Scholars Are Not "Attacking The Faith" Of Christians
James Eldridge, a Christian, said
"I enjoy listening to him speak and reading Dr. Ehrman's books. He strengthens my faith that Jesus is my risen Lord and Savior."
"Toad", a fundamentalist, replied with
"How? He's literally a heretic.".
My reply to "Toad":
Because Mike Winger (the fundamentalist apologist's whose YT page we were on) got it wrong.
Ehrman doesn't "attack the Christian faith" and doesn't "attack bibles".
He's simply a leading New Testament scholar who shares actual facts and reasonable readings of the texts.
I don't always agree with Ehrman either.
But he doesn't have an anti-anyone agenda.
In fact, I'd say he goes too far to smooth relations with his fundamentalist readers.
And honestly, a lot of Christians find it comforting to be able to hear from an object New Testament scholar,
who himself spent so much of his adult life as a Christian,
who understands what it means to be a Christian,
who has a pretty good overall understanding of the texts,
and who is willing to just talk openly about the texts.
Most of what Ehrman says poses no real challenge to (most people's) faith.
And the things he says which do pose a problem for fundamentalists ...
only accidentally/unavoidably pose a problem for fundamentalists.
And that is, honestly, because fundamentalism is grossly factually wrong about what bibles say and meant.
But that's not Ehrman's fault.
It's like how Christine Hayes (of Yale University) isn't "attacking the faith" of Christians or Jews, when she tries to be very tactful about the FACTS those religion's fundamentalists *can't handle*.
If facts are a problem for your religion, then you really need to start being more critical of your own religion; or else avoid properly-qualified scholars like the plague.
Or come to a page like (the page we were on)
and let an apologist dishonestly reinforce your bubble.
If someone believes that Paul was a Lizard-person from Mars, and NASA says something which contradicts that belief, NASA is not "attacking" the faith of the person who thinks Paul was a Lizard-person from Mars.
No one owes it to a fundamentalist to tip-toe around, shelter, and enable their fragility; especially when the conversation isn't even between the speaker and a fundamentalist. The rest of us are trying to pursue an objectively factual, rational education. No one's forcing any fundamentalists to participate. We know it feels like an "attack", to you. That's why no one's tagging you guys. We're honestly trying to leave you out of it; same as how we don't make road-trips to Amish towns to hand out college textbooks to Amish teens on Rumspringa. If your eyes burn, stop looking. If your ears bleed, stop listening. No one's coming after you. But society is progressing; unapologetically. And if some random Christian on the internet doesn't have a problem with that, then it just means they're further along than you.
No one owes it to a fundamentalist to tip-toe around, shelter, and enable their fragility; especially when the conversation isn't even between the speaker and a fundamentalist. The rest of us are trying to pursue an objectively factual, rational education. No one's forcing any fundamentalists to participate. We know it feels like an "attack", to you. That's why no one's tagging you guys. We're honestly trying to leave you out of it; same as how we don't make road-trips to Amish towns to hand out college textbooks to Amish teens on Rumspringa. If your eyes burn, stop looking. If your ears bleed, stop listening. No one's coming after you. But society is progressing; unapologetically. And if some random Christian on the internet doesn't have a problem with that, then it just means they're further along than you.
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