that message with a foreboding "or else".
(wait until later to mention their ... "donation$")

6. Make sure everyone knows there aren't any "rules" to follow if they join.
But don't call it "joining".
And don't mention the long list of things they better do.
Also don't mention the even longer list of things they "better not do; or else".

7. Sing lots of joyful songs (about how great Daddy is).

Also some other songs about how the world is out to get us; because they're all just jealous of our special relationship with father.

8. Joyfully await the violent and fatal "final solution" where everyone who wasn't interested in ... "let's not call it "joining"" the one true ... "totally not a religion" ...
gets struck down and sent to their eternal punishment.

9. Eagerly await our own death, so we can get the hell out of here.
But simultaneously fear death and cling to life, because we remain secretly unsure of our fate.

10. Pass the time with baking, art, and gaslighting.


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